Disclaimer: I do not own the Phantom of the Opera or The Little Mermaid. They belong to their respective owners. I only own some of the minor characters and the idea.
A/N: This is the last chapter, Epilogue, and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you all for loving this story and inspiring me to finish it. I love you all and I hope you come back to my profile soon and check out my future stories. Thanks again and here you go, the finale.
Chapter 20: Epilogue
One Month Later
xXx Erik
I'm standing in the front hall before the large floor to ceiling mirror looking at my reflection. I'm wearing a black suit with a white vest and cravat. It was stitched perfectly, fit like a glove and very comfortable. My hair is combed back from my face as always and I am wearing my normal porcelain white half mask. I look ready for the upcoming events that would change my life for good.
The mirror showed Keith coming up from behind me with a knowing smile. He walked around to my side until the reflection showed us shoulder to shoulder.
"You clean up good?" Keith said as he looked me up in down. He held a small smile and turned to face me.
"Thank you." I said. I felt myself shaking from the nervousness and Keith put his hands on my shoulders to calm me down. "I'm just nervous, that's all."
"You have every right to be nervous, just don't disappear or pass out. You are one of the main attractions." He said as he fixed my off center tie.
I gave him a look and said, "That isn't very comforting. You know I don't like too many people surrounding me. I feel smothered."
"I don't think everyone will be smothering you, but the woman in the beautiful white dress." He said with a wink. I chuckled lightly at that thought. Then the reality hit and I got more nervous than before.
"Why are you shaking again? You don't need to be nervous, she loves you." He said forcing me to look him in the eyes.
"I know, but I am just afraid her father will change his mind or her former fiancé will try and take her back." Thoughts started rushing to my mind and I tried to ignore them by brushing my fingers through my hair or pick lint off my coat.
"Her father won't do that. Christine said herself that he wanted what was best for her. He won't destroy her happiness… again." Keith reassured me.
After a moment of thinking I said, "You're right. I have no need to be worried."
"Good, now let's get to our posts and await the beautiful bride." He said as he put his hand on my shoulder to push me in the right direction.
We walked out the glass doors from the back of the castle into the grassy lawn. There were decorations and tea candles covering the trees and bushes around the edges. In the center of the lawn held three large tables that could fit fifty people each, enough for all the guests, my parents invited. At the front of the three tables sat a small round table with two seats next to each other. I eyed it with certainty and happiness. Everything looked perfect, it should be as my mother and Angela planned and designed it.
Keith and I kept walking, past all the rushing workers finishing up their duties and stepped over the threshold from grass to sand. My eyes widened in surprise at the transformation the beach undertook overnight. Only last night did I sit on this empty beach holding Christine in my arms lovingly. We hid from the prying eyes of Angela and the other romantics to meet in secret. We had no chance to be alone together for the past week with all the preparations and events going on. Tonight being the riskiest night of all to be alone together, but we couldn't help ourselves.
Angela believed that Christine was sleeping in her empty bed dreaming happily of the next day and my father believed I was out in town with Keith, who happened to be drinking scotch in the library. We had no worries about tomorrow so we sat on the sand holding each other for hours. Only until the time got into the early morning hours did we unwillingly part to go to our respective bedrooms for a short amount of sleep.
Now as I looked at the ornately dressed beach with more little candles on each flat surface and more hanging decorations off the wilting beach trees did I feel the power of the moment occur. I walked closer to the many long wooden benches taken from the many sitting rooms in the castle to the aisle where rose pettles were placed elegantly in the sand. Guests were all chatting and having a great time sitting in their individual seats waiting for the ceremony to begin. I saw my father standing by the priest making plans no doubt. My mother and Angela were nowhere in sight, probably helping Christine with her hair or dress. It didn't matter to me what she looked like, she was beautiful no matter what.
I walked up to the altar that was made by one of the best sculptors for this very occasion. It was wood carved with an arch shape that stood ten feet tall and the sides were fifteen feet apart. It sat atop a base which afforded a step up to the podium. The wood was covered in lines of roses and lilies making it very romantic. In between the flowers were shells and sea glass from the beach to make it look fitting in the beach setting.
"Son, you look very handsome." Father said as he turned to see me walking up to him.
"Thank you, Father." I said a bit awkwardly. I was still nervous and the beauty of the beach was making everything more fantastically real.
The priest stood next to us with a bible in hand and he turned to me to ask a question. "Who will be giving the bride away to you? His Highness explained that he would not be attending?" he asked as he motioned to my father.
No one knew about Christine's other life besides Keith and me so explaining the reason for Christine's families lack of presence at her own wedding was difficult. Christine, with her quick imagination, made a believable excuse saying that her father was too busy and had to take care of some problems involving the citizens of his country. Luckily, no one questioned where that was.
"She will be walking down the aisle by herself." I said plainly. At that moment I turned to see my mother walking down the aisle towards us. She wore a royal purple silk dress with silver gems around the bodice and neckline. She looked beautiful, but I was awaiting the true gem that would be coming towards me soon. She grabbed Father's hand and kissed his cheek before turning to me.
"Christine is on her way down." She said as she pulled Father to their seats.
I started to feel my heart beat in my chest harder until I feared it popping out of my chest. I turned to see Keith standing next to me in his straight stance that he always held at a special event. The priest stood in the center of the altar with his bible propped on a pedestal before him. I watched as everyone sat in the pews talking happily.
The music, made up of violins and cellos, started playing a peaceful traditional wedding march. I brushed my suit coat and vest down flat nervously and stood straight with my hands clasped behind my back. I watched Angela come into view from the grass wearing a lavender silk dress with long sleeves and her hair pinned high. She held a small bouquet of light pink lilies and when she approached the altar she stood on the other side awaiting Christine's arrival. She looked at me and smiled reassuringly before facing the guests.
The music started to play louder and everyone stood from their positions to watch the bride walk down the aisle. Christine came into view wearing a large pure white dress. The skirt flowed perfectly in silk folds with swaths of gold and baby blue. The dress hugged her waist and hips delicately and the sleeves hanged off her shoulders in a sensual taste. It was the perfect dress for the perfect girl.
Her hair was pulled up into a mountain of curls atop her head, held by crystal star-shaped jewels. She held one single red rose with a purple ribbon tied to the stem, purple meaning true love. I looked at her face and her eyes shone brightly in the sunlight, her eyes went from stormy blue to sky blue with the weather and either way I could lose myself in those globes. Her smile made all my nervousness disappear and I felt like a little boy receiving a trophy for a good deed. I felt my face brighten with happiness at seeing her and not fast enough she reached for my arm with her small hand.
I assisted her in stepping up to the priest and as we stood in front of each other under the altar, I heard the priest begin the ceremony.
"We are all gathered here today to witness the joining of Prince Erik Destler the Second to Princess Christine Daae." The rest of the priest's speech was lost on me as I looked into the tear filled eyes of Christine.
Only until Keith nudged my arm to hand me the ring I chose for Christine did I awaken from the trance. I took the ring from Keith's outstretched fingers and took hold of Christine's left hand gently.
"I, Erik Destler, take you, Christine Daae, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this point forward, in sickness and in health until death parts us." I said as I slid the gold band onto her ring finger.
She looked up from our entwined hands and turned to take the ring held out from Angela. She turned back to me and cupped her hand around mine to lift it up so she could place the gold band onto my ring finger. "I, Christine Daae, take you, Erik Destler, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this point forward, in sickness and in health until death parts us."
I gave her the biggest smile I had ever given anyone in my life. She gave me the largest smile I ever saw on her face before squeezing my hand in excitement.
"By the power given to me by God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest said as he closed the bible and nodded his head in satisfaction.
"Finally." I said in a joking whisper that only Christine could hear. I put my hands on both sides of her face and leaned down to kiss her in a modest, loving and gentle brush of lips. If we were alone I would have taken her in a more passionate embrace and picked her up to take her into my arms, but with all of our guests, my parents and a priest, I wanted to make it simple and chaste.
We pulled apart to be greeted by all the guests clapping and standing in a rush to congratulate us. My father and mother came up to us first and hugged and kissed our cheeks before leading us down the aisle towards the lovely feast being prepared.
Christine and I sat at our assigned table for two and watched couples dance on the grass, drink wine or eat the decadent cake served. We were stuffed from eating the roasted swan and immediately eating the vanilla cake served by the bakers. All the food needed to be digested before we could dance for the first time as husband and wife.
We turned to face each other after watching lovely couples dance the waltz to slow music and found the need to hold each other. I stood and held my hand out for invitation to a dance and Christine took it with her warm, small hand. Everyone dancing saw us approach and slowly went to sit down so we could have space.
The music changed from the traditional waltz song to something vaguely familiar. I automatically noticed the melody, but I waited for Christine to remember it. After only a few steps her eyes brightened and her smile grew bigger.
"Did you plan this?" she asked astonished.
"No. Father must have done it." I said truthfully. I didn't plan our first dance as husband and wife to be accompanied by the tune of my proposal song, it is very romantic and I am ashamed I didn't think of it.
Christine stood on her tiptoes and kissed my lips hungrily. The feel of her tongue on my lips and in my mouth became too overwhelming. I pulled back and looked into her eyes that showed sexual hunger.
Even though everyone was watching us I couldn't help myself and took her hand to pull her off the dance floor. We passed all the tables and went through the glass doors leading into the castle. I could hear the surprised chatter from all the guests but couldn't stop myself from reaching our destination. I rushed up the stairs almost dragging Christine along. Her legs are much shorter than mine so she couldn't keep up with me.
We reached my bedroom door quickly and I threw the door open and carried Christine into the room. Candles covered every surface and red rose pedals blanketed my bed. I looked down at Christine, who still lay in my arms, and she looked up at me with a mischievous expression.
"You planned this?" I asked surprisingly.
"Maybe." She said with an erotic wink.
I carried her to the bed and laid her down on the soft pedals. I pulled away to close the bedroom door and turned back to see Christine pulling the crystals from her hair. I walked over to her and helped pull them out, with each pin taken out her hair fell in locks of chestnut curls. Once her hair was undone completely, I took my fingers to the back of her dress and almost ripped the buttons off in my haste. I pulled the heavy dress off of her body and looked at the corset and chemise underneath in agony. I started kissing her neck while undoing the ties that tightened the corset. Within seconds I had them undone and pulled off. She still sat on the bed with her head thrown back from my ministrations on her neck wearing a thin, see through chemise. I grabbed the hem of her chemise and pulled it off in one swift motion.
She sat completely nude in front of me and from behind I cupped her breasts and heard her moans of ecstasy escape her soft lips. I realized that I still wore all of my clothes and I turned her to face me.
"I need your help?" I said. She automatically knew what I meant and brought her hand to my face to remove my mask. I watched her go from head to foot with my clothes starting with my cravat and ending with my pants. Each piece of my clothing was thrown from my body in as much of a rush as my need for her clothes to be removed earlier.
Instead of letting her admire my nude body I pushed her down onto the bed and ravished her with my hands and lips. Every time I felt her naked body against mine coated in perspiration I felt like I was in heaven. Before I could go any farther with my exploration Christine put her hands on my shoulders and turned us around so she sat atop my stomach.
I held her in place by the waist and watched her impale herself on my organ. She placed her hands on my chest to balance and moved in a rhythmic motion that threw me into completion. After I exploded inside her she started to squeeze me in her own orgasm. I flipped her onto her back again and pounded into her with all my strength. She grabbed my shoulders and welcomed each thrust gladly. It was the most amazing feeling and I waited for her to finish before I did.
We both screamed in ecstasy and I fell on top of her with exhaustion. It all became too much and I rolled over so I didn't crush her. I held her in my arms and watched her slowly fall asleep in my embrace. Everything was perfect and I could never ask for anything better.
xXx Christine
Ten Years Later
My love for the ocean has never wavered and it still holds a large part of my heart. That's why every day I still go sit on the beach and watch the wave's crash over each other and splay over the rocks. The peacefulness of the salty sea water gets me out of my worst feelings.
Today as I sit on the sand and watch the water come up onto the sand inching closer and closer to me I also watch my three children jump and play in the spraying water. After having three children and being married for ten years, Erik and I still love each other, stronger than before. As if he knew I was thinking of him he appeared behind me and sat down to wrap me in his embrace. With me sitting between his strong legs and leaning against his muscular chest he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I turned my head to face him and kissed him lightly on the lips.
"I love you." He said softly in my ear. Even after so long being married he still says that to me without a reason.
"I love you more." I said with a small smile.
We both turned back to watch Brendan, Kaitlin and Fiona play and splash water at each other. Brendan is the spitting image of Erik, without the deformity. He has turquoise eyes and naturally tanned skin. He has striking black hair that hangs in loose curls. He holds himself like a future king and is very polite and honorable. Kaitlin has light brown hair that hangs past her shoulders in straight locks. She has brown eyes the size of saucers surrounded by a pale complexion. She follows her older brother around like a puppy and mimics his actions. Little Fiona looks just like me with the dark brown curls that fall to the waist and ocean blue eyes that shine in the sunlight. She has a light complexion and rosy pink cheeks and lips. You can tell that each one of them is our children just by looking into their eyes.
"Grandpa's here." We turned to see all three of them running towards us to drag us towards the water.
At their words I looked up quickly to see Father swimming up to the beach to sit on a large rock by the edge. I immediately propelled myself from Erik's arms and ran towards the water gleefully. I hadn't seen my father in over a year; he doesn't have a lot of time to visit me with running the coast of Ireland and fighting wars to keep his territory. When I reached him I threw my arms around him and hugged him intensely. I kissed his cheek and looked into his face to see his huge smile.
Brendan, Kaitlin, and Fiona jumped into his arms almost knocking him off his perch. I stepped back to avoid the water splashes and watched the three kids attack my father with kisses and hugs. I felt Erik put his arm around my waist and I looked up to see him standing next to me watching the playful interaction going on in front of us. He had a smile on his face and looked to be enjoying it.
"How old are you three now?" I heard my father ask the children in curiosity.
"Nine." Brendan said with his strong, princely voice.
"Seven." Kaitlin said with a giggle.
"Thweee." Fiona said in her tiny toddler voice. She still had trouble saying some letters so three came out without the r.
"All of you are growing so fast." He picked up Fiona and cradled her in his lap. "I remember you when Christine was still carrying you around in a blanket." The last time he saw them was when Fiona was a newborn baby.
I watched Father play with Fiona in his lap and watched Brendan and Kaitlin play happily in the water beside him.
Erik's hands went from my waist to touch my swelling belly. I held his hands with mine and marveled at the feeling of our baby kicking me from the inside. "Baby Gavan is excited." Erik said from behind me.
"How do you know it is a boy?" I asked questioningly. "It could very well be another girl."
"I don't know I just have this feeling. Either way I don't care what it is, just as long as it is strong and healthy." He said with a kiss on my head.
The dinner bell went off in the distance and I suddenly felt the need to eat something. Although I didn't want to move from Erik's arms, strong and protective. I didn't want to break up the loving playfulness Father and the children were playing, who knew when I would see him again. I just stood in silence ignoring the bell, relishing in the feel of Erik's arms and the scene before me. My life could never be better and I couldn't imagine my life without Erik, Brendan, Kaitlin, Fiona and the unborn boy or girl in my belly. Nothing is impossible, look at me, I got the life I dreamed about, I got love, I got life and I got Erik.
Nothing could be better.
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I really enjoyed writing this story and I couldn't have done it without all of you, my readers. Please visit my profile and read more of my upcoming stories in the future. I would like to have more comments in the future. I want to thank the following people for helping me get inspired:
Fan of Almost Everything
Lady Minuialwen
Alana Fox
And more…