Title: Hey, New Kid [5/?]
Author: MakeMeCrazier
Pairing: Blaine/Kurt
Rating: PG-13; T for now.
Chapter Word Count: 1,233
Author's Note: *sigh* We all are well aware of how overdue this is, and I'm sure at least half of those who have story-alerted this, have forgotten it by now. So, I'm quite sorry for that, but I suppose you could say I have been inspired once again. I would like to point out that I didn't choose the song because I am trying to combine Darren and Blaine together. I chose the song because it is one of my favorite Darren covers, and because I felt the happy words offered a type of melancholy in the way that Darren plays it, which was suiting considering on how I plan to characterize Blaine. And a piano-playing Blaine has always been my headcanon.

Hey, New Kid

Florescent lights dance across Blaine's vision when he enters the room, cutting upon his perception and paling in comparison to the dim hallway. Kurt gives him a quick, wistful grin before making his way to Mercedes who had called out for him. In a mere manner if seconds, Blaine is able to notice the confident demeanor Kurt wears by straightening his shoulders and walking into the choir room with his head held high. He knew where he belonged and had shown it.

It's foolish when Blaine finds his mouth forming a quick bitter smile. He envied that genuine confidence, always so unsure of his actions, his mind, if he was really doing anything right at all or if it was an illusion everyone let him have. To say that his own mind contained the same capacity of belief in himself, would be a complete and an insurmountable lie.

"Are you ready to audition, Blaine?" Mr. Schuester smiles at him again, and he manages to wither one back, before shaking his head to a nod. "Alright guys, let's head down to the auditorium." The teacher nods his head in the direction of the door, motioning for the groaning girls and boys to follow him out.

Blaine would be untruthful if he denied the smell of dust and overwrought stench of the school as they walked to the auditorium. He was nauseous and unsure if he had ever been so agitated and distressed for an audition before. He guesses that it's a bit expected of him, being at a new school and all. Somehow, the thought doesn't do much to comfort the uneasiness tumbling through his stomach and his incredibly oversensitive sense of smell.

He feels his throat walls constrict tensely when they finally arrive and the Glee Club seats themselves. The majority of them looked bored, not fully trusting that the talent he claimed to have was authentic. His eyes flicker to catch a certain Latino's, who just sends him a quick reassuring wink as she moves her hand to hold her girlfriend's.

Suddenly, the lights in the auditorium shut off with a piercing echo, until only a spotlight is left shining brightly upon a grand, black and shimmering piano. He walks up the stage, sheet music in hand from his backpack just in case his memory would refuse to do him justice. His hands become clammy with sweat and he nonchalantly brushes them against his jeans, playing a perfect bravado when he grins at the stage. It wasn't all a façade though - Blaine really did love to perform, especially with the familiarity of a piano.

"Okay, whenever you're ready, Blaine," Mr. Schuester grins, his excitement almost palpable in comparison to the rest of his students. Blaine smiles charmingly in agreement when the teacher asks what song he is going to perform.

It's then that Blaine feels a rise of true laughter rise from his throat, his smile almost brighter than the spotlight. It seemed silly that the announcement of his song would most likely confirm his peers that he was only a joke. He keeps his eyes fixated on Kurt, the only one already aware of the song and least expectant of judgements. "I'm singing 'When You Wish Upon A Star' from Pinnochio."

Kurt stills sends him an almost unnoticeable reaction, a hint of a smile perched on the corners of his lips. Blaine grins in return, slightly less nervous than he was previously. He seats himself upon the piano's bench, the spotlight shining luminously so that all that remained was the silhouettes and outlines of the audience. It's a alleviating thought.

It truly is the most natural thing Blaine has ever known — performing. He has never felt his insides so relaxed as they are when underneath a spotlight. Blaine never liked to be the center of attention until he was forced to be, but the stage was different. He didn't start singing to be a highlight or for the chaos — he cherished these minutes for the silence he was given.

Once when asked for his emotions on being a singer, his answer was far less complicated. He hadn't known at the time on how to explain. The music and the vocal cords ran through him as simple communications. The silence he was granted through his thoughts never have been anything less than complete and utter bliss.

His fingers grace the black and white keys with stiff elegance, his eyes fluttering shut before glassing over with a shine. He begins to play, mind not focusing on the audience or on the perfection it wanted to be. Instead, he lets the vibrations of the strings pass their way through his fingertips to the rest of his body. It's an exhilarating experience to the senior, to know it was his body making the melodious music.

Blaine leans forward, an ironic smile adorning his face as he sings the first line. "If your heart is in your dream," His body sways piano playing in perfect timing. "No request is too extreme."

"When you wish," His voice rings out bravely. "When you wish upon a star, as dreamers do."

The tempo of his arrangement almost seemed to contrast too greatly with the supposedly hopeful lyrics, making his skin chill at the slight stilled silence in the rest of the auditorium. There's a brief moment when he wonders what must be running through their minds, but the thought quickly evaporates when his next line is due.

"Fate is kind," Blaine has a strong desire to laugh at the line, his mind flooding with a mad desire to ask if the words he sang were true, for he never had been blessed with the luck to discover if fate was truly kind. "She brings to those who love," He pauses to play the piano riff. His eyes somehow sting in bitterness but they don't water, instead blinking and continuing to the sentence, "The sweet fulfillment of her secret longing." Blaine holds the note, pain from his voice and tangible. The solo was breath-taking. He knew it and he vowed to not waste it.

After several series of notes, Blaine grins genuinely, captivating the audience and leaning into the microphone with a softer voice, "Like a bolt out of the blue," He feels his body sway and music pour through him as he sings, "Fate steps in and sees you through." His head tilts back, peering for a moment at the voiceless shadows.

"Singing when you wish," He belts, the chords and music rising to a crescendo with the variation and decibel of chords. He quiets the chords, letting the tune ring and echo through the room. His silky tenor voice softens, "Upon a star..."

The adagio has a way of making the song one of the most emotional pieces Blaine has ever played. "Your dreams," He rises his voice to an easily accomplished falsetto. "Will come... true." The note rings out as he plays a final solo scale on the piano, before lifting his fingers gently off the keys. The sense of pride that runs through him almost chills him, and the sudden urge to grin boastfully does occur through his mind. Blaine holds back, however, gracing a polite and thankful smile to the audience when he stands.