Letter of Secrets

The Final Chapter.

Oh we have reached the end! It took me ages to write this last chapter because I just kept getting so sad. it's the end! For those who wondering if Spencer died, please.. I warn you now.. Get some tissue ready…. Medical stuff I am not too factual with it. So its all made up a bit. Tissue warning. Remember.




It has been 2 weeks.

2 weeks ago Reid's life changed forever.

14 days ago.

336 hours ago.

20,106 minutes ago.

Reid slowly packed his books in the moving boxes he got from U-haul store. He looked at each book as the entire story passed through his mind and smiled at the ending of each. There was nothing better then holding an actual book in your hands Reid thought. No one can take back the history of each book carries. Some smells throughout the pages. The feel of paper between is fingers. Reid placed the last book from the living room bookcase in the box and started to close the box. He took out his marker and wrote on the box what books this box contained. He looked up when he heard the sound of high heels coming towards his door. His neighbor was an older woman who wore flats and since it was Sunday, she was at bingo right after Sunday lunch. He bit his lip and knew this was going to be a bit emotional.

Garcia and Morgan walked to Reid's apartment door. Morgan looked at Garcia and waited for her to knock. Garcia looked at Morgan and waited for him to knock at the same time. Morgan raised his hand to knock but Garcia hesitated and stopped Morgan.

"Maybe this is too soon." Garcia stopped Morgan from knocking on the door.

"Mama its been 2 weeks since… " Morgan was about to finish when the door opened.

"Come in." Reid had heard the two outside his door and opened the door before they knocked. It has been days since anyone has seen Reid. The last time they talked to Reid was at the hospital. The next time they caught a glimpse of the Doctor was when he walked in one day directly into Hotch's office and back out an hour later, never saying anything to anyone.

Garcia had tried visiting Reid but he wouldn't answer to anyone. Morgan had tried with Prentiss or JJ to come visit but no one was welcomed until now. Reid had texted Morgan and Garcia to come over at a certain time. Morgan had rushed to Garcia and showed him the text. Morgan then saw Garcia show him the same text and wondered if Reid had finally forgiven them.

Morgan looked around the building and saw Reid's book shelves empty. There was moving boxes on the floor and were half full with books. Some books were sorted into other boxes and labeled.

"Take a seat." Reid said while he stood near the sofa in the living room. Reid crossed his arms and waited for his guests to sit. Morgan helped Garcia to sit and then took a seat next to her. Morgan leaned forward with his hands interlocked in front of him, his elbow resting on his knees. Garcia looked around the room and saw how everything seemed so different in the apartment. The moving boxes didn't help.

"Reid…." Garcia started to say when Reid raised his hand.

"Stop. Just listen please." Reid paced a bit and stopped in front of Garcia. He pressed his lips in to moistened them a bit before he continued. "I wasn't thinking when Spencer… back at the cabin. I was just thinking about him and then I questioned why Morgan was there I… lost it. I kept thinking how could you both do this to me. To us. I lost my temper with both of you. I'm sorry. I am so sorry for yelling at both of you. I was just hurting. If it wasn't for what you did, you wouldn't of solved this case and warn Hotch before Spencer was… "

"Oh Pretty boy, we deserved each insult you said to us. Surprised us really you could come up with all those." Morgan remembered each insult Reid lashed out. The human dictionary used each word. Each single word.

"I do know every word in the dictionary Morgan, I am capable of putting them together and coming up with interesting insults." Reid seemed to know what Morgan was thinking. " But I still need to apologize to you both. I know you looked into it because its what we do. Profile. It just didn't fit did it?" Reid sighed and began to pace again. "I know there's some questions I need to answer and that everyone is worried about me. The voicemails and texts alone tell me that." Reid laughed a bit and took a seat at the coffee table facing the sofa. He picked up a file he had on the table and opened it up, taking a piece of paper out of the mix and showing it to Garcia.

"What is this?" Morgan leaned over to get a look at the letter.

"Austin wrote it. She left it in charge with my father. That's why he was there at the Vegas police station." Reid let Garcia and Morgan read it.

"She knew…." Morgan looked at Reid.

"Reid…" Garcia felt her tears at the edge of falling.

"I didn't want to say anything. That was Austin's son. And she wanted me to protect him. She didn't trust anything legal document on a computer so she wrote that and gave it to my dad to keep it safe." Reid sighed again and ran his hand through his hair. He pressed his lips together and took the letter back. "Even if he wasn't mine, I honored her wishes. There was a possibility of someone being his father because of what Aaron… Or Danny.. Whoever as he posed that time had drugged her and took advantage of her. She couldn't prove it but with Aaron being cleared of all charges there was nothing she could of done. I spoke to Hotch. When the bathroom incident happen. He knew but also knew that the investigation was being handled in Vegas. I couldn't leave Spencer there. I always wondered why she named him Spencer." Reid looked at the letter and read the part of explaining the part of naming Spencer.

"Smartest name she knows." Garcia recited back.

"Yeah." Reid placed the letter back. "My dad said she was fearing for her safety about a year ago. Someone had slashed her tires and there was a break in in her apartment but the police called it random. That's when Dad suggested the letter. To write everything that's happening and the just in case scenario. But… she didn't want me involve because Austin… Austin wanted to me to be safe." Reid choked up a bit.

"She was very independent Reid." Morgan said.

"I know. I know she was. I know you two just wanted to help and if it wasn't for your curious nature…. Austin's killer wouldn't of been found." Reid stood up a bit and went to hug Garcia. "Thank you." Reid whispered into Garcia's ear and felt her tears run down to his own shoulders.

"Oh baby cakes. You forgive us then?" Garcia hugged Reid tighter when Reid told her yes. Reid pulled away from Garcia and looked at Morgan. It hurt him more that Morgan had done what he did. But he knew the reasons why he did.

"Pretty boy, we're family. I was just… " Morgan didn't know how much he could apologize. He figured he would never stop.

"You were just being Morgan. My protective best friend." Reid gave Morgan a tight hug.

"Protecting my family, Reid. You are the brother I never had." Morgan said. Reid pulled away and wiped his tears on his sleeve.

"I have something else to show you two." Reid smiled and went back to the file he had on the table. He pulled out another piece of paper and showed it to Morgan.

"No way. Seriously?!" Morgan laughed as he rubbed his head. Garcia took the paper and looked at Reid with a shock look in her face.

"Oh my God Reid!" Garcia cheered a bit too loud. She covered her mouth but it was too late. There was a soft moan coming from the other room. Slowly Spencer came out of a room rubbing his eyes awake.

"Aunt Penny?…" Spencer saw Garcia and ran towards her. Garcia picked the boy up and sat him on her lap. She hugged him tight as she kissed his forehead.

"Ow.. " Spencer cried as Garcia kissed him.

"Sorry Spencer.. " Garcia started to kiss the other side of his head. The bandaged up wound that was on his forehead was still healing. Spencer kissed Garcia's nose and hugged her tight.

"No love for me?" Morgan pouted as Spencer laughed.

"Maybe…" Spencer teased.

"Maybe?! Come here kid." Morgan opened his arms and hugged Spencer. Spencer was squeezed between the two adults on the sofa. Reid smiled at the sight of Spencer smiling. It was a sight he thought he was never going to see again. For the short time they were together, it felt so natural to be protective of him.

"Ok Spencer. I need to have adult talk right now. Go to your room and play ok?" Reid said softly but stern.

"Ok Daddy." Spencer climbed off Morgan's lap and hugged his dad's legs. Reid patted Spencer's head and smiled when he walked back to his room. Spencer laughed when he grabbed his toys and started to play in his room.

"I never thought I was going to hear him laugh again." Reid sighed as he moved his hair out of his face.

"Oh baby, he scared all of us." Garcia said.

"When I saw him fall… I felt helpless. I.. " Reid didn't know what else to say.

His heart stopped when Spencer went over the rail and hit the floor. So much blood. It was something he will never forget. His life would never be the same if he died there at the cabin. He didn't care who was around him at the time. He honestly didn't remember Morgan even being there. All his focus was on Spencer.

At the ER, he paced back and forth. Only stopping for a cup of coffee each hour and running statistics in his head to keep his mind from thinking the worst. When the doctor came out to tell him that Spencer was alive he nearly collapsed. Morgan had held him in place when the doctors explained Spencer's body hit Danny's body before rolling off of him. Danny absorb the impact and caused Danny's rib cage to break inwards. That's where the blood came from and the only injury to Spencer was a cut on his forehead from when he rolled off Danny and hit the table. After Reid saw that Spencer was alright and was in his hospital bed recovering is when Reid started to ask the questions. After they were answered, he had everyone except Hotch leave.

That was 2 weeks ago and during all that time, he followed the case through Hotch and his dad in Vegas. Renee Hatcher was arrested and confessed to the plans she had made with her son. She had lived with Danny and was upset when she learned about Austin and her decision to leave Danny without his son. She made friends with Austin at a supermarket trip and was the one who gave Danny the schedule Austin was on. The day Austin was murdered was a day she unexpectedly switched her shift with another employee and had to leave Spencer at day care. Renee was suppose to take custody of Spencer. Austin did not have any family but then… it all went to hell. Renee did not expect the FBI to be involved.

"Listen Reid. I can't imagine what you went through that head of yours during that time. But what matters now is what this paper says." Morgan lifted the paper up. Reid took his paper back and smiled.

"Yes sir. Its indefinitely. We didn't even have to go to Maury. Reid, you are the father." Garcia joked. Reid and Morgan laughed with Garcia..

"And… if you don't mind Morgan, I would like you to be his godfather."

"I would love to Pretty boy." Morgan stood up and gave Reid a quick hug. "And godmother?"

"Well Spencer already has an Aunt Penny. Think Emily would mind being his godmother?" Reid looked at his two friends for confirmation

"She would be perfect! At least as godparents these two can hook up." Garcia teased.

"I don't have a thing for Emily…" Morgan crossed his arms across his chest.

"Oh he called her Emily.." Reid said, making Morgan roll his eyes and Garcia laugh.

"First name bases … I don't know Morgan. Sounds you two are close.." Garcia teased again.

"Shut up you two." Morgan smiled.

"Aunt Penny.. Morgan… you wanna play with me?!" Spencer poked his head out and yelled.

"Come on, lets have some family time with the Reid's son." Morgan placed his arm around Reid shoulders and squeezed him tight.

"That sounds good to me." Reid smiled. "That sounds really good to me"





See, Tissue needed for a softy ending! You didnt really think I would of killed Spencer right? hehe. Thank you to all my faithful readers, new readers, lurkers, favorites, and everyone! Ya'll so important to me and just amazing that how many of you are out there supporting what I write and been patient with me and... just.. Thank you! Thank you sweeties for reading and hopefully you all enjoy this adventure! Thanks again for reading and please, last time you can review for this… For good old time sake right? Hehehe. Again, thank you all for everything! Internet hugs!