Third Chance

Disclaimer: All characters and settings belong to Stephanie Myers, except for the ones I create. Spoilers: of Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

Authors Note: This is the rewritten Third Chance, for those who have already read my old version; I hope you liked this rewritten chapter! This Chapter is dedicated to Stargirl11 who Beta this chapter. Read, review, and enjoyed!


My life should have ended a long, long, long time ago but it didn't. I was lucky as some people may put it. I got a second chance to live, a fresh start as some may say. But the whole time the people who had supposedly "saved me" were lying to me. I was taught that the bad was good, and the good was bad. I could have run away from the people who lied to me, except how do you run when your tangled in lies that you think are the truth? Now here I am, my life on a line again. This time I don't think I'll be so lucky, this time I won't be given another chance.



"Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever."

I lay on the damp meadow floor, clutching my knees while rocking back and forth. Yes, I probably looked like "that insane person" in "that movie", but it was the only thing that kept me from attacking the human girl. She had just woken up a few moments ago, looking distraught. She and the bronze haired boy were murmuring about someone named Jacob…whoever that was.

I couldn't keep quite any longer the smell was killing me! I wanted her, I growled. I looked past the one with the bronze hair and looked at the human girl. How easy is it would to kill her right now, to feel her warm blood trickle down my throat. To be able to stop the intense burning that was causing me so much agony

" You must stand it," Carlisle said gravely to me. " You must exercise control. It is possible, and it is the only thing that will save you now." Continued Carlisle, whom I guessed was their leader. I started at him quizzically; even though he and his wife Esme had spared me I couldn't understand them. Why did they protect the girl? Why were they willing to risk their whole Coven's lives just for a girl? More importantly, how could they stand her delicious scent? The most sweetest, purest, mouth watering scent I had ever smelled.

The human girl met my gaze; she didn't seem to be afraid of me, instead she seemed curious. She stared at me memorized for a long moment. I glared at her viciously it was her fault that we were forced to fight; it was her fault that I was in this mess, and that Diego was dead. She looked away, suddenly her attention drawn to something else. All the gold-eyed ones were staring at something off in the distance. I followed their gaze, but only saw the smoking curling from the fire. Dense, oily smoke twisting low to the ground, raising lazily, undulating against the grass. I looked closer at the ugly smoke; it billowed forward, it suddenly looked darker in the middle.

" Welcome Jane." Said the bronzed hair one. The dark shapes came closer separating themselves from the haze, solidifying. I recognized them almost imminently. They were the ones who threatened her. The one they called Jane surveyed the golden eye ones, her gaze resting on me last.

" I don't understand," Jane said. She sounded bored and disgusted, like an older sibling forced clean the mess their young sibling caused.

" She surrendered," answered the bronze haired one.

" Surrendered?" echoed Jane. The bronzed haired one shrugged,

"Carlisle gave her the option."

"There are no options for those who break the rules," answered Jane flatly. If my heart still beat, it would have stopped, what rules had Jane meant? Riley never taught us any of their apparent rules. All he had told us was to stay alive. I buried my face into my knees; Diego would have known what to do.

" You there," snapped Jane pulling me back to reality.

" Your name." She asked. I pressed my lips together tightly and glared at her, why should I answer to her?

She smiled back at me angelically. Suddenly I didn't know where I was, all I knew was that I was on fire. Ever inch of the body seemed to be stabbed with white-hot knives. I felt as if I was being engulfed in a sea of flames, ever nerve in my body was on fire. Then it stopped.

" Your name," asked Jane again, her voice inflectionless. I managed to gasp out my name. Bree. Jane smiled again. This time, I felt like buckets of acid were being poured on me, while being zapped by lightening over, and over again… It stopped as suddenly as it had started. I could still hear my torturous screams echo through the meadow.

"Bree, is his story true? Were they're twenty of you?" Jane asked her voice as cold as ice. Nineteen or twenty, I didn't know! I gasped in return. I cringed, hoping my answer was good enough.

"And this Victoria-did she create you?" asked Jane.

I don't know, Riley never said her name. He didn't want us to be able to think of her. He said that our thoughts weren't safe… Jane's eyes flickered to the bronze hair one for a moment and then back to me.

" Tell me about Riley, why did he bring you here?" Jane asked. I babbled on and on about Riley's plan to attack the golden eye ones. All the while hoping my response was good enough.

After I was done Jane said, " It looks like Riley was wrong about the easy part." I nodded glad that she accepted my answer. I continued my story up in till I had met the one they called Carlisle. He told me if I stopped fighting, they wouldn't hurt me, I stated.

" Ah, but that wasn't his gift to offer, young one. Broken rules demand a consequence. " Murmured Jane, her voice oddly gentle, which made her more terrifying. What rules? I wanted to scream, I had never heard of the rules they spoke of. Why should I be punished for breaking rules that I didn't even know existed?

Jane turned to me, her face completely bored. "Felix?" She drawled. I looked towered the big red eyed one they called Felix. I froze, the one they called Felix was huge. He lumbered toward me, his face etched with a grim frown. I whimpered quietly, I knew what was happening. My life was being sealed shut, for the final time. Felix hauled me up from were I was lying, a glint of excitement shown in his blood red eyes. I tried to break from his clasp; I screamed and kicked at him but it was know use. He was too strong. His big hands clasped my head, for a brief second I saw pity flash through is his eye. But it was gone before I could even register it.

But before he could snap my neck, the one they called Esme called out, "Wait, you do not have to kill this young one! She didn't…know about the rules!" She said desperately. "We could explain the rules to the young one. She doesn't seem unwilling to learn. Please, she didn't know what she was doing." Esme begged. Jane raised her hand signaling Felix to wait. Her eyes zeroed in on Esme, She seemed taken back at Esme's plea.

" Of course," agreed Carlisle, "we could certainly be prepared to take responsibility for Bree." Jane's expression turned thought full for a moment, considering her options.

" You would be willing to take care of this newborn?" Jane asked curiously.

"Yes," Carlisle and Esme said firmly.

" Well, I suppose since I am feeling so generous today, I could make one exception." Jane said thoughtfully, but then she frowned. "But if she slips up just once… it's all over. I will show no pity, and she will be destroyed faster than snapping your fingers." She said snapping her cold fingers to emphasize the point. The sound echoed throughout the meadow, sending a shiver down my spine.

" Of course," Carlisle stated smoothly not evening flinching at Jane's threat.

Jane nodded curtly, before turning her attention back to Bella " Carius will be so interested to hear that you're still human, Bella. Perhaps he'll decide to visit. "

" The date is set," spoke the tiny pixie hair girl, " Perhaps we'll come visit you in a couple of months." Jane's smile faded, and she shrugged, never looking at the pixie hair girl. She turned to face Carlisle, " it was nice to meet you, Carlisle. – I'd thought Aro was exaggerating. Well, until we meet again…. Carlisle nodded his expressions pained. Jane glanced at me one last time, her face cold and hard. I looked down at the ground avoiding eye contact, "one slip up and it's all over" kept echoing through my mind.

" Come," Jane said to her fellow vampires. " I want to go home." I looked up in time to see their tall gray cloaks drifting toward the curling smoke. Their gray cloaks disappearing into the thick mist moments later. The Volturi were gone and I was still alive.

Authors Note: Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!