Here's the last chapter!

I don't own Hetalia, the great genius Hidekaz Himaruya does!

Please enjoy!

Alfred sat at his desk, magazine laid out right in front of him and his face in his hands.

There's no way that could have been Arthur! The guy he knew wouldn't make that face so intentionally! He wouldn't put do something like this without a valid reason (Or if he had finally gone off his rocker). So caught up in his thoughts, Alfred almost missed the knock on his cubical door.

Quickly shoving the magazine into his briefcase under the desk, he quickly stumbled to open the door.

God must have been a real comedian `cause the source of his confusion was waiting on the other side of that door.

Arthur Kirkland.

Though he forced the blush down off his face, Alfred could feel the back of his neck start to burn.

"H-hey Artie! What brings you here?" Alfred questioned nervously. Damn it he was feeling guilty about something he shouldn't!

One of those eyebrows arched slightly in curiosity. The picture suddenly flashed through Alfred's brain causing his cheeks to burn with embarrassment.

"Are you feeling well? Didn't overeat yourself again, did you?" He joked half-heartily. Alfred tried to laugh it off, but it sounded forced and fake to his ears.

"H-ha ha h-ha ha! W-what are you talking a-about old man? You're mind must be p-playing tricks on y-you again!" He teased back, thou notably more forced. Luckily for Alfred, Arthur paid more attention to the insult then the tone it was said in.

"Wanker! Just when I was about to do something nice for you too! But now you can just forget it!" The Brit growled back stomping his foot a bit like a spoiled child. Alfred would have smiled at the cute display if it wasn't starting to become rather 'stimulating'.

"Come on A-Arthur! Don't be like that!"

"I'll bloody well be like this if I wa~!" Arthur abruptly stopped and his expression was that of shock and more confusion.

"A-Arthur?" He whispered softly. Alfred's forced smile had quickly dropped from his face with realization of the slip up.

Lord must have been trying to apologize to him for earlier and decided at that moment for the whistle to blow, signaling the end of the work day. Alfred didn't hesitate to make a grab for his suitcase and scattered papers before shoving past Arthur rather roughly and towards the waiting elevator.

"I'll get back to you! I'll see you later!" Alfred yelled back. The Brit was frozen where the American had shoved him and Alfred didn't dare to look at what his expression was…

As Alfred rushed down the stair well, he didn't notice the Frenchman (who had witnessed the scene from his hiding spot behind a potted plant) smirking.

"Only a matter of time…" He whispered happily as he turned his attention back to the Brit (whose shock looked to be wearing off). The Brit's eyes suddenly ignited with rage and the Frenchman knew all would be well.

Alfred had a death grip on the magazine as he once again found himself looking at the picture of (who he secretly hoped was) Arthur. He had already looked at the index and saw how "Angel" (As Arthur/Arthur look alike was named in the magazine) had quite a few pictures featured on him, but Alfred was very hesitate to look at any of them. (He was already having a hard time dealing with the first one, he'd surely die of heart failure if he looked at the others!) Shaking his hands out from the now rather painful fist he had gripped them into, he took a shuddery breath before slowly turning the page.

The blood in his body was now having a hard time deciding where it should flood (To his face, to his "other" region, or just take the exit out his nose…). Living up to the nickname, the blonde was featured on a reasonably sized bed all decked out in a white toga thing with large wings looking to be sprouting out of his back. He was facing the camera on his hands and knees, face flushed and eyes glazed over as if he was begging for something. His back was arched like a cat's and Alfred found his eyes traveling the expanse of the blonde's body from his mussed (but incredibly sexy) locks to his dainty looking toes.

Despite the pictures looking like something right out of one of his many (MANY) fantasies of the Brit, Alfred couldn't help but feel guilty at his ogling. He wasn't positive that this was really Arthur (I mean~ it has been seen that total strangers can somehow turn out to look the same!) and if it turned out it wasn't him, he feel like a total ass for checking someone else out when he was already shit deep in love the grumpy Englishman. Finding the will to close the magazine, Alfred stuffed it under his armpit and got up to make himself some much needed coffee.

To say Arthur was enraged would be a total understatement.

The Brit had all but stormed out of the office and towards the soon to be castrated American's house. (Luckily for him, the boy didn't live that far away)

Once he reached the quaint two bedroom house, he checked behind one of the plastic flamingos to find the little spare key Alfred kept for any type of emergency. Finding it, he shoved it roughly into the key hole and all but kicked the door in.

"ALFRED!" Arthur roared.

A distinct thump and crash came from the kitchen and Arthur quickly turn his path that way.

Arthur found Alfred laying out on the floor with a broken mug shattered not too far away from him. Arthur didn't pay any mind to the destroyed mug as he took steps towards the surprised American.

"You have a lot of nerve to run off when people are talking to you…" Arthur growled, his tone causing Alfred to stumble to his feet.

"H-Hey it's not anything to scre~"

"I'll very well scream about it if I want to!" Arthur cut in dangerously. Alfred closed his mouth after that and prepared himself for the lecture (and probably a few punches) to start.

"You should very well show some courtesy to your superiors instead of shoving them aside like some worthless trash~!" Alfred flinched slightly. He could already tell that Arthur wasn't looking very merciful today.

"I didn't mean for it to seem like tha~"

"Well you did!" Arthur cut in once again. As Arthur went off screaming again, Alfred found himself taking in how Arthur was looking.

His cheeks were flushed harshly and his eyes looked as if they were flashing at him like some kind of thunderstorm only green and much more dangerous than any storm he would come in contact with. His fist were clenched tightly at his side and his entire body was rigged with bottled up rage. It should have terrified any normal human being, but having been getting this kind of rage from Arthur for years, Alfred had finally been able to somewhat block it out (it still kind of scared him shitless sometimes).

"Where to do you get off with leaving people in the middle of a conversa~!" Arthur's rant stopped mid-sentence and it suddenly became very quite. Alfred rose an eyebrow.

"Hey? What happened to the spitting fire dragon?" Alfred asked, half-joking thou he was really starting to grow concerned when the color drained from Arthur's face. Arthur's eyes were staring off at something behind Alfred and he turned to see the color in his face drain too.

The magazine apparently somehow flipped back open to the photo of Arthur/Arthur look alike when I fell off my chair at Arthur's surprise entrance.

It was deathly quiet for a moment and I could quickly see the color returning to Arthur's face again, thou now it seemed to have left it extremely red. It didn't take a genius to figure that one out.

"W-Why do you h-have that m-m-magazine?" Arthur stuttered, his eyes now taking a keen interest in the nonexistent dirt under his fingernails. Alfred let out a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck.

"W-well some girls had been looking at it and told me how this model in it looked a whole lot like you." he replied, somehow managing to smirk.

Arthur trembled slightly and looked up with such a defenseless expression.

"Go ahead. Laugh. I know you want to." Arthur murmured head now ducking down in shame, thou Alfred had no idea why he did that.

"Why would I laugh?" Alfred questioned watching Arthur's head snap up to glare at him.

"It because I look bloody stupid! What the hell is everyone going to think when they see those pic~"

"They're gonna wonder why they didn't notice the sexiness in you." Alfred cut in, loving the way Arthur's jaw dropped at his interruption.

"W-what?" Arthur croaked, eyes bugging out and the American boy couldn't help but smirk when he saw the flush spreading to the Brit's neck.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me right. And I think that it's about time I said it too." Alfred purred softly, taking the chance to grab the Brit's wrist and pull him closer. The Brit's stuttering didn't approve and only got worse as he was pulled into the much broader chest.

"B-but~" Arthur's stuttered, still trying to comprehend what Alfred was telling him. Alfred shushed him as his smirk softed down into a small smile.

"But nothing. I just told the love of my life he's hot and I suspect no disagreements."

Arthur's eyes widened another inch and Alfred prayed that he didn't put his heart on the line for nothing. But soon Arthur was clenching Alfred's face in his palms desperately his eyes searching his for any form of joking.

"Is this really happening? I've had dreams like this, but not quite as real as this one…" Arthur whispered frantically, eyes very much becoming a little teary. Alfred smiled wider and quickly wiped the nearly tears away.

"I guess that depends, am I better looking in your dreams or is the real thing more smoking?" Alfred joked, Arthur choked out a sob and buried his face in Alfred's shirt.

"Bloody wanker can't even be serious when making a stupid confession…" Arthur blubbered out, despite the tears Alfred could tell he defeintly not complaining at all.

Just to play along Alfred tutted in mock hurt. "Hey! I don't see you complaining!"

Arthur lifted his head and even with puffy blood-shot eyes, he still looked amazingly cute.

Arthur tipped his head up and pecked Alfred's cheek. "Never, love."

Alfred couldn't resist anymore and leaned down to capture the Brit's more than eager lips. He hummed approvingly as Arthur's fingers nestled themselves into his hair and tugged him closer. Alfred's tongue soon flitted out and licked Arthur's lips, begging for entrance. Arthur smirked against his lips but let the American's tongue slip in. They fought over dominance for a bit until Arthur forfeited and let Alfred maneuvered him until he was pushed up against one of the kitchen walls. When they pulled away to breathe, the two were quickly back at it again. Alfred's hands groped over Arthur's body until they reached his butt. Arthur moaned slightly as Alfred rubbed him slightly before hoisting him up. Arthur instinctively wrapped his legs around the American's hips as he lugged him to the living room.

"What do you plan on doing, boy?" Arthur teased, lightly trailing kisses down Alfred's face and neck. Alfred chuckled as he pressed a kiss to the Brit's exposed.

"Let's just say those pictures gave me a few ideas." he replied, hands pinching Arthur's butt softly but enough to draw a reaction. Arthur groaned softly and happily let Alfred lay him out on the couch before straddling him. Alfred chuckled again when the picture from the magazine popped back into his head.

"Hmm? What's so funny, love?" Arthur questioned, cheeks puffing out as he pouted. Alfred ducked down and planted a sweet kiss on his pouting lips.

"Nothing, babe. Just admiring my new boyfriend."

Arthur smirked and pulled Alfred down by his T-shirt for a passionate kiss. "Who said I say yes?" he purred teasingly trailing his fingers under Alfred's shirt and over the taut muscles under it. Alfred didn't hesitate to grab the Brit roughly and proceed to kiss him breathless.

"All of your refusal from here on out are denied!" Alfred stated gleefully when he pulled away from the now panted Arthur. Despite being breathless, Arthur let out a light laugh.

"If that's what happens, I'll make sure to deny you more often."

Alfred smirked as he descended onto the Brit once again. "Hell yeah."

Francis sat in his study with a glass of wine with a knowing smirk on his face.

"All in a day's work." He sighed proudly, taking a sip of his glass.

How does he know you ask?

Well it's because he's Francis and Francis knows these things.

(It's not like Francis hid secret cameras in Alfred's (especially Arthur's) house just to catch something extremely compromising and use said videos as future blackmail. No, no, no, no; most definitely not!)

"*moan* Alfred… please m-more~!"

"Whatever you want babe."

No, that is most certainly not a small surveillance system behind him either (nor is it screening Alfred and Arthur's special moment in high definition!)

Francis's smirk only grew as the faint moans (soundly strangely like the petite British man) grew into screams.

Ah yes~ he truly had a gift for knowing this stuff.

Thanks for reading! (Might try to write that lemon but I would need a few review asking for it!)

Review please!