Learn To Love Again

What if Christine stayed with the Phantom in order to free Raoul? Would she learn to love her angel of music again or have more hatred towards him?

Chapter One

"Make your choice!" Erik pulled the rope that made Raoul gasp for air. She stared at him, at The Phantom who once was her angel of music but now, is a monster.

"I'm sorry, Raoul." Christine whispered. Tears began to run down her cheeks. She looked at Raoul and locked eyes with him. "I'm sorry." She said louder.

"No, no don't Christine!" Tears began fill Raoul's eyes and began to roll down his cheeks. His eyes wouldn't leave hers and she began to sob. Erik went up to Raoul and untied his arms and took the rope off his neck. Christine ran up to Raoul and hugged him tight. Raoul hugged her back without caring what Erik would do. She let go and gave a kiss on his cheek. He got a chill in his back as he felt Christine's lips on his cheek. Raoul held her hand and felt her shaking and he gazed at her, not wanting anything else but her. She took her hand and back off slowly her eyes still on Raoul. The gate began to lift and Erik glared at Raoul as he would walk slowly with his eyes still at Christine. "Please, Raoul go. Go before anything gets worse." She said looking at her feet, not even trying to look at Raoul.

"Christine, I lo-"Before he can even finish Erik shoved him and pulled the liver making the gate close. Raoul leaned against the gate and glared at Erik. "YOU BASTARD! She will never love you! Do you think that you can make her love you after all you did?" Erik looked at him with rage. He calmed down when he saw Christine staring at him. "You will never have her trust or her love! All you will have is her pity!" Raoul made sure even Christine heard it. Christine felt tears in her eyes. She did not pity Erik, but she knew that it wasn't love either. At that moment she felt hate not pity or love. "This is not the last of me Phantom I will return. This I swear." Raoul climbed into the boat Erik had left him and began to float away reluctantly.

Christine began to cry as she saw Raoul leaving in the shadows. Erik hated seeing her cry, he stomach twisted as he began hearing her sob. He felt the need to make her happy. But what can a horrific monster do to make an Angel happy? "Christine-"he began to stroke her hair when she pushed his hand away. He grabbed her shoulders tight. "Damn you Christine! You will learn to love me!" he barked. She stared in his eyes feeling nothing but hate. He looked in her eyes and saw what she was feeling. Hate. He slowly let go of her shoulders.

You will never have her trust or her love! All you will have is her pity!

Raoul was right. Even though he gave her everything she would ever want, all he would get in return is pity. Why would an Angel love a demon? She was so beautiful. And he was so disfigured. Nothing would do would make him get her love.

"Erikā€¦" He woke from his daydreaming and looked at her. Christine would not look at him, only at the ceiling. "The mob, they are coming and-"She felt a lump in her throat. He looked at her worriedly. "And what, Christine?" he asked. She frozen, trying to speak but she couldn't. Something was caught in her throat that made her speechless. And finally she spoke. "Raoul is leading them."