I don't own Harry Potter or Warriors.

Lionblaze sat uncomfortably in the chair with his brother on his right and his former apprentice on his left. Crowfeather had chosen to remain standing behind them, long arms crossed over his chest. Jayfeather twitched and let out an annoyed sigh. Lionblaze's lips quirked upwards into a grin.

"What's the matter, Jay?" he teased, using the Twoleg name in case someone overheard. "Getting bored?"

The four had arrived at Hogwarts earlier that day. They had met a woman named McGonagall and a man named Snape, both of whom had told them that 'Dumbledore was in a very important meeting with the Minister and will be with them when he finishes.' They had been in the room for a few hours now, and they were all getting restless. They had taken to teasing each other to pass the time.

"I just wish that this Dumbledore person would hurry it up and get in here already," Jayfeather replied, his usual grouchiness making it's way into his tone.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting then," Dumbledore said, amused. Lionblaze and Crowfeather tensed at the sudden appearance, Jayfeather and Dovewing remained calm, having used their advanced* hearing to notice when he entered. "You said you need my help on certain matters?"

"You can tell him that you're actually cats," Half Moon whispered in Jayfeather's ear for only him to hear. "Just don't tell him about the prophecy."

"Err… Yeah, we're kind of cats. Something happened and we were turned into Twolegs," Jayfeather stated bluntly. The other three stared at him in shock that he had just told the aged human so quickly, while Dumbledore looked stunned. "Our ancestors told us that we would be able to help you in a battle of some sort. We're supposedly going to turn back once we've helped."

"Well…" Dumbledore began in a dazed sort of confusion. "To begin, you can stay here for the time being…"

"Um, what exactly is here?" Dovewing put in, her face scrunched up in bewilderment. "Why would you Twolegs need such a big nest?"

"Nest?" Dumbledore asked, becoming even more confused just as he heard McGonagall chuckle from the doorway.

"Why don't I talk to them?" she suggested with great amusement. "I have spoken to cats before." Dumbledore motioned for her to go ahead and she smiled.

"What do you mean you've spoken to cats before?" Crowfeather narrowed his eyes in suspicion, incredibly wary of the two humans.

"I have the ability to turn into a cat at will," McGonagall explained. "I've spoken to many cats that way."

"Oh yeah," Lionblaze said in false cheer, resting his chin on his palm, his elbow positioned on the arm of the chair. "That's reassuring." Dovewing laughed quietly as her former mentor continued; Jayfeather and Crowfeather just rolled their eyes and grinned. "Because really, every cat knows that Twolegs can be trusted. Especially those who turn into cats. Quite reassuring. Really."

McGonagall merely smiled and acted as if he hadn't been mocking her. "To begin, why don't we figure out if you all are rogues or kittypets?"

"Neither," Dovewing replied, wrinkling her nose. "We're Clan cats. The three of us are warriors and he's a medicine cat," she explained, pointing first at herself, Lionblaze, and Crowfeather, then at Jayfeather.

They continued to talk for quite some time before they hit a snag.

"You are not splitting us up!" Lionblaze exclaimed in anger. Jayfeather lifted his head in confusion, having dozed off a few minutes beforehand.

"I'm very sorry, but that's the way our school works. You three will stay with whatever house you're put in and your father will stay with Hagrid," Dumbledore replied.

Jayfeather snorted. "But what's the point of that? It's not like we have these wizarding powers you were telling us about. Besides, I can't be on my own, I'm blind and the senses I usually rely on to get around are dulled."

"Well, we might possibly be able to fix you're eyes. What happened to make you lose your eyesight?" McGonagall interjected.

"He was born blind. He used to be very bitter about it. It wasn't very fun for me," Lionblaze told them. Jayfeather kicked his shin with uncanny accuracy.

"He doesn't act blind," Snape drawled.

"I've had my entire life to get used to it," Jayfeather retorted.

"Look," Crowfeather interrupted. "I usually could really care less about whether or not they stay with each other. But we'd be safer if we weren't split up. Leave me alone for all I care, just don't split them up."

"You don't want to stay with your children?" McGonagall asked in confusion.

"Not really."

"He hates us," Lionblaze added. "He's only acting fatherly because our mother would kill him if she found out he wasn't."

"What kind of father hates his own children?" McGonagall asked, appalled.

"The kind that didn't know he was related to them until his dead** daughter discovered it and told everyone to get back at her lying mother and aunt," Jayfeather bluntly stated. At the humans' confused silence, he continued. "We have a lot of unnecessary drama in our family."

"We're off topic!" Dovewing exclaimed. "Can you fix his eyes or not? And even if you do, we don't want to be split up!"

"We can't fix his eyes if he was born blind. And we'll give you all a separate room to share," Dumbledore relented, seeing that they would just keep arguing if given the chance.

That made me laugh. I enjoyed writing it.

*The advanced senses thing: Jayfeather's hearing and scenting abilities are stronger than most to make up for his lack of sight. Like most blind… people/cats/things.

**Dead daughter: Jayfeather and Lionblaze know that Hollyleaf might be alive, but that's between them and no one else. That's why he called her dead.

Do you like waffle houses?
