Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam seed or Gundam seed destiny

Chapter 1

I walked into the office after annoncments had called me down to his office from the overcom.

Swinging the door opened, I noticed four students seated in the chairs across from the secratery's desk. They were probably eternal high students seeing as the school had, had an emergency last friday. Any news from that we didn't know, the principla and the teacher refused to tells anything more then " they had an accident and know half there schools coming here" what a joke.

" Cagalli" said a voice

I turned my head away from the four teenagers and looked at Sai, who was turning in the remaning permisson slips for next weeks field trip.

" Hey, Sai " I smiled as I said. Today was a horibble day but I wouldn't let anyone know.

"Hey, did you hear about Stella " He whisper(well it wasn't a great whisper, actually it was really loud)

I blinked a few times, what could have possibly been wrong with stella.

" What wrong?" I demanded

He smilied a devilish smile and I silently prayed that I wouldn't have to ring he's neck to get it out of him.

" She's in a coma, heard she fell of her roof " he laughed

I slapped him across the head before I responded " what part of that is fucking funny, she's my best player and there's a game next week" I praticully yeled

Sai glanced behinde me and so did I, only to see that the four students sitting there were in complete shock. The door down the hall opened and stepped out and made his wak into the fron of the office.

" Miss. Athha, how are you" but he didn't care how I was doing, I could tell.

" hmm. okay let's get this over with" I said in annoyance. He smiled and pointed to the four students behinde me and handed me 3 locks and 4 sceduels.

" This four have the same first two blocks as you would you ever so kindly take them to there first and second classes, Cagalli" he said

I looked at him in shock, thsi had to be a trick question.

" Why, it's not like I have a choice" I said as I grabbed the stuff from he's hands and motioned for the teens to follow me. When we had arrived outside I stopped and looked back at them.

" Lacus Clyne " I spoke as I held out the scedule and lock for her to take. A pink haired girl came out and smiled at me.

" That would be me, thank you" She said as she politley took the object from the top of the pill in my hand.

" Athrun Zala" I said reading the name from the top of the scedule.

A blue haired boy came out and took the scedule and lock from me.

" You and ... Kira will be sharing a locker" I said as I held out the other scedule to the brown haired boy who had stepped up to take his stuff.

" And Shiho Hahnenfu" I said as I handed the scedule and lock to the last girl with brown hair.

" Shinn give it back " yelled Stella as she swatted helplessy in the air

" No can do, Stella-Marru" Shinn teased as he leaned away from her hoilding out the phone in the opposite direction of Stella.

Cagalli had left right after annoncments, what did want now. He always found some reason to call her down to the office and they we're in fact all pointless reasons to do so. So had taken this as an oppirtunity to go and make some cofee, which took him about and hour and a half to mix up some concoction.

The door swung open and a frustrated Cagalli walked in, followed by four other students. Cagali walked up the row and sat down beside shinn and Stella with Auel behind her she grab her binder causing her pencil case to fall.

"Glad to see your hear Stella'' Said Cagalli.

"Why wouldn't she be hear" Shinn askedas Cagalli leaned over to grab her pencil case.

" Cause Sai said she was in a coma" Cagalli said frowning

Auel and me bursted into laughter as Stella frowned eyeing her phone tightly held in Shinn's hand which was still streched out behind him. When shinn had finnaly camed down and given Stella back her phone. He took a glance at the four tenns at the front of the class who had there eyes on the other four.

" You guys do know you can just sit " He said snickering and pointing at the four empty seats in the class.

The class giggeld and the four teens turned red as they walked to the seats. " Okay,okay let's not tease 'em to much " laughed Tolle

The class had camed down when the door opened and walked in with a cup of steaming coffee in his hands. He looked around the class and smiled at Cagalli before reconizing the new students seated in the four empty seast.

" Indroduce yourselves then" said pointing at the four teens.

Lacus stood up first and introduced herself as 'Lacus Clyne' then Kira, Shiho and Athrun who also introduced then selves by first and last name. Then they sat down and handed back the test we took last week. The bell rang and the class jumped up to get to there lockers before headin gof to second block.

The bell rung and Miralla and I rushed to second block aka gym. We had to tell Cagalli about Stella even if her being in a coma wasn't true. I saw something yellow at the window and turned towards it stopping in my tracks to see what it was.

" Flay " called Mirialla as she realized I wasn't following her.

I turned around and smilied at her " Look its a yellow canariesas Mir" I sais as I caught up with her.

She rolled her eyes, while I laughed. We were almost to gym whe we turned the corner and were faced with a shocking sight.


There will hopefully be a next chapter, so hope you liked the first one :)