Author's note: This is my first work. I would appreciate critiques, don't worry about hurting my feelings. I know some places seem a little ooc, but I had a hard time moving the plot along without it. I hope you enjoy the piece. ~chromaticVirtuoso

Tavros tapped the arm of his wheelchair nervously. He had known Gamzee since they were both little wrigglers. They were always good friends. Recently Tavros had been feeling a bit more flushed for the indigo blood. Gamzee was standing next to him getting blankets ready. They were holding one of their many bro sleepovers. Gamzee turned and gave Tavros a lazy smile. A light orange flush covered Tavros's cheeks.

"That looks, uh, good Gamzee."

"Thanks bro." Gamzee ruffled Tavros's mohawk.

"Could you, uh, help me out of my wheelchair please?"

"Sure bro." Gamzee put one arm under his knees and one under his back. He softly laid the smaller troll on the nest of blankets.

After Gamzee had been asleep for a while, Tavros began thinking about how he felt. He wanted to tell Gamzee, but he didn't want to risk their friendship. Gamzee rolled over and laid an arm over Tavros's waist.


"Huh?" Gamzee's eyes were half open. "Oh, hey Tavbro." Tavros struggled to hide his face, which was bright orange.

"I, uh, Gamzee?"

"Yeah bro?"

"I've, uh, been thinking... what if we were, uh, closer?"

"You mean like a moirallegiance?"

"Uh, sort of, but, uh, closer."

"Like brothers?"

"No, uh, I mean... redder..." Gamzee gave a few slow blinks. Before he could respond, Tavros went on. "I mean it's okay if you don't want to. You know what, I'm sorry. It's okay if you hate me now. Just pretend I nev-" Gamzee cut him off with a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Sure bro." He faced Tavros and held him closer, pressing his chest against his new matesprit's. "That sounds like a miracle." Tavros smiled, he was over excited.


"Yeah Tav?"

"I... love you."

"Love you too bro."