Hermione glanced nervously from face to face, examining the reactions of her colleagues. Her supervisor, Aaron Hotchner, already knew, of course - he was a wizard himself and had been hearing her name in the wizarding news since she was a teenager. Reid was, for once, dumbfounded. Hermione could guess what had him shocked - not only the existence of magic, but that he hadn't figured it out himself, with his boss and a close coworker having magical abilities. Morgan was in slight awe. Prentiss had a surprising confession: she was a Squib. Not even Hotch had known. All of her team's reactions were positive or neutral.

Well, all except Agent Rossi's.

Rossi had always been a thorn in her side, and she hadn't exactly expected him to be any different in this situation. While he occasionally acted like a human being, he was typically arrogant, sarcastic, and just somehow vaguely irritating. The two of them had been at each other's throats since the day he came out of retirement, fighting like bratty first years every chance they got.

No, rather than reeling in shock or dropping to his knees in awe, Rossi simply seethed. He was bloody seething.

"And you couldn't have used this to help out on any cases?" Rossi demanded, brows furrowed.

"Dav-" Hotch began, but Hermione cut him off.

"Rossi, believe me, I would have if I had thought it appropriate. And there are a number of situations in which I did use mag-"

"But you could have helped more!" he said, stepping forward. The team wasn't in the usual conference room; this room was sound-proofed. Unfortunately, it also lacked a table, allowing Rossi to advance towards her unhindered. She took a half a moment to wonder why he was upset at her but not at Hotch before deciding on a blend of misogyny and a simple distaste for her. "All those victims who died when with a wave of that wand you could've-"

She stepped toward him, cutting him off even through the burn of knowing that she was giving him the satisfaction of getting to her. "There are restrictions on the usage of magic in the presence of Muggles, Rossi, I just told you that." Admittedly, she said it a bit more sharply than she probably should have.

"Hermione, David, calm down," Hotch said, his voice deadly calm. Hermione threw him a glance, but he seemed more focused on Rossi than on her.

"What you just told me," Rossi said - and when she looked back at him, his face was even closer than before - "is that use of magic around Muggles is restricted to keep us from being aware of your world." His eyes glistened with rage. "Using magic to help heal a victim in need without anyone being any the wiser would not have violated any of the laws you just-"

"You complete ass," she muttered. His jaw visibly tightened. She bit the inside of my right cheek before continuing. "None of you are unintelligent enough to not realize something as odd as victims being healed of fatal injuries. I would have been found out in half a second if I'd tried that."

"We would have known something strange was going on," Reid conceded. She didn't acknowledge him.

"And we would've known you were a witch," Rossi said, the veins in his neck visible by this point. "Which is exactly what we know now. The only difference would be all the men, women, and children whose lives you would have saved."

Hermione didn't respond, choosing instead to glare at him with the same easy fire she would've managed for Lucius Malfoy on a court day. He returned the look, positively glowering. Then, they snapped.

Their lips met forcefully, tongues sensually dancing the masochism tango. He tasted vaguely of cinnamon and she reminded herself to steal some gum from his desk later; the scent of his aftershave filled her nostrils, and with significant effort she tore herself away from his lips.

Ignoring the looks they were receiving from our coworkers, she walked calmly out of the conference room, closing the door firmly behind her.

The room seemed to hold its breath, and then:

"What the hell was that?" Hotch demanded. Rossi looked from the closed door to his boss, then back to the door, his mouth agape but beginning to show a small smile.

"I have no idea, Hotch," he said, still staring at the exit Granger had just taken. "But you couldn't pay me enough to ask her."

A/N This idea's been floating around in my head for a bit now, so I finally decided to just plop my ass down and right it. Oh, and I don't own any of those characters up there or anything ^^^ (Though I sort of wish I owned Reid... and Rossi... and Morgan. And maybe even Hotch.)

A/N 2017 Wow I was such a twatty little fangirl. Oh well. Fixed some stuff. Changed POV to third person.