Reviews for The New Kid
addyalana chapter 5 . 2/16/2014
Orange-Coyote chapter 5 . 4/9/2012
So far I really like the story. Hope you're still writing!
intensewhatever chapter 5 . 2/25/2012
Yeah, I had to go back and read from chapter one because I totally forgot about it but I'm so glad you updated! This story is amazing! Please update soon! I want Klaine! :)
It wouldn't let me log in so chapter 5 . 2/25/2012
I must admit, I had to re-read the whole story to get what was happening in this story. Haha. But marvelous work, as usual, deary. I really do hope you end up continuing with this story, but whatever works for you really and keeps your boat afloat.

-Grace xx
hey why do chapter 1 . 12/20/2011
hey why does my plant grow said it just takes time
intensewhatever chapter 4 . 11/16/2011
This story is so good so far! I love it! Update soon, please!
Limor Yadigaran chapter 4 . 8/28/2011
love it love itlove it love itlove it love itlove it love itlove it love itlove it love itlove it love itlove it love it
MyMagentaPeach chapter 4 . 8/8/2011
Blaine and Santana friendship, my favourite kind:)

Queer As Folk, yeah, it was my Glee before Glee. Amazing show, watched the Us and then the UK version too. 'Emmett Honeycutt, there will never be another', that was what I thought at the time, and then suddenly out of nowhere Kurt (and Blaine and Sanatana and Brittany) appeared. :)

Thank you for the shout out, I love you too:)

"Finn winks at Blaine" lol, that almost reduced me to tears, but that's just my mind for you. Go figure. I am till laughing so hard. OHMYGOSH, why is this so funny! Oh yeah right this sentence just mixed with several flashbacks to last nights TCA photos on tumblr. Chord and Cory and Darren. Your story could not have been published at a better time, seriously.

Interesting paragraph, the whole slight awkwardness between Santana and Blaine:

"He scans his mind for the right things to say. "But I wish you told me after I've become friends with you, when my opinion would've mattered." " I like that idea of others opinion about you only mattering when they know you as a person not just as a face.

The whole paragraph about their eyes and the sadness and ..."Blaine can just tell.", I never feel like I can tell. That makes me feel more alone for sure, but I fear I will overinterpret things, because with all that has happened to me I know I am overly sensitive to certain things, and ...I just always wonder if I have the right or would even be right to say something to anyone. UHGH, inner struggles. I just don't know how to connect to people anymore...except...maybe...through writing, and reading.

I love what you did with that bathroom:) and in it:) Otherwise that whole last scene left me pretty much lost in half-formed thoughts and feelings of my own, and speechless, so I am just know...

thanxs, M
:) :) :)
perchance to wake chapter 4 . 8/8/2011
Yay! Audition :D

Kurt helping Blaine out is adorable _

Poor Sam and his lemon head xD

unGRACEful chapter 4 . 8/8/2011
Juuliiaaa, thanks for telling me you were going to update! I mean, as your best friend, I deserve to know these things. :(

(Notice how I actually signed in for once?)

Oh my god, can Kurt and Blaine like, suck each others faces off yet? I mean, I'm waiting for it to happen, but...

I understand what you're doing, though. You can't rush into these things. It's just, god! I'm an impatient person, you know?

Next update soon!


P.S How is your fictionpress multi-chap going? I really think you should go one with it. You cant give up now because I've already fallen in love with it. :)
cole5148 chapter 3 . 8/7/2011
I like all three chapters and I think you have a great start to a great story. Gotta love the diet choke in the face, go Blaine;-) I hope you continue
MyMagentaPeach chapter 3 . 8/3/2011
Your Finn, the way he shows up all over the place, I love it. Confused Finn, my favourite kind:) I am eagerly, really REALLY eagerly awaiting the next chapters. These three chapters are the most fun and yet serious and utterly compelling read I have had in a while.

It means a lot to me.

love, M
MyMagentaPeach chapter 2 . 8/3/2011
"Finn swears that he must be the same height as Rachel." I am so glad you pointed that out, I had completely forgotten to imagine that while reading, and then you came along with that sentence, and I had to laugh out You for that.

I love how confident you make them all out to be so far, and how comfortable with themselves. I am working on being more like that, so it means a whole lot to have your story as a source of inspiration:)

love, M
MyMagentaPeach chapter 1 . 8/3/2011
I love, absolutely love how you have it all start out with Blaine and Santana, and oh Brittany, and not directly with Kurt and Blaine. It's so different, so wonderful.


love, M
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