A/N: Set briefly after 2x22- perhaps a few weeks.

Just Tonight

She could feel it—her heart racing as she watched him—watched him take another drink from the bottle of whiskey that never seemed to empty. She watched him as he threw his glass on the ground- she watched it shatter into a million little pieces, just like their relationship. He looked over to her with a drunken grin on his face—he smiled, and it made her shiver down to her core.

The lights of the bar they were in shone intensely; too intensely- probably to highlight the mistakes they were making just by being there. She inhaled a deep breath as she walked over to him. He was laughing, and slurring his words from what she could hear; he leaned on the bar taking back shot after shot easily, too easily. It made her sick, but she knew that she needed to get him out of there.

"Jeremy, it's time to go," Bonnie said as she now stood in front of him.

His eyes were glossed over, his hair was in disarray; he smelled of pure alcohol. She also sensed his regret.

Jeremy turned away from the conversation he was having with the pretty blonde, and the dashing red head that stood at his sides, laughing at his every word. They now stared at Bonnie intently as they waited for him to respond.

"I don't want to leave," Jeremy replied, smirking all the while.

"It wasn't a question," Bonnie answered sharply, as she took hold of his hand, and pulled him away from the girls, dragging him out of the bar.

"What the hell is your problem, Bonnie?" Jeremy asked, as he yanked his hand out of his grasp, as they stood outside on the sidewalk.

"My problem? You wanna ask me what my problem is when you're the one who was stupid enough to drive out to some random bar, and get wasted with strangers? Elena is worried sick—I am worried sick about you!" she yelled in response, as the people walking by watched the argument.

Jeremy scoffed as he began to walk down the street and Bonnie followed him.

This is how it was, virtually every day since Bonnie brought him back to life—Jeremy getting drunk, or high, or messed up on pills, and Bonnie always had to come to the rescue. She didn't know what was going on with him, and he wouldn't talk to her long enough for her to get any answers. She was reluctant to use any of her powers against him as well because of Emily's warning about the consequences the last time she used them—were these the consequences that she was being warned of?

"Jeremy, stop," Bonnie said helplessly, and he did, as he slowly turned around and faced her.

His brown eyes staring back at her without a single trace of feeling behind them—he was as empty as ever.

"I'll take you home," she said, as she walked up to him, and placed both hands on his shoulders.

Jeremy rolled his eyes, but she took his hand anyway, and led him over to her car.

It was a silent ride home back to Mystic Falls as Bonnie sat behind the wheel, and Jeremy closed his eyes in the passenger seat. She promised him they'd get his car tomorrow, but he didn't even nod in agreement. Bonnie pulled up to the Gilbert household, and shut her car off. They sat there in silence.

"Do you want me to come inside?" she asked as his hand neared the door handle.

"What, so you can scold me some more? No thanks, Nanny Bonnie," Jeremy replied coldly, and she felt a surge of sadness run through her veins.

She had been watching him, a lot lately, and he resented it. He just wanted to be left alone, but Bonnie wouldn't comply, especially with Damon going crazy because Stefan was missing, Alaric grieving over Jenna , Elena so close to falling off the deep end because of everything, and Emily's looming warning about what was to happen. Things were anything but stable, and she didn't want to leave him alone. He seemed so grateful towards her when she spoke to him after she brought him back to life, but ever since then, he seemed so angry towards her. She tried to peek into his head, and she saw nothing—Jeremy was a blank slate.

"You know I'm just trying to help," she replied softly, trying to catch the pain from seeping into her voice.

"You know how you can help, Bonnie? By leaving me alone," Jeremy said through gritted teeth.


"No, stop! Stop talking for once, Bonnie!" he yelled angrily, and she almost jumped out of her skin as she sat back and watched how angry he became. "You think talking and magic solves everything, don't you? It doesn't, Bonnie, it doesn't at all—you've done nothing but made my life a living hell ever since the moment you 'saved' me," he spat viciously.

Bonnie felt the tears forming in her eyes, and she held them back. He wasn't going to make her cry- not this time. Jeremy finally opened his car door, and got out. Bonnie immediately did the same and followed him to the front door.

"Leave me alone," he said lowly, and she shook her head profusely.

"I will not leave you alone, Jer, not like this! What has gotten into you? What's happened? You can talk to me- please, talk to me," Bonnie begged.

Jeremy sighed, as he stared at her with big brown eyes, and he let out a laugh.

"This is all your fault, Bonnie," he said quietly, and she looked into his eyes.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about—"

"Of course you do, Bonnie! You're a witch, you know everything, right? You know what you did to me! It is your fault that this happened. It's your fault that I never got to say goodbye to Jenna, it's your fault that I'm seeing these—these things, all around. When I shut my eyes, when I open my eyes… it never stops. You should have just let me die, Bonnie!" he yelled furiously, and she now felt the tears she tried so hard to hold back flowing down her cheeks.

"What—what are you seeing, Jeremy?" she asked softly, and he scoffed.

"Does it really matter, Bonnie? All I know is that they don't want me to be with you. You've ruined my life," he said with conviction.

"They who?" she pressed, as he began to open his front door, ignoring her.

She finally grabbed him by the shoulder, and pushed him up against the door.

"God damn't Jeremy, answer me! I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong!" she yelled through her sobs, with her green eyes shining in the moonlit sky, and her face streaked with hot tears.

"It's better if you don't know," he replied, and she shook her head.

"No, I want to know," she whispered quietly.

Jeremy swiftly grabbed her wrist, and removed it from his shoulder, holding onto it tightly, and staring deep into her eyes. She didn't recognize the person staring back at him.

"What did Emily say when you brought me back to life?" he asked, and she stared at him silently. "Answer me, now," he added with a guttural tone.

How did he know about Emily? She didn't tell him anything about talking to her, and she was sure Alaric didn't either. Bonnie could feel her whole body shaking as they stood there—she was so tempted to use her powers to make him stop, but she tried to hold herself back. Her powers were what caused this mess in the first place.

"She said… she said there'd be consequences," Bonnie stuttered out.

Jeremy let go of her hand roughly, and she just stared at him as she grabbed her wrist and massaged it gently. He was being really aggressive lately.

"I never want to see you again, Bonnie," he said.

She felt like someone just hit her with a brick as he said it.

"No, no you don't mean that, you're drunk," she reasoned, with wet cheeks.

"I mean it, Bonnie. I will always mean it. It's over. Get out of my face—"

"Jeremy, please—"

"I said leave!" he yelled, as he slapped her face violently, and pushed her aggressively. She stumbled backwards onto the ground of the porch.

Bonnie just looked up him as she clutched her cheek that was stinging with pain—his eyes were dark, and he looked at her sadistically as she sat on the ground. This wasn't the Jeremy that gave her a ride home from the Lockwood Mansion the night after the Masquerade Ball, or vowed to protect her as much as he could, or laughed and smiled and cared for her—no, this wasn't the Jeremy that she loved.

Bonnie slowly stood to her feet, and stared into the eyes of this dismal stranger—he stared right back at her.

"This isn't you," she said gently under her breath.

"I don't want to fucking do this anymore Bonnie, what don't you understand? I'm done!" Jeremy said, as he locked the door behind himself.

Bonnie stared at the door as it shut, and she felt her world go black. She leaned against the porch as she hyperventilated, not knowing what to do or say. Why was he doing this? He hit her, hard, and she couldn't shake the feeling of his hands slapping her across the face, and knocking her to the ground. She also couldn't shake his words- was breaking up with her without letting her fight for him. And who were they? She inhaled deeply, and slowly sat down on the porch, tears falling from her eyes heavily. She could hardly breathe from how hard she was crying. She wasn't going to take this.

Bonnie stood up, and banged on the door "Jeremy!" she called loudly.

No response. She took inhaled deeply, and hovered her palms over his door knob, shutting her eyes, and focusing on opening it until she heard a click. The door swung open with the help of her magic. She ran upstairs to his bed room, and pushed the door open harshly.

"Jeremy," she began as she walked in.

He turned to face her from his desk, and she noticed the bottle of pills that sat there, next to his ring. She raced to him and picked up the little white bottle- it was completely empty.

"Jeremy," she repeated, as she grabbed him by the wrists, only to feel her fingers slide against his skin. She looked down, and finally recognized the deep red blood that now stained her fingertips.

"Oh my god," she muttered under her breath, as she stared into his jaded eyes.

"I told you, you ruined everything," he replied quietly, and way too calmly for her liking.

"What did you do?" she whispered with her voice chock full of hurt, as she looked at the desk and saw the bloodied knife that he used to cut himself.

"I did what they told me to do," he replied waveringly, as his eyes began to shut.

Who were they?

Bonnie shook the thought out of her mind; she didn't have time to think about that, she had to save Jeremy. She quickly picked his ring up off of his desk, and slid it onto his finger.

"You can't do this, not right now," she said, as she held onto his wrists even tighter, and closed her eyes. She began chanting in a foreign language under her breath, and she held him even harder as she tried to do the spell to heal his wounds. Bonnie finally looked down to see that the deep incisions were sealing up. She looked at Jeremy's face, and he was still blinking slowly.

"Bonnie, I-" he began, and she immediately grabbed his garbage can, and held it to his mouth as he threw up all of the pills he ingested.

"Bonnie!" she heard from downstairs, as the feet began to climb the staircase rapidly.

"In here!" she called back, tears still all over her face as she watched a slumped over Jeremy heave everything up from inside of him.

Elena ran into the room, with Damon right behind her, and they rushed over to Jeremy.

"Oh my God," Elena said under her breath as she knelt down in front of her brother, and cupped his cheeks with her hands. "Jeremy, listen to me, you're gonna be okay," she said.

Elena put the trash can aside, and pulled him in for a tight hug, as Bonnie and Damon watched. Damon was keeping his distance because of the blood- Bonnie was keeping her distance because of her heart.

"Bonnie, thank you. I'll take it from here," Elena said softly as she still hugged Jeremy.

"I can stay, Elena-" Bonnie began, but Elena shook her head.

"Ric will be home soon, he's been handling all of the paperwork and everything concerning Jenna... I don't want him to know this happened, he will know something's up if you're here," Elena said.

Bonnie nodded, and she walked over to Elena and gave her a small hug. "Okay, I'll see you, I guess," Bonnie said softly as she turned to walk out.

"I'll take Bonnie home, she's in no condition to drive," Damon finally piped up, and Elena nodded as he followed her out the door.

Once outside, Damon raced in front of Bonnie, and stood in front of her car door.

"Hands me the keys, witch" he said with his palm out.

"I'm fine, Damon," she said, as she tried to push him aside, and he grabbed her roughly by the shoulders, and stared at her with his big, blue, aquatic eyes.

His raven hair was plastered to his forehead, and his pale skin was cold- he fingers gripped her tightly; too tightly. Damon began to notice Bonnie shuddering beneath his touch, and he loosened his grip.

"Are you okay? You're weirder than usual," he said, with furrowed brows- something she wasn't quite used to seeing when it came to Damon; he was never usually concerned about her. But then again, he had been acting a little differently since Stefan disappeared. But not too differently.

"I'm fine, just please... let go," she said shakingly, and he did.

Something was wrong- very wrong.

"What happened tonight, Bonnie?" he asked sternly.

"Just the usual- he ran off, and drank, a lot," Bonnie said as she sniffled, and tried to move towards the car door handle.

Damon nodded. They really needed to get the kid a goddamn babysitter in his opinion, but Elena was too warped and didn't believe that watching his every move would help him. He stopped Bonnie's advance to the door again; he wasn't going to drop it that easily.

"Did he... hurt you?" Damon asked slowly, and Bonnie instantly remembered the fear that ran through her veins when Jeremy grabbed her wrist, and when he pushed her to the ground.

Damon studied her green eyes as he waited for her answer- he knew something else besides Jeremy trying to kill himself happened, but he couldn't put his finger on what.

"He didn't mean it," Bonnie said, as a tear fell from her eye, and she quickly wiped it away.

Damon's eyes slowly widened as he began to walk back to the house, but Bonnie grabbed his hand.

"Don't, okay? Elena is going through a lot and the last thing she needs to hear is that her brother... hit me," she said slowly, painfully.

Damon sighed, and turned back to her; he didn't know why, but seeing Bonnie this hurt sparked something inside of him- he was angry, really angry. Something inside of him was boiling- and he was seething with frustration because she wouldn't let him do anything. And he didn't care if Jeremy was on his deathbed right now, he wasn't going to get away with this. He exhaled a deep breath, and put out his palm again, and waited. Bonnie sighed, and fished in her pocketbook, and handed Damon her car keys. He nodded towards the passenger seat and she complied, as she walked around to it, and got into the car. He got in as well, and shut his door. He then put the key in the ignition, and quickly glanced over at Bonnie, who was drying her tears on her sleeve. He didn't say another word as they drove away.

A/N: Hello everyone! I figured I'd start yet another fic (cause that's exactly what I should be doing hahaha), but wanted to focus on Bonnie and Damon. I've done one Bamon fic before, but it was more for laughs and smiles- I wanted to make this one darker, and set in real time after 2x22. Basically, Jeremy is headed for a downward spiral for reasons we will find out very soon, and bringing Bonnie down with him. Damon finds himself caring about her well-being even though he has his own stuff to worry about (like a missing Stefan, and his kiss with Elena). I wanted to explore the idea of these two finding some comfort in each other, although this probably won't be the path that is followed on TVD. I promise there will be waaay more Bamon in future scenes to come, but not just yet. I want this to develop, so bare with me ;) Will he be her knight in shining armor or will his love for Elena cloud his judgement? Let me know what you think, reviews will keep me going! :) xoxo