get ready for the last and more important fight of the story the Akashi and dotsu clash, this fight will determine the fate of the future so let's go with this chapter


The sun started to shine over the valley, the citizens started to awake unknown that a great battle was going to start there.

Everyone started to wake up at the jade palace, hayate was going to awake Akashi but he was not there, then he heard someone fighting at the courtyard, it was Akashi and tigress they were practicing, with all what they had.

"What happens Akashi, are you tired" tigress said giving Akashi a kick

"Never" Akashi said returning a punch

"what are you going to do to dotsu" tigress said giving a punch

"make him pay for what he did" Akashi said giving a kick

"okay both of you stop, Akashi get ready it`s time" hayate said

"yes grand pa" Akashi said leaving to his room, then Akashi came out with the white shirt of tigress and black silk pants and with the coat of his father "dotsu get ready, because today you will pay"

"Akashi before you leave, everyone came to wish you the best" tigress said showing everyone was here his friends, his family, even the demon lords he already defeated "we trust you Akashi, defeat dotsu"

"I will mom" Akashi said

"and remember we are with you" tigress said hugging Akashi

"Akashi, I think you might need this" miyo said giving him a kiss

"and this brother" Saori said giving Akashi his katana

"I promise you I will not fail, I'm Akashi okami from the okami clan" Akashi said revealing his complete name, then he ran to the village, ready to fight dotsu "I'm Akashi okami, son of akimitsu okami and shizue tora, the great leaders of the canine family and the feline family"

_the center of the valley_

"okay time to get mi taxes" dotsu said to a female rabbit on the floor

"no please, give me more time" the rabbit said

"sorry, but there is no more time" dotsu said ready to hit the rabbit but then Akashi appeared

"sorry I came late, but it`s difficult to find you dotsu" Akashi said grabbing dotsu`s arm and throwing him to a wall

"Akashi, finally you appeared" dotsu said

"yes and I'm here to defeat you dotsu" Akashi said taking out his sword

"oh really, then lets fight" dotsu said taking out his clothes and revealing a black armor

Dotsu jumped over Akashi but he disappeared then he reappeared above dotsu and slashed the armor with his sword then he landed over dotsu and jumped to a building, but then dotsu jumped following Akashi but instead he crashed in the building, then Akashi jumped from one building to another being followed by dotsu, the akashi stopped over a building and when dotsu came akashi hit his stomach, but then dotsu hit Akashi destroying the roof of the building then both landed on the arena of the street fight.

"where it all begun" Akashi said

"but know I'm going to finish it" dotsu said

Then both started to fight again, dotsu gave everything to hit Akashi but he always failed, Akashi was too fast for his heavy armor, then Akashi jumped back hitting dotsu`s jaw then he grabbed his sword and slashed dotsu`s armor many times, then Akashi punched many times dotsu`s armor destroying it letting dotsu on normal clothes again, but then dotsu used his dark aura to protect from Akashi`s punch, but it wasn`t enough he was going to succumb so he used his aura to push Akashi to the other side of the arena.

"you have done well Akashi, but still is not enough" dotsu said activating the third stage of the daemon, so dotsu started to grow to the size of the building, his claws grew to the size of Akashi, his fangs were enormous, then two horns appeared on his head "Akashi, now you are going to confront the real Satan"

"you are not the only one with great abilities, LAST RESORT SEVEN TAILS MODE" Akashi said unleashing his red aura

Then Akashi jumped and punched dotsu in the jaw making him to fall, then dotsu tried to slash Akashi but Akashi stopped his claws, but then dotsu grabbed him and slammed him to the floor, but Akashi then stood up and jumped high and took his katana and slashed dotsu`s eye letting him a deep scar, then dotsu threw Akashi very far then he started to run to Akashi to hit him with the horns, but Akashi jumped and landed behind dotsu, then the claws of dotsu started to shine black and he slashed the air creating a dark wave that was going directly to Akashi, the only thing Akashi could do was to protect, but the wave was too intense for him that it burned his coat and his shirt.

"dotsu is time to end this, KURIMUZON BAO GUANG" Akashi screamed running with a giant red bao guang to dotsu

"okay then, KURAI BAO KAGE" Dotsu said creating a huge dark bao guang

Then both attacks collide creating a huge explosion but both Akashi and dotsu were standing, neither the attack of Akashi nor dotsu`s did effect but then dotsu started to concentrate more his aura

"it`s enough, I will end this for once and for all, LAST RESORT, APOCALIPSE MODE" dotsu said, then a huge dark smoke started to surround him

"what the heck is happening, wait it can`t be" Akashi said shocked, then a huge black wolf appeared, with two giant horns, massive demon wings and instead of legs it was having a snake tail

Then Akashi tried to reach dotsu jumping with all his strengths, but dotsu punched him in mid air sending him to a building letting him unconscious.

"ha…ha…ha, if the great Akashi can`t defeat me who can defeat me now, ha…ha…ha" dotsu said with a demonic voice

_inside Akashi`s mind_

"this can`t be, all that training for nothing" Akashi said surrounded by darkness "I'm just a stupid, how could I think I could defeat dotsu, now all my friends are in danger, and I can`t do nothing, I will never be strong as my father"

"that's not true Akashi" akimitsu said appearing behind Akashi "Akashi you are even more strong than me"

"but" Akashi started but was interrupted

"And you know why, because your strength doesn`t comes from your muscles, it come from your friends" akimitsu said while the dark turned into light and his friends appeared, everyone was there tigress, taiga, Saori, po, shifu, the rest of the five, hayate, taemi, miyo, kazuki, Naomi, sakura, the ex demon lords and shizue.

"Akashi, they maybe not with you on body but they are with you on spirit" shizue said

"that's true Akashi, when you fight, we fight at your side" tigress said

"that`s true, my friends are my strength" Akashi said

"show dotsu what an okami can do" akimitsu said yes I will

_the real world_

Dotsu was destroying everything but then dotsu heard a scream from Akashi behind him, then he turned and saw Akashi still standing.

"dotsu, this is your end, ARCHANGEL LORD MODE, OKAMI MODE" Akashi said, then the seven tail behind him joined into a single, long tail, his aura grew more and turned more red

Then Akashi jumped high than ever, disappearing on the sky, then when dotsu was looking for him he landed on his face and grabbed dotsu`s horns and threw him to the floor, then he landed on dotsu`s head and jumped back, then dotsu stood up and exhaled black fire from his mouth, but Akashi jumped and penetrated dotsu`s arm with his claws, then Akashi called iron fang, and his red aura started to surround his sword, creating a red swirl around the blade, so Akashi started to run at a high speed to dotsu and used his sword to cut dotsu`s.

"now is your end dotsu, IRON WOLF FANG, OKAMI SLASH" Akashi screamed penetrating dotsu`s heart

"graaaahhhhh, this can`t be, my strongest technique defeated, no this is not the end" dotsu denied flying up to the sky, and with his last strength he created a huge dark sphere and he was ready to launch it "KURAI BAO KAGE OF MEGGIDO"

"No I will not permit it" Akashi said jumping to the air creating the ultimate technique, a giant bao guang, but this one was special, the energy inside of it was massive, it could be even more destructive than the atomic bomb "dotsu in this bao guang is the energy of all my friends, and all the okami clan"

Akashi was still going up remembering all his friends and what they said making the bao guang stronger.

"we trust in you Akashi"

"you can do it"

"don`t fail buddy"

"you are even stronger than your father"

"I'm proud of you son"

"finish him Akashi okami" everyone said

"OKAMI KURIMUZON BAO GUANG" everyone in the valley, and Akashi screamed

The attack of Akashi clashed with dotsu`s, and both started to fight, but Akashi did something impossible he started to throw many bao guang to the huge one to make it bigger, then he threw a last bao guang and the huge bao guang absorbed dotsu`s sphere and destroyed him, while many pieces of something started to fall the valley.

Akashi started to fell to the ground, he used his last reserve of aura and wasted all so he was very tired to keep conscious, but at the last moment tigress came and grabbed him.

"you did it Akashi okami" tigress said hugging him

"ti…tigress you know, if you are my mother's sister your name is tigress tora" Akashi said smiling then he fainted

"I know son, I know" tigress said standing and leaving with Akashi

_the hospital_

"do you think he is okay" Akashi heard miyo`s voice

"yes, he is a strong man" kazuki said

"huh, were am I" Akashi asked awaking

"Akashi, you are awake" everyone said hugging Akashi

"yes I'm awake, what happened" Akashi asked

"Akashi you did it you finally defeated dotsu" tigress said

"yes, and it was awesome brother" Saori said

"we never had a doubt on you, buddy" taiga said, then Akashi started to cry

"Akashi why are you crying" tigress asked

"because I can`t believe it, I finally beat dotsu, and the best that I'm surrounded by my friends, and I can`t still believe that a street dog like my could have a happy family nor friends" Akashi said cleaning his tears

"well you must believe it Akashi, because this is not a dream" tigress said, then Akashi started to cry again

"so….sorry, I have something in my eye" Akashi said looking up remembering the awesome adventures he had with his friends

"this is your home Akashi" tigress said

"yes I know it" Akashi said

"uh tigress can I talk to Akashi" hayate said

"okay, let's go everyone" tigress said leaving the room

"what happens grand pa" Akashi asked

"well Akashi, I have received information that dotsu has a son, and that's not the last of our problems, when you destroyed dotsu, twelve emeralds of dark power felled to the valley, giving their host dark powers, and we must find them, but" hayate said

"but what grand pa" Akashi asked

"we must leave the valley to other lands to train you, the okami kurimuzon bao guang is not the strongest technique, and to defeat dotsu`s son you must learn new abilities" hayate said

"so we must leave the valley" Akashi said

"yes, we are leaving tomorrow morning" hayate said

"okay, grand pa" Akashi accepted

_the next day_

"ready to leave Akashi" hayate said

"I was born ready grandpa" Akashi said

"akashi wait" tigress came with a bag

"mom what is it" Akashi asked

"I made this for you voyage" tigress said giving Akashi a silver shirt like hers but this one was having long sleeves.

"thanks mom" Akashi said hugging tigress

"Akashi wait" miyo said running to him

"oh hey miyo wh….." Akashi started but was interrupted by a kiss of miyo

"that's a luck kiss, only for you" miyo said

"really what about another" Akashi said

"there is no time, everyone want to say goodbye" miyo said pointing to the others

"that's great" Akashi said

"oh please, Akashi we are late lets go" hayate said

"okay, you old man, you are not leaving without this" taemi said giving hayate a kiss

"Ta…ta…taemi, it was a long time since you didn`t gave me a kiss" hayate said

"okay now go" taemi said waving a goodbye

"see you later guys I promise you I will return soon, believe me" Akashi said running and waving a goodbye

And that's how my adventure ends and a new begins, a dirty dog, to a great hero, this demonstrate it doesn`t matters how young, weak, poor, or alone you are, you can keep going forward with friendship and love, those are powerful weapons if you use them right, so never lose the hope and never give up, keep trying and you will succeed –Akashi okami—

Remember, maybe your friends aren`t with you in body but they are in spirit –author—

Yeah, that's the end of the great adventure of our friend Akashi, but it looks a new adventure is about to begin, now Akashi will fight against dotsu`s son, the twelve emeralds of darkness, and ryosuke will he succeed, so wait for the next story of this adventure

On the "legend of Akashi"

Shifu: a great hero returns from a long voyage, and now he is ready to fight in his new adventure

Akashi: in simple words, four year have passed, and I finally returned to the valley of the peace ready, to face the new menace, oh my god I'm so great

Tigress: cool off hot shot, you still my son

Akashi: oh sorry, (muttering) read my next story it will be awesome

Everyone: only here on the legend of Akashi

_never lose the hope, try and if you fail, try harder_

_do the hard things, and try the impossible_