Author's Note: Hi, everyone! I deeply apologize for being away from FanFiction these months. School is getting tighter and tighter. And when I have free time like now (my semester test is just over now! Yay!), I decide to continue this AZ HitsuSaku! :) And I want to apologize once more because I forgot which reviews I have replied and which ones I haven't. I just want to tell all of you that the whole reviews submitted to all my stories do mean a lot to me and I love them all! Thank you :) Though it's late, this can be a birthday fiction for our beloved tenth division captain :D
Characters Appear Here: Kurosaki Ichigo (B), Haruno Sakura (N), Kuchiki Rukia (B), Abarai Renji (B), Kira Izuru (B), Ukitake Jūshirō (B), Matsumoto Rangiku (B), and Hitsugaya Tōshirō (B); while Ichimaru Gin (B) and Kuchiki Byakuya (B) are being mentioned only. B=from Bleach; N=from Naruto
Date Published: January 29th 2012. (it should be published yesterday, but I got some trouble with my internet connection ;| )
Dedicated to: Katarin Kishika. Since you once asked me a sequel to Broken Heart, just think this is the one ;)
Disclaimer: Bleach by Tite Kubo, Naruto by Masashi Khisimoto, Birthday by MnC21.
Genre(s): friendship, romance, and (may be a bit) humor (for the misunderstood)
Point of View: Normal POV
Ratting: K
Setting: As I said before, this can be a sequel to Broken Heart. For you who haven't read and too lazy to read or has read but forget the story, I'll explain a little. The setting for Naruto is after Sasuke's leaving Konoha before the Shippuden. Sakura was so heartbroken and she encountered Tōshirō who also felt the same pain (he was sent to Konoha to take a break after the Soul Society arc). Then, they agreed to make a new start. Simply, I can say that the setting for this story is the first winter after Sakura and Tōshirō first met. To be exact, this story takes time on the beginning of December. (I know I just started making it and published it on January, but as I said before, just imagine it was December now!)
Summary: Ichigo accidentally dropped in the Shinobi World. Luckily, he met Sakura who helped him to go back to Soul Society. She asked him to give something to a captain shinigami. Could the packet delivered to the correct person?
Title: Birthday
Universe: tend to be Bleach Universe
Warning: the HitsuSaku pairing is somewhat passive here and it's been a long time I haven't write so I apologize if this story is awkward or disappointing. m(_ _)m
Words Count (using MS Word): 3153 words
The snow began to fall, covering a certain ninja village. However, people there were still doing their routine. Some were working, others were walking on the street, children were playing with the snow, and so on. From a window of a house in the village, could be seen an orange haired man was laying on the bed in unconscious condition. Few moments later, he slowly opened his eyes. He quickly sat up as he saw he was in an unfamiliar room.
"Where is this?" was the first words came out from his mouth.
That man looked so confused. He then tried to remember whatever happened before he got unconscious but the interior of that room he was in caught his interest. He then assumed it must be a female's room. Suddenly, the door opened and –just like what he thought– a young girl entered it.
"Good afternoon," she greeted, "it's good to know you already wake up."
"Uhm, yeah. Who are you and where is this?" the man questioned in instant as he was so confused and curious.
"I am Sakura from Haruno family. And this is my house. If you required a clearer location name, it is in Konoha village in Shinobi World," she answered calmly as she walked toward him, "I found you comatose in a forest behind village then I took you here. I have examined you and find no injuries. I am a medic kunoichi in addition. May I know who you are, shinigami-san?"
The man widened his eyes in surprise. This girl recognized him as a death god. He introduced himself nonetheless, "I am Kurosaki Ichigo. I am a substitute shinigami. Honestly, I don't know how I got here in your village. I guess it must be an accident."
The girl remained silent for few seconds before she asked, "What is substitute shinigami?"
Once again, the man's eyes got widened, "You know I am a shinigami but you don't know about substitute shinigami?"
"I recognize you from your outfit," answered Sakura, "Few months ago there was a shinigami assigned here. He explained about shinigami and the basic information about deaths souls and also Soul Society as what normal people call heaven, but he didn't tell me anything about substitute shinigami."
"Oh…" Ichigo managed to tell Sakura about substitute shinigami then, "Someone who became Shinigami by obtaining another Shinigami's power is called a substitute shinigami. A shinigami named Rukia transferred her power to me because she was highly injured and there was a Hollow that endangered my family's life."
Sakura nodded understandably. "Alright then, Kurosaki-san, you once said about you accidentally got here. Could you please explain more?"
Ichigo then recalled what happened to him, "Alright, I remember Rukia invited me to his weird bunny lover's community. She left first to Soul Society in order to prepare the event held there. Because I knew I would be late –in which Rukia would get terribly angry with me– I then come to Urahara shop for senkaimon help but Urahara-san was not there. I tried my best to manage it myself and… Ah, there was an explosion. After that, I don't remember everything. This must be an effect from that explosion!"
Sakura seemed to be in thought, "I see. A big energy explosion must have made a random senkaimon and you just accidentally got into it."
Ichigo nodded and sighed. "Oh, great, Rukia will get mad at me."
"For being late?" Sakura asked, chuckled. "This Rukia girl must be so important to you, right, Kurosaki-san?"
Ichigo was taken aback. His cheeks grew red. "Rukia is such a troublesome girl! She often kicks me for unclear reason! She is just… just…"
Sakura just smiled shyly looking at the clumsy Ichigo. His words sounded that he didn't want to admit it but in another way it also sounded that he didn't decline it. "Kurosaki-san," Sakura paused him; "I think the most important thing now is how you can get back to Soul Society, right?"
"Uhm… Yes."
"Since you are a substitute shinigami, I don't know whether you have it, but I think denreishinki –soul phone– would be useful at this time." Sakura tried to find a solution.
Ichigo shook his head weakly, "No. I don't have it." Then as he remembered something, his face brightened. He took something inside his death god kimono and showed it to Sakura. It was a denreishinki.
"You just said you don't have it."
"I don't, but Rukia has. It is hers. I think she forgets that she left it in my bedroom last night. How lucky…"
Ichigo then used the denreishinki to call Renji since Renji was also forced to the bunny lover's community that Ichigo assumed he must be around Rukia at that time. And he was right. Ichigo told Renji and Rukia about his being dropped in Shinobi word and they tried to manage a senkaimon for Ichigo. It would need less than an hour to prepare the senkaimon so Ichigo chatted with Sakura while waiting.
Ichigo couldn't hide his curiosity about the Shinigami who came here few months ago so he asked Sakura to tell him about that. Sakura started telling him then. "He is a captain shinigami. His hair is white. And I would never forget his smiles. He is so adorable and I should admit that he means a lot to me." Her cheeks turned pinkish.
'Wait a minute! Captain shinigami, white hair, and smile… Don't tell me it's Gin!' yelled Ichigo in his mind. "I, I think I know him…"
Sakura gasped, "Really? Do you know him in personal?"
"Uhm, yes," answered Ichigo as he saw Sakura's face full of hope. Sakura was such a nice girl in Ichigo's opinion that he didn't want to break her heart by telling her what happened to her adorable death god.
Sakura then searched something in her desk and showed it to Ichigo. It was a box which cover wrapped in a neat white bluish gift paper. "You are going to Soul Society. Could you please deliver this to him?"
"A… present?" Ichigo asked.
"A birthday present! His birthday is coming soon." She answered cheerfully and then pleaded. "Please, pretty please, give this to him and tell him about you meeting me."
"A-Alright…" Ichigo hated to lie but Sakura's blithe voice made him can not refuse her asking.
By the time Ichigo accepted the box, a senkaimon was opened. "Well then, I guess I must go now."
"Yeah. Kurosaki-san, can you do me a favor once more?" Sakura fold hands like in praying position.
"Please, say my warm regard to him, and also tell him that… I miss him so much…" Once more, Ichigo saw an innocent face of Sakura full of hope.
"Sure, Sakura." With that, Ichigo entered the senkaimon. He had so guilty face when Sakura was only able to see his back and not his face.
"Oi, Ichigo! You are totally late for the bunny event, you know! It's over now!" Rukia's shout greeted Ichigo as he came to Soul Society but Ichigo didn't give her any answer. Noticing sad expression in Ichigo's face, she asked, "What's going on, Orange?"
Renji who was there aside Rukia looked that Ichigo brought something. "Hey, Ichigo, what is that on your hand? An apologizing gift?"
Ichigo shooked his head, "No, Renji, it is a birthday gift."
"For who?"
"… For Gin."
"Gin? But he was…" Renji didn't finish his sentence.
"The nice girl in Shinobi World who helps me to go back to Soul Society requests me to give this to Gin for his birthday present. I can not refuse it…"
"But what should we do with this present?" Rukia asked.
Silence fiiled them, then Renji tried to give solution, "Since this belongs to the former captain of third division, how about giving this to Kira as the lieutenant?"
"Kira?" Ichigo and Rukia asked in unison. They looked each other and nodded.
"Good idea, Renji," said Rukia.
"Yes, it's not everyday you can give a good solution," Ichigo added causing an irritated look from Renji.
In the main entrance of the third division, Ichigo, Rukia, and Renji met the lieutenant, Kira Izuru. When they told him about their arrival intention, Izuru looked so confused.
"Are you sure this birthday present is for my former captain? His birthday is on September," told Izuru causing all the three to yell "What?"
"Ichigo, you said this is for Gin. How could?" Rukia asked Ichigo after punching him on his head.
"Ouch, it hurts!" Ichigo rubbed his head, "Sakura just told me it is for a white haired captain whose smile she would never forget. I thought it was Gin. Who else could it be?"
"Huh? Could it be Ukitake-taicho?" asked Renji as he remembered his previous captain was so easy to smile to everyone. There was a silence for a moment before someone yelled, "Renji, what did you eat this morning? You are so smart today!"
Ichigo, Rukia, and Renji were greeted warmly by the thirteenth captain when they arrived. Jūshirō asked them to join drinking tea as he also asked about why they came. He touched his chin hearing the whole explanation by Rukia. Then, unexpectedly by the three, Jūshirō-taichō ordered them to deliver the packet to the tenth division.
"Tenth Division? You mean to Tōshirō?" Ichigo asked in disbelief. How could he forget his so close friend? May be it was because he never thought it would be Tōshirō the one they were looking for since he rare smile, keyword: rare.
"Yes, it must be Hitsugaya-taichō's birthday gift. You delivered it to the wrong person, I have no right of opening it," said Jūshirō before taking another sip of his tea.
"But, why, taichō?" Rukia asked, "Why are you so sure this present belongs to Hitsugaya-taichō?"
Jūshirō smiled, "I bet the Sakura girl you were talking about has pink hair and emerald eyes."
Rukia and Renji looked at Ichigo in an instant. All these times, Rukia and Renji just knew the girl named Sakura but they didn't know her appearance. Five seconds later (it's a time that Ichigo need to remember what Sakura looks like), they saw Ichigo nod. "So, Tōshirō told you about Sakura and Shinobi World?"
It was Jūshirō's turn to nod, "It should be a secret actually. Even Matsumoto fuku-taichō hasn't known either. I think it is better if you don't tell anyone else that Hitsugaya-taichō has a girlfriend."
"G-girlfriend?" it was Renji's voice while Rukia only widened her eyes without any words came out her mouth as shock came to her. She just looked down to her reflection on the tea surface, trying to imagine Tōshirō has a girlfriend, what he would do with his girlfriend as a new loving couple, also how nice it would be to have a boyfriend. At her last thought, she shook her head so hard but the red color didn't want to leave her cheeks.
"They are in that close relationship?" Ichigo asked very curiously. All these time, he just assumed that Sakura only admired Tōshirō as the death god who may be once saved her during the shinigami duty.
"Huh? All of you haven't known it? Well, forget my talking then."
"Wait, Ukitake-taic–"
"If you want Hitsugaya-taichō to receive this present today, you'd better rush now because I hear he was assigned another shinigami mission in Human World. I guess he is leaving now." Although it made Ichigo, Rukia, and Renji grumbled in protest, Jūshirō's sentences was successful to make them leave. With another sip of his tea, Jūshirō just wished 'Shiro-chan' didn't get angry on him.
In Tōshirō's room at the tenth division building, the three saw no sight of the looking for person. Instead, they saw his lieutenant start drinking sake. Moreover, Rangiku asked Renji to join her.
"No, thank you. We are looking for Hitsugaya-taichō," Renji refused politely, "but it seems that he has just left."
"Yes, he left just ten minutes ago and seemed to be in a hurry. Hm, are you sure none of you would like to join me drinking this delicious sake? This sake is given by Hitsugaya-taichō himself." Rangiku exclaimed proudly causing all the three widened their eyes in disbelief.
"He himself gives you the sake?"
"Please explain, Rangiku-san."
Rangiku laughed. She already expected them to be like this. She was as surprised as them too when Tōshirō told her he would give her a sake. So, Rangiku explained them then that she and her captain made an agreement since few months ago. The sake was a reward for Rangiku when she already finished her paperwork, a bottle of sake for a monthly report paperwork done.
Hearing that, Renji got more shocked. "Rangiku-san, do you really do your paperwork? That is more unbelievable…"
Rangiku pouted for a moment before saying, "When you try the sake, you will understand it is worth to do these troublesome paperworks. Frankly speaking, I am surprised to know that Hitsugaya-taichō has a great choice of sake's taste."
"There wouldn't be anymore surprised news today, would it?" asked Ichigo as he was confused and tired getting so many surprised news that day.
"Just left the present here and you can immediately go home, Ichigo," Renji suggested and Rukia nodded.
"Huh? What present?" Rangiku put the sake on the table and approached them who were standing near the door.
"This is a birthday present for Hitsugaya-taichō, Rangiku-san," told Rukia, "Please give this to him when he comes back."
"Who is the sender?" Rangiku asked as she received the box and took an observing look on it.
The three looked to each others. They remembered what Jūshirō said earlier. No more people should know about this, they know that. Everyone needs privacy. So, they apologized to Rangiku saying they couldn't tell her.
Rangiku then questioned them whether it is male or female and when Rukia said female (after few moment silence), she grinned and asked them to leave soon. With some protest, Ichigo yelled to her not to open the present which did not belong to her. Hearing many alrights from Rangiku, they were being pushed outside the room.
Since Ichigo wasn't sure enough that the birthday present would stay safe with Rangiku alone, then he along with Rukia and Renji tried to enter the room once more though they had to apologize to Tōshirō for the broken door. (Rangiku locked the door right after she pushed the three outside and she didn't let them to enter when they asked in a polite manner after that). If you think the broken door was Ichigo and Renji's doing, you are wrong because it was Rukia's kidō.
And just like what Ichigo thought, Rangiku was opening the birthday present. The box was thrown to the edge of the room because of Rukia's previous kidō. Its content was out of the box. Immediately, all of them run into it. It was a greenish white scarf with a piece of paper. It noted:
Dear Tōshirō,
I know you are prince of winter for real ^^
and the cold atmosphere wouldn't disturb you,
but I want you to stay warm.
Hope you like this.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, wish you all the best!
Come and visit me soon, please.
I miss you so much.
Best wishes and full of love,
Touching the scarf, everyone knew it was a hand made. The scarf made Rukia remembered her brother in law.
Ichigo protested Rangiku then for opening the birthday present although he was actually curious too about its content. Rangiku then told them that she was a bit curious because lately her captain loved to spar with Byakuya. Now, she understood the reason.
Finally, they agreed to just left the birthday present and give it to the owner when he came back.
~The End~
Based on the original idea,
it supposed to end here.
Alright, everyone,
I know some of you would get disappointed.
Am I right? :p
Moreover, I just realized,
I can't call this a Tōshirō's birthday fiction
if he doesn't exist here.
Then I decided to continue :)
Happy reading! :D
Sakura had a habit of keeping her room –especially bedroom– clean and neat. She was making a bed when she heard a soft knock on her window. Seeing a certain white haired death god outside, she immediately walked toward the window and opened it.
Once Tōshirō was inside, he was greeted by a hug full of yearn from Sakura. He responded the embrace and stroked her soft pink hair. "Miss me?"
"Very much."
A soft kiss landed on Sakura's forehead then.
"This is a surprise. I don't expect you to come so early. Usually you visit me at the end of month, right after all your shinigami work –and paperwork– is done." Sakura led Tōshirō to sit on her neat bed then.
Tōshirō chuckled, "The trick you gave me works. Finally I can make Matsumoto do the paperwork. Though the sake is expensive, it does help."
Sakura smiled warmly as she rested her head on Tōshirō's shoulder.
"Sō-taichō gives me another mission in Human World," Tōshirō added, "I decided to visit you first before I leave for a week mission."
"I am so exalted and it seems you can celebrate your birthday when you come back from your mission."
"Hm? Birthday? Ah, yeah, this is December…" Tōshirō touched his chin, seemed to just remember that his birthday was coming soon. He then held his hand to Sakura, "Can I have double present, Santa Claus?"
"San-ta Claus?" Sakura asked innocently causing Tōshirō to chuckle once more.
"In Human World, people celebrate Christmas. It is five days after my birthday." Tōshirō started to explain, "There is a Christmas story about an old fat man who loves to give presents to children who's been good throughout the year."
"Ooh… Then why did you just call me a Santa Claus? Do I look like a fat old man?"
"No. But your outfit is red just like Santa wears," answered Tōshirō, giggling.
"Oh, I see." Sakura joined giggling and added, "You can ask the substitute shinigami for the present, but I don't give you double."
Tōshirō raised his eyebrow, "Substitute Shinigami? Wait," There was only one substitute shinigami in Soul Society close to him, "Kurosaki?"
"Yes," Sakura nodded, "he was here this afternoon because of an accident and when he was able to go back to Soul Society, I asked him to deliver your birthday present."
"Ooh… Then I guess I receive no presents before my birthday."
"Be patient. Hey Tōshirō," Sakura and Tōshirō had started to call each other first name a week after they first met, "What happened on your birthday?"
"Hm? I remember Matsumoto prepare a firework for me"
"It must be beautiful. I wish I prepare it for you too." Sakura smiled, "Tōshirō, tell me more about human tradition and culture in Human World, especially about Christmas."
Tōshirō looked at Sakura genuinely, "Sakura, next time when I come back a week from now, I want you to prepare a mistletoe."
With a naughty grin, Tōshirō answered, "I will tell you later when we do human tradition dealing with Christmas mistletoe."
~The (Real) End~
xXx ^_^ xXx
We are all like fireworks.
We climb, shine, and always go
our separate ways and become further apart.
Then if that time comes,
let's not disappear like a firework
and continue to shine forever.
~Hitsugaya Tōshirō (in his birthday)
Birthday is a day when we get a year older,
and should also be a day when we get more mature.