A one-shot of the Cruel and Unusual Pairings challenge on xoxLewrahxox's forum, inspired by a discussion in the "Shipping Meme" thread.
Voldemort/Nagini. Enjoy.

Cruel and Unusual Pairings

There are some strange pairings out there, and then there are some which can only be described as "cruel and unusual." Squiddledore. Winky/Mr. Courch. Bloody Baron/Peeves. Your challenge is to write one of these cruel and unusual pairings, and to write it as seriously as you can.

The Dark Lord shuddered and moaned.

Cool, smooth scales brushed against snow white skin, tearing a gasp from his throat. He shut his eyes and allowed himself to let go.

Hisses filled the air, creating a buzzing of shared knowledge, cryptic riddles and a might that nearly felt like magic. He fell into the cold, rigid and yet so oddly gentle touch of someone, something that was as good as a part of himself. He remembered being volatile smoke, lighter than ghost, untouchable and whispering to snakes to gather the strength required to fight on. He remembered being small and strengthless, Wormtail feeding him life through her dark sweet venom, and her reassuring presence when the exhaustion of self-disgust and the anxieties of failure all became too much to bear. He remembered rising from a deep black cauldron, and seeing her, first of all.

She wrapped herself around him, caressing and squeezing and brushing and rubbing, and he arched into her with a raw, wordless cry.

They lay entwined as one pulsing soul.