Hi...miss me?

I'm so sorry for not updating! I've had a bad case of Writers block for this story, and I've been trying to watch the movie for the last year and a half, but my friend wanted to watch it with me. However we didn't have a chance to...then I found out she watched it without me! So! I watched it...and forgot to think up ideas for the story.


This being so, I have decided I'm going to do a little construction.(And rewatch the movie) I hope to get a new plot idea for it. I promise I wont change too much...maybe just Dan's and maybe Hazel's characters a little...I don't know. Let me just reread it a few times and I'll know what to do and write a new chapter!

I'm going to keep this AN until changes are done and then I'll replace it with the next chapter.

Thank you for your patience

I'm sorry.
