I co-wrote this with one of my best friends, XTAIGAX, one day at school. My plot bunny was going crazy, and Taiga's the only one that can write Hiroki's POV and NOT make him sound like a poof (Even if he is one). She perfectly combines his rage and his immense love for Nowaki in a way I could never achieve.

Warning: There will be smut in later chapters...Lots and Lots of smut...

If you don't like Yaoi, why are you even here? but, needless to say this is GuyxGuy...and no, YAOI is NOT candy. (Even if it is sweet like it)

Comments are welcome, and you will get cookies if you do leave one. Flames, however, are not appreciated and will be ignored...

Shinobu POV-

I can't believe it. I signed up for English and Classic Literature so that I could have Miyagi as a teacher, not this….this…pompous git. He throws things at his students! For Pete's sake, who does that? It's uncouth!

At least I've found someone in this class that doesn't annoy me. I think his name was Misaku or something, I don't know. He likes to rant about what his lover does to him and how he "hates" it. All I hear is how much his lover pays attention to him. I wish Miyagi would do that for me. Right now he's been so busy I hardly see him. I haven't had sex in three weeks! My hand is getting sore too. I hope he clears up his schedule soon. I'm getting desperate!~

Hiroki POV- (a.k.a. XTAIGAX's part)

That damn kid, always talking in my damn class. As long as he doesn't turn out like the other one. The girly boy in my class… What's-his-face, Takahiro's brother and Akihiko's lover. I can only guess why he acts like he does, poor guy.

Don't get me wrong, I sympathize a little bit. Tiny little bit. Tinier than the dots on these 'i's. Oh yeah, Misaki. That's his name- Wait! Is he even a guy? Girly looks, girly voice, girly name, too!

That little runt is talking again. It sounded like he was bgerating the other for being smarter and ducking.

Damn Kyoujou. He couldn't take his lover into his class, so he stuck the runt in mine!

It might be better, though, I thought while grading a terribly done report, I can't get the pictures out of my head with him in my office. It wouldn't be so hot with them in the same room for around an hour or two.

I launched another piece of chalk at the Dean's son, smirking when it bounced off his head to the airhead next to him, and they both fell backwards.

"Stop talking!"

They immediately silenced, and I turned back down to the paper. I smirked, once more, when two pairs of eyes stayed on me, one burning with rage and defiance, the other with fear.

Miasaki POV-

I've always hated this class. Demon Kamijou is always throwing stuff at my head for no reason and giving me bad grades. Even Usagi has looked at my assignments and deemed them low 'B' worthy!

Oh! There's a new student in class today...I feel like I've seen him before, but where?...OH YEAH! It's the Dean's son!...What was his name?...Shin...ko? Shin...obi? Shin...obu? Something like that...

Anyway, I heard he was a spoiled brat...Too bad I have to sit next to him.

Sighing, I sat in my normal seat in the back of the room, where I'm the farthest from Kamijou-sensei, and got my stuff out.

"Hi," I said in a cheerful voice, holding out my hand, "I'm Misaki, What's your name?" and I was met with a harsh glare and and ear-splitting silence...Apparently he's not the social type...I thought, retracting my hand.

Soon, I got tired of the silence and started talking to no-one-in-particular about Usagi, but shortly after I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and I looked over to see Kamijou-sensei pick up a piece of chalk. I immediately ducked under the desk to avoid the oncoming assault. But Shin-whatever wasn't as lucky as I was, and he got a face full.

After struggling to keep myself from laughing at the sight, I sat back in my seat thinking the barrage was over, trying to calm myself down. Deep breaths Misaki, Deep breaths.

"YOU IDIOT!," I heard Shin-chan yell next to me, "WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN ME HE THREW THINGS AT US?"

I was still struggling to keep the laughing at bay, when I saw Shin-chan fall out of his chair beside me, and the flood gated failed. I was laughing so hard I saw tears in my eyes. After that, all I remember is hitting the floor and blacking out.

Damn Demon Kamijou! I feel sorry that Usagi had to deal with this in his childhood.

I'll update soon, I just need Taiga to finish up her part of the chapter. Thanks for reading!