Hello everyone, in June of 2011 I began my journey into fanfiction. It has been a long journey and I would like to thank all my fans for the support that I have been given in this time. I know that this last chapter has taken me a long time to write, so I would like to thank everybody for your patience. I hope you all enjoy the conclusion of When I Close My Eyes.

This last chapter is dedicated to every person who left a review for this story. I never would have finished this story if it was not for your support. I love you all!

Chapter 30


It took a few moments for me to gather myself, as I looked around the room and saw the men that have caused me such pain over the past few years. I know that when people think of the Mafia, they often think of disgusting humans who exploit others and destroy lives. While every person in this room is associated with the mafia, we are not all the same. As I look at these men, particularly Aro and Felix, and think of all that they have done; I can now see just how different we are.

Coming into this room, Emmett, Jasper, Dad and I had a plan. We wanted to cause these men as much pain as possible, but as we do not know where Alice, we really needed to gather information as quickly as we can.

"What are we doing here Carlisle?" Aro asked calmly, taking charge as we expected. We knew that he would be the hardest to gain information from, as he has lived a brutal life and can tolerate high levels of pain. Felix however, is a sick fuck but has never really been challenged in life. He is who we will be targeting.

"I think we all know why we are here, so let's cut the bullshit" Carlisle said, walking closer to the chairs that imprison the men. Us three younger Cullen's, waiting on the back wall, ready to give support if needed.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, but this is not OK. How dare you disrespect me in this way" Aro spat, his voice full of arrogance. It's was almost comical, him acting like we owe him something. If he only knew how his day was going to end, boy would he be speaking in a different tone.

"Where is Alice?!" Carlisle yelled, jolting some energy back into the room and showing his anger. We needed to move quickly and Dad was hurrying this along. We did not need to put up a front of confidence or play their games. They were all going to die anyway, so we do not need to protect our reputation.

Dad's face twisted with an emotion that I had never seen before…disgust. The men before us were the scum of the earth and when they die, we will all smile. Dad pulled out is gun quickly and without flinching, shot and killed Riley. One shot, straight through the temple and covering Felix with blood.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Felix shouted, his eye wide as he looked wildly to his father, Aro.

"Where is Alice?" Dad asked again, this time much calmer but with a deadly edge. Aro now knew we meant business.

"I still do not know what you are talking about. You need to calm down old friend" Aro said. He calmness was shocking, especially considering his son just died. Felix and uncle Rex on the other hand, looked like they were going to shit themselves. The energy in the room had changed. They were sitting next to a dead body and they knew they would soon be joining him in hell. They would be too much of a risk to let go at this point.

"We all know you have her, we just do not know where. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way" Carlisle said.

After several tense moments of silence, it was clear that no one was going to speak. It was time to ramp things up a notch and play some mind games with them. After all, manipulation is the best was to gain information.

I pushed of the wall and cracked my knuckles. I knew I looked like a caged feral beast and at this moment, I did not care to act like I was OK. I am not OK, and I want these mother fuckers to pay for what they have done. For all the hurt they have caused us and the terror which the rained-on Seattle.

"If no-one is going to tell us what we need, then we might as well kill them all. They are only wasting our oxygen. So, tell me Aro, are you ready to bury two sons?" I asked as I pointed my golden hand gun at Felix. I watched his eyes go wide but he did not say a word. Felix was trying to hide his fear but still wreaked of it. Aro on the other hand, looked unfazed and uncaring.

"Aren't you going to say something Dad?" Felix asked, trying and failing not to sound desperate.

"Of course he is not going to say anything. He wants you dead" Dad said confidently.

"WHAT! WHY?!" Felix shouted, leaning forward to look at his dad. Aro could not even make eye contact. I never knew how messed up their relationship was but right now even I believed my dad, and I knew he was lying. Aro clearly had zero paternal love for his sons, as there is a very real possibility that he could loose both of his sons today and he acts like he could not care less. He's cold heart is impenetrable, even to his own sons.

"Your dad was taped saying that you were the dumbest son of bitch that he had ever met. He said that you could not run his empire and that he was embarrassed to call you his son…that he would rather you dead, so he could train a new recruit to be his successor. Isn't that right, Aro?" I said, lying out me teeth. Felix was grating his teeth, his confusion mixed with his anger was palpable. He was cracking, and we all could sense it.

"You speak such bullshit! Son, you know this is all lies?" Aro said.

"Do I?! Then why do I feel like you have been slowly icing me out?" Felix shouted at his dad. This information was a pleasant surprise for us, as our lies were a gamble that appeared to be working. It was time to go for the kill shot.

I trained my gun on Felix, my dad's on Aro and Emmett's on uncle Rex.

"The first person to tell us were Alice is will live. The other two will die. Simple. GO!" My dad said. It only took seconds for Felix to crack. He felt like he had already been iced out of his family and was not going to give them the opportunity to betray him again. Instead he sold them out.

"She is at 12 West Street, second door on the left" Felix said, only to be killed seconds later. Aro and uncle rex were also shot, all clean shots straight through the head. The Volturi mafia were no longer and Alice was going to be OK.

3 Hours later


I have been waiting by the phone for hours now, praying that Edward and Alice were OK. The time was ticking by so slowly and the silence was deafening. I do not know how Esme has managed to age so gracefully after a lifetime of this stress. I have only known Edward for a few months and yet I feel like I am already going grey.

"Bella, would you like to join Rose and I for some tea?" Esme asked, waving me over to the dining table. The two women shared my concern and they were the best company I could ask for at this point. At least I knew that they could relate to my feelings.

"I just don't know how to handle this stress, Esme. Every moment of silence feels like torture and there is nothing I can do!" I said as I sat down at the table and re-tied my hair back for the 100th time. It was a nervous twitch that I could not seem to shake.

"Just have faith dear. That is all we can do" Esme said as she patted my arm.

After what felt like an eternity, and with cold green tea in my cup, I decided it was time to pray. I have never prayed in my life, but I just did not know what to do anymore. I closed my eyes and spoke to god. I told him about my troubling year and the difficulties I have had. I then told him about Edward, Alice and the new family who have accepted me with loving arms. I told him that I have finally found love and happiness, and to please not take that away from me. I don't know what I would do without them. Moments later, the front door opened.

Like meercats, all three women's heads became erect as we stared at the door. Seconds later, we were all rushing out of our seats, as Carlisle, Emmett, Edward, Jasper and Alice all came through the door.

"Oh my god!" I screamed as I jumped into Edwards arms. I could not contain my happiness, as all my loves had returned to me and looked to be fine. The emotion was just too much, I collapsed to the ground and cried.

"Shhh baby, everything is going to be OK now" Edward said as he crouched over me. He told me that they found Alice unharmed, and that the people who were holding her are now dead. They were going to extort the Cullen's for millions but never got the chance. They got what was coming to them.

We all spent several hours in the Cullen's living room, huddled together and embracing each other's love. I was so grateful to have them all in my life and for us to all be alive. I just never want to leave this moment.

"You know I love you, right?" Edward asked, gazing up at me from the large arm chair that we are sharing.

"Of course, you know I love you more, right?" I said with a smile and shuffled around on his lap, trying to get more comfortable. Edward smiled at me and kissed me, melting my heart and allowing me to win the "I love you more" contest. Edward broke our moment of bliss, saying that he needed to change into something more comfortable. I reluctantly let him leave, only so I could take the moment to snuggle with Alice.

I moved over to the couch that Alice and Jasper were sharing. After shooing Jasper away, I gathered Alice in my arms and hugged her gently. She was so precious to me and I knew she shared my love. It kills me that anyone would want to cause her pain.

"Are you sure you are OK?" I asked, fussing like a mother hen. I just wanted to feed her nice food, wrap her in blankets and never let her leave the house. I guess Edward's over-protective nature is rubbing off on me.

"I'm fine, outside of being hungry and thirsty, they did not harm me or touch me at all" Alice said as she patted my head. I think she was scared but doesn't want to worry me by telling me the truth. She always was as hard as nails.

"In fact, I think I may go back to college classes tomorrow" She announced as Jasper rolled his eye. She was not going back tomorrow, not unless she somehow gives Jasper the slip. I just gave him a sympathetic smile, as I knew the stress this past day caused him and the poor boy had been through a lot.

"I would like to make an announcement" Edward said loudly as he came back into the living room. I looked at him inquisitively. He said he needed to change but he is still in his old suit. I wonder where he went.

"The last few days have allowed me to see my life more clearly than ever before. It has been a time of great stress, and I am so thankful that we have all made it out OK. While I have always had the love of my family, this time has highlighted to me the importance of my new love, Bella." He said.

I was a little confused about why Edward was making this speech, that was until he produced a small black box from his back pocket, causing the room to gasp.

"Shut the fuck up!" Alice gasped in shock as Edward got down on one knee, both with smiles that could take up their whole faces.

"Isabella Marie Swan, this last nine months have been the best nine months of my life. I love you so much and everything that you are. You are wicked behind the drivers seat of a car, write amazing stories and dance with a passion that I have never seen before. I have never known love like this, and I know that you feel the same. Please allow me the greatest honor of loving you every day for the rest of my life. You make me a better person and I want to dedicate my life to making you, and our future family, the happiest people on earth. Bella, will you marry me?" Edward said, opening the ring box and presenting me with the biggest diamond I have ever seen.

I did not need to look at the ring. All that I needed to see was in Edwards face, because what I saw was a man who loves me fiercely. I knew he would give his all to make me happy and I knew I felt the same. There was no doubt in my mind with what my answer would be.

"Of course I will marry you" I whispered as tears came to my eye. I pounced on Edward and kissed him with all I had. I could here the Cullens, Alice and Rose all cheering and celebrating our love, and I knew I had found my new family.

Narrators POV

In the next few years all the Cullen sons became happily married. Edward married Bella in a beautiful garden ceremony 1 year later, and in the following years began their beautiful family. They now live in the country side, with their two beautiful children, Marie and Sunny. Alice and Jasper also married, and now live in the city to allow Alice to run her successful fashion line. Jasper adores Alice, and their toddler Max. And lastly, Emmett and Rose are engaged to be married. They are very much in love and are expecting their first child four months after their wedding.

After the cleaning of the house the Cullen's decided that they no longer wanted to live the mafia lifestyle. The family had made millions over the generations, and with smart investments and developing a hotel chain, the Cullen's made so much legal money that the mafia life was no longer worth the stress.

The family is happy and at peace, which is all they ever wanted.

The End.

Authors Note:

It amazes me to say the When I Close My Eyes is officially complete. I once again would like to thank-you all for the support over the years. I know this story is not perfect, and I have made many mistakes along the way, but I hope it brought you joy. You all inspired me to finish this story and I hope you enjoyed this ending.

Do you have a favorite moment from the story? Mine was when the boys were all playing Xbox together. I loved that scene.

Anyhow, I guess it is now it for me to say goodbye. If you are a fan of A Court of Thorns and Roses or Mafia style books, please consider reading my new story that is listed on my profile.

I love you all!

Z. P. Point.