Message from Coyote Blues:
Hello dear readers! First, I'm so sorry if I gave you a heart attack thinking I was posting another chapter to "Life After Death" (LAD). The LAD story is complete, although I'm considering a sequel in the near future (and I promise to post here again if I do write a sequel).
Today I wanted to drop a quick note to invite everyone who enjoyed LAD to check out my newest multi-chapter story: "Monsters." This story was published today and it features some of your favorite LAD characters in new roles with new back stories and interactions. Monsters has NO relation to LAD, but if you liked this story or if you liked my writing, I think you will really like "Monsters." I'm 11 chapters into writing and I'm so excited about it!
Monsters: Raven rescues Kurt with a little help from an old friend; Kurt, meanwhile, gets a little more than he bargained for. Story is AU and takes place at the start of X-Men Apocalypse; references XMFC & XDOFP. Cannon pairing (mostly), multiple POVs as story progresses. Achtung! Here be spoilers (XMA)!
Always, if you enjoy "Monsters," please review it (reviews help authors write faster :). Thanks folks and happy reading!