Set in episode 2.1 of Supernatural, In My Time of Dying, but containing flashbacks to seasons 4 and 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It is set in the year 2004 instead of 2006. The only other change made to SPN 2.1, besides adding Buffy characters, is to have all three Winchesters unconscious upon arrival at the hospital. The established relationship between the Winchesters and the Scoobies is based on my fic High School Sweethearts and Second Chances.

Could Have Had It All


Spring 2004 – Cleveland

At first, Buffy couldn't put her finger on what caused her sudden nostalgia. It was as if everywhere she went her past was waiting for her. Then her neighbor, Greg, opened her eyes. Most of the time, Greg drove a rusty red pick up truck, but come the first truly warm day of spring, his '72 Chevelle left his garage. Greg would spend a day washing and waxing and finally driving his baby. It took her several days to work up her nerve to ask her neighbor about the car. Her interest in it amused the older man. He had to explain that in the 'rust belt', people who loved their cars didn't take them out until the salt was off the roads. "Instead of the first robin of spring," the man suggested, "listen for the first muscle car of spring. Then you'll know that Cleveland's winter is finally over."

The first time Buffy heard the car, she was enchanted. Suddenly, she was back in time riding in a sleek black car with its windows down and the radio blaring. She remembered the feel of warm fingers on the back of her neck playing with the strands of hair that fell out of her ponytail. She remembered the smiling green eyes and the easy laugh of the guy driving. She remembered how that smile could melt her heart.

By the end of the week, her nostalgia had gotten the better of her. Buffy walked into the 'Slayer Headquarters' with a dozen pink sweetheart roses.

"What's the occasion, Buf? Who gave you the flowers?" Xander asked with a large smile.

"Huh?" She asked absentmindedly as she put the flowers in a vase. "No occasion, I just wanted to brighten up the place."

Xander took a moment to smell the flowers. "I forgot how much you liked these."

Buffy looked at him, surprised by his comment. "I've always liked flowers, and pink roses are my favorite."

"Yeah, I remember." Xander stopped himself before he mentioned anything else from her past, especially the guy who used to send her those flowers. Xander never understood her reasons for not contacting Dean after she came back. How could Buffy suppress every memory of Dean when Xander could clearly remember being jealous of their devotion to each other?

Summer 1999 – Hank's house in a L.A. Suburb just past 1am.

Xander shook his head, "Dude you are so whipped."

Dean threw him an angry glare, "Shut up, Xander." Then he muttered, "'m not."

"Cha, right. Whatever, keep telling yourself that, man," Xander chuckled.

"I haven't seen her for two months. Cut me some slack," Dean whispered harshly as he knocked the 'rock' from Xander's hand. "Dude, pebbles, that's a rock. I'm not trying to break Hank's window."

"How'm I supposed to know the proper rock size for a window?" Xander asked as he lolled over to one side and searched the ground for another pebble.

"I can't believe you've never done this," Dean whispered as he checked the windows again. "C'mon, it's that one."

Xander straightened up, too quickly and lost his balance; arms wind milling into Dean, knocking him back. "How do you know?"

Dean regained his balance and pointed, "Pink curtains." He tossed a couple pebbles against the window.

Inside the pink curtained room, Buffy giggled into her hand. She heard them long before Dean had been able to hit her window with the pebbles. However, she decided to play along and let him scatter stones on her window before she'd meet him on the deck.

Dean looked over the house, "Give me more pebbles."

"Get yer own pebbles," Xander mumbled, before nodding and doing as he was told. "What if she's not home?"

Dean held Xander's arm to silence him, then he pointed to the deck. He grabbed some white plastic chairs and stacked them. Turning to Xander, "Oz'll be here soon, right?"

Xander nodded and Dean put his finger to his lips then used the stacked chairs as a step to help him reach the lower support of the deck. He hoisted himself up the rest of the way, making it to the rail as Buffy slid the patio door open. "Hey, baby, ya miss me?" he whispered as he swung his leg over the rail.

Buffy answered him with a beaming smile. The next moment found Dean's arms wrapped around her and their smiles melted into kisses.

From below Xander cleared his throat. "Uh, hey, Buffy."

Buffy broke from the kiss, "Hi, Xander." Dean pushed her hair back and attacked her neck with his mouth and ran his hands over her as she attempted to talk.

Xander turned away, "Well, okay, so he's here and, uh, Oz is gonna be here soon, so I'ma just gonna go wait for him." He pointed to Hank's front yard. "See ya."

"Bye Xander," Buffy squeaked.

Dean finally gave up his assault. "Hey, Xan," Xander stopped and turned around. "Thanks, man."

Xander weaved a bit, "No prob. Later."

Buffy returned to kissing Dean. "You're not supposed to be here 'til tomorrow." She moved to kissing his neck. He smelled like beer and cigarettes but Buffy didn't mind as his hands roamed all over her back and rested on her butt, pulling her into him.

"Want me to leave?" he teased as he kissed her neck again.

"No," Buffy smiled as she pulled back from him holding his hands. "I think it's after midnight, so technically it is tomorrow."

Dean grinned and leaned forward to capture her lips in another kiss. "God, I missed you." he murmured into her lips. "Is this my Harley shirt?" he asked tugging at the shirt she was wearing as a nightshirt.

"Maybe," Buffy shrugged, and smiled up at him, before catching his lips in another kiss.

Dean moaned into the kiss, "I wish I didn't have to settle for attacking you on this porch." Then it was Buffy's turn to moan as his hand snaked its way under 'his' shirt and caressed her soft skin as his mouth traveled to her neck.

Their passionate reunion was cut short by the sound of Oz's van coming down the street. Dean pulled back from her. "Damn, the next few hours are gonna be torture," he groaned.

Dean put his hands on her hips and gently pushed her back.

"Right," she sighed, "Just a few more hours and you're all mine."

He turned from her and climbed over the deck railing then jumped to the ground. Looking up at Buffy, Dean grinned. "See you soon, baby," he whispered up to her before he sprinted to the street to meet the van.

Cleveland, Spring 2004

Xander had Dawn laughing so hard she didn't hear her phone ring. It wasn't until she noticed it nearly vibrating off the table that she answered it.


"Hello. May I speak with a Dawn Winchester?"

Dawn froze. Winchester. She hadn't heard that name since she left Sunnydale. Clearing her throat she replied, "This is she." Her expression squashed the jovial mood of those around her.

"Ms. Winchester this is Shiloh County Hospital in South Dakota. I'm sorry to inform you that there has been an accident. Your brothers and your father were severely injured."

Dawn recovered from her momentary shock to ask, "Oh my god. What happened?"

"Their car was struck by a semi. Your brother, Sam, suffered some mild trauma and we're keeping him for observation. Your father is still unconscious and is in serious, but stable condition. However, your brother, Dean is in critical condition. He suffered massive internal injuries. We're sorry, but we're not sure…"

Dawn cut the woman off. "I'll be on the next flight." Rising from her seat, she immediately began to pace.

"Dawn? Dawnie, honey, what is it? You're as white as a ghost." Willow tried to take Dawn's hand, but the girl pulled away.

"It's Sam and Dean. They've been in an accident. Dean's – I, I have to get to them right now."

"Winchester?" Xander mumbled in shock.

Dawn was on her way out of the room, but she stopped in front of her sister. As every eye in the room turned to Buffy, Dawn answered Xander, "Yeah, and I need to go to them, now. How 'bout you? Are you coming?" Buffy's eyes fell to the floor. "What if he doesn't make it, Buffy? The woman on the phone said Dean …"

"I'll come with you." Buffy's voice was barely above a whisper.

"Are you sure?" Xander asked. Willow's face mirrored his concern.

Buffy nodded as she stood. "I have to. It's Dean."

In the Cleveland airport, Buffy paced as she waited for the flight, hoping to settle her nerves; no chance of that happening. Her mind raced with every memory she had of Dean. She saw him standing in front of her English class. She saw him under the Fourth of July fireworks in Blue Earth and in a tux at her prom.

Then there were Dean's surprise appearances while Buffy attended college. He'd arrive in town and turn Buffy's world upside down. The days he wouldn't let her go to class so that they could be together. But, Buffy also remembered the bitter fight and curse which tore them apart and the resulting months of tears. She remembered, with a flush, the making up after that fight.

She looked at Dawn and saw that she was lost in her own memories. She knew her sister loved Dean. Thinking back to how anxious she had been to tell Dean what Dawn really was, made her realize how important he'd been to Dawn. "It doesn't matter how she got here, Buffy. She's here, she's part of you, she's family. You cut her, she bleeds, just like everyone else. And those tears, you know those are real or you wouldn't feel as crappy as you do."

Buffy remembered when she could have had it all.

She tugged on her necklace and twisted the charm. Dean wouldn't want to see her, it would cause the biggest fight in their tumultuous history, yet Buffy had to know he was going to live.

What concerned her nearly as much as Dean's condition, was the warning John Winchester had given her if she ever went near Dean again.

On the flight, Dawn recalled the first time she met Dean. Not the fake memory of knowing him while he dated Buffy in high school, but the actual physical memory of that last week of summer before she started high school.

She remembered the god-awful crush she had on him, but in her defense, Dean was the cutest boy she had ever seen. It was like having Brad Pitt in her very own living room. Even better, Dean always tried to include her in at least some of his and Buffy's plans while he was in town.

Dawn remembered sitting in her room, avoiding Buffy, until she heard that car pull up. Then she'd want to race down the steps to see Dean, but she knew she'd have to wait until Buffy got her 'hello' first. So, she'd wait. She'd watch from the doorway as he swept her sister off her feet in a spinning hug and she'd ignore the jealous pang she felt seeing their smiles and whispered love.

But, then it was her turn. "Shortcake!" Dean whistled and hugged her, too. "Check you out! You will be fighting the guys off with a stick this year." He put her down and made a show of looking her over. "You get better looking every day."

"Dean!" Dawn would giggle in return. Even though Dean's arm would slide back around her sister, Dawn would be glowing from his attention.

"It's true. Don't you think so, Sammy?"

Sam would turn red and mumble something and Dean would laugh. Then, they all would laugh. But Dawn knew, with Sam and Dean around, Buffy would be in a good mood. Even their mom liked it when the Winchesters would visit. The best part was since Sam was there, too, Dawn would have someone to hang out with no matter what Dean and Buffy did.

Now as the plane made its descent, Dawn cursed herself for letting so much time slip by; for letting excuses mount until it was awkward to even send an email. After everything Dean had done for her, how did she let Buffy eradicate him from her life? She should have tried harder to be part of Sam's and Dean's lives. She should have tried harder to make her sister realize that they both needed Sam and Dean their lives.