(A/N Well for the next week or so I am going to be posting from my cousin's house in Bridgewater, VA. I am here pretty much solely here to see them and have fun with them. However, I will try to upload ASAP. The only reason I can upload now is because it is almost 7:15 in the morning, and everyone else is asleep. BUT ME! Anyways, here is my Legend of Zelda fanfic. For any new readers, this will only be my second fic, so no flames please! (Ugh the light here is terrible)
Title: The Water Temple- What could've happened
Summary: Link completes the water temple, Sheik congratulates him, leaves, and you know how it goes. The only thing is, Link doesn't want Sheik to go. LinkxSheik. I still stink at summaries. Sheik's POV, so you can openly decide which ever gender for Sheik you prefer. Sheik and Zelda are separate, though I know they are one and the same.
Rating: T or PG for blood, censored cursing, and small, SMALL, as in, miniscule, Sheikbashing. (I needed to get her unconscious somehow!)
Disclaimer: I dont own LoZ or anyone associated with it.
I was sitting on the edge of Lake Hylia, watching the calm water move across the shining blue surface, one wave at a time. I had my cowl drawn down to a certain extent, but as the ever careful Sheikah warrior I was, I kept my guard up. I was alerted to a sudden noise, forcing me to quickly cover my face back up, and spin around whilst taking a hidden kunai out of the carefully concealed holder on my right leg. I got in a fighting stance, almost as if by reflex, with my hands placed carefully in front of me, one slightly lower than the other incase my enemy decided to lunge for a lower part of my body. My back was arched forward, ever so slightly, as to not lose my balance. My legs were also somewhat apart from each other, ready to jump if I couldn't deflect the enemy's attack with my new weapon in my right hand.
I relaxed my stance a bit, seeing the water rise back up to where it should be for a lake this size.
The water's rising, I thought, Link you did it! I knew he would eventually do it, but I heard the verifying cry from Morpha much sooner than I expected. Well, I thought to myself, it is Link, after all. Yes, knowing that it was the ever brave and heroic, not to mention handsome, Hero of Time fighting and not some goofball kid comforted me.
Going over that list again.
Brave- Yes, Link was the bravest person I knew.
Heroic- Well he is the Hero of Time isn't he? I know there was one more… Think Sheik, think… Oh yeah.
Handsome- Well, as much as I wanted to just throw myself into his warm, caring, and also well-muscled might I add, arms I knew I couldn't. I was only his guide, only a person to watch over him and make sure every time he gets reckless, he doesn't end up killing himself. It pained me to not be able to see us as anything more than travel partners, even friends.
I lost myself in thought for a little bit, and didn't even notice the dull blue light of his companion fairy, Navi, floating near my shoulder.
"Hey, Sheik! I did it!" His melodic voice snapped me out of my thoughts long enough to resume my fighting stance, but this time with my dagger aimed at his throat. He quickly took notice of what happened, and instinctively, (yes, I know he didn't do this on purpose) grabbed my wrist and thrust my head into the tree.
"Nice try." I felt myself go a little weak in the knees after pinpointing where the beautiful sound was coming from. Right. Next. To. My. Ear. And I mean Dear Nayru, right next to my ear! Keep it together Sheik, you have to stay strong! Do it for Link! My subconscious was right. I had to keep my composure. As my inner sides battled for whether or not I would pass out from the new lump on the left side of my head in a few minutes, my outer parts were busy struggling to get out of Link's grip. Man, he is strong!
He eventually let me off, down, whatever you want to call it. I told him about the things I was supposed to, and then as soon as I had my deku nut in my right palm, I sank to my knees, and then eventually I was completely lying down. Apparently, the "make Sheik lose consciousness" side of me won. My vision had slipped away, as with my other senses. The only thing I could do now was feel what was happening, and breathe. I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't speak, I couldn't move in general. I felt two hands sliding under me, followed by classic gauntlets. One went under my knees, and the other slid carefully under my right armpit. "Sheik, stay with me. I can't lose you…" I thought he meant in a partner sort of way but my emotions ran wild, and suddenly I was practically overflowing with joy and hope. I couldn't feel the ground, but I could feel my head resting on what felt to be a cloth of some sort; a tunic is what I guessed. And apparently I was right. Not long after I heard a horse's whinny, and I felt myself switched to a one-arm carry, probably so Link could mount his horse.
"Hya!" I heard him shout, and off we went. I felt little to nothing after that, as I slowly slipped into unconsciousness.
(A/N There will be more chapters! I am not going to estimate how many, though, as the last time I did, I was "one under par." So I will not disappoint this time! Hopefully, to say the least, though… Reviews are welcome and encouraged. Here is a lovely little poem I found on someone's story that I tweaked a little bit.
Please review, oh reader of mine
Please do tell me what you think.
Did I amazingly deliver, or
Perhaps failingly stink?
The original was "Review dear reader,/What did you think?/Did I deliver?/ Or did I stink?" Either way, clicky clicky, no one's looking…Except you of course.)