A/N this is really only going to be short I want to end it here so that I can get a start on my new twisted Rookie Blue story to do with Andy and detective Boyd. Man I think he's hot. Oh and sorry i uploaded the wrong chapter thanks for letting me know guys.

Chapter 12:

Things hag gone quiet in the barn for a while after the fight between Boyd and Sam, work as normal almost. The air was thick with tension that you could cut with a knife. Did not help that the two men where still at the barn Boyd for the statements and Sam because of the mountain of paper work piling up on his desk. But Andy had managed to calm the both of them down with the help of Oliver and jerry other wise the men would still be beating each other up. Andy had to go and see Boyd to give him her statement about that night which is why Sam was feeling a little tense glancing over towards the hall that had the interview rooms.

Andy had finished giving her statement and sat and talked to Boyd for a few moments.

"How's the eye?"

"It's ok was a cheap shot was not expecting it he caught me off guard."

"You really need to put some ice on that it's starting to look really angry, you know 'm sorry for what Sam did I told him I did not want any drama to happen after I told him about us, he said he would not do anything."

"It's ok Andy, I should have seen it coming, come on I did make out with his wife."

"Yes but you did not know that so it's an honest mistake. Look he still needs to come in and give you his statement right? Do you want someone in here so he doesn't try anything again?"

"No ill be ok if he dose I can take it I did deserve it in a way. You have to see it from his point of view, another guy hitting on his girl its not what guys like to see. I do anything to keep him happy to prove that we are just friends now nothing more." He gave her a small smile and told her to send him in not before Andy gave him a hug and left the room.

Andy walked over to Sam and placed her arms around his shoulders and gave him a kiss on the cheek before she spoke.

"So Donovan is ready for you to take your statement, I want you to be nice and not kill him please. I don't want to have to explain to anyone why where fighting with a fellow cop ok."

"I try but don't expect a miracle ok." He got up kissed Andy and made his was to interview 3. Andy sat down on her chair and tried to get some work done but all the while she had her mind on what was going on in that room. She was on edge the second Sam got up and left.

Inside the room Boyd was going over some notes when Sam opened the door he looked up Sam walked in and sat down his eyes not leaving Boyd's there gaze locked on each other ready for something to happen. It took a moment before Donovan was able to say anything.

"Look Sammy, we need to do this ok so lets just get this done and over with so we can try and put this thing that happened between us behind us ok." He moved back in his chair and moved his gaze to the note pad on the table.

Sam still just looked at him with intensions of getting out of that room quick as possible. It only took ten minuets for him to give his account of the night before he was able to leave. But as he placed his hand on the door handle he turned round and leant on the door. Anger building in his eyes.

"What were you thinking? You have not seen Andy in over four years man, and then you see her and just walk over and kiss her. You don't do that man."

"Sammy look I told you I never knew she was married ok, all I seen was someone I loved for so many years it was like a dream. I had to see if it was real, to touch her feel her make it so that I was not loosening my mind. I loved her yes but now after we had that long talk I'm happy we can just now be friends and that's all man, I swear ill never do it again."

Sam pushed himself off the wall and made his way over to Boyd who was now also standing and with his forearm pushed the detective to the wall and was holding him by the throat. His eyes narrowed and the look was of a warning.

"Ill only tell you this once Don, you even lay one hand on my wife again so help me ill give you more then a black eye do you understand me?"

Donovan pushed Sam off him and rubbed his throat from the preacher that was being put on it.

"Ok man I said I was sorry, if that's what it takes ill do it, what has happened was something we have to get over. Andy is special I know that you know that but we are only friends now and that's all. So you don't have to worry about anything ok."

Sam's anger started to fade away and only then did he again make his way to the door not before turning again and telling Boyd he would find someone again and that it would take a while before they could settle back into the friends that they where before. Both agreed and shook hands and Sam then left.

"So were you nice?" Andy said as she seen Sam approach her

"Always, we had a little talk man to man and sorted things out so all's good between us. But it will take some time before we get back to normal."

"That's all I wanted, for the two of you to be fine with one another."

Sam gave Andy a kiss on the top of the head and gave her a full dimple smile before he made a move towards Oliver to head back out the door and back onto the streets of Toronto. Only turning back round to Andy and shouting.

"I love you." In which Andy replied back "I love you too."

A/N this is the end hope you liked it. I have to say when you come up with things like this it's nice to know it gives other people ideas for there story's too. I would just like to say aswell thank you for reading and all the reviews it makes me want to carry on it helps me with my work due to my Dyslexea. big thank you again and see you all soon for the next twisted story.