A/N : Alright. This is the continuation of the last mission. Hope you enjoy this!
Disclaimer : Don't own anything I don't own.
Chapter 11 : Escape from Janus.
The group continued their way forward. They didn't find anything except scrap metals and remains of armours. Still, they kept their senses on alert in case there's an ambush. Sonic grew bored shortly. It was clear that he was expecting actions instead of just walking 'really slowly' around the corridors.
It wasn't long before they heard some electricity sound from a closed room, followed by a scream of pain. A chuckling voice was heard from the same room, and it sounded kinda distorted, as if it came from a radio. And the voice had Japanese accent.
"Come on, I can do this all day. Just tell me where the artifact is!"
Then the electricity sound was heard again. "AAARRGHH!" another scream of pain followed.
"Someone's getting interrogated..." said Starlight, "It could be Axon scientist."
"Da, it is an Axon scientist alright. And from what we can hear, I think the guy's lying on an electric bed." replied Levinski.
"I thought it was electric chair..." said Tails.
"Eh, the bed was actually an experimental tool, not a torturing tool. We have a lot of those on Inuit."
"Alright. All we have to do is to bust the door right?" said Knuckles, pointing at the metallic door.
"Precisely, but how can we do that?"
With that, Knuckles pulled some kind of digging tool and wore it on his fist. "SHOVEL CLAW!" The echidna hurled a punch on the door, but all he could do was creating a ringing sound as the Shovel Claw collided.
"Nice try, knucklehead..." said Sonic, snickering.
"You can't just break in. The door is made of the finest titanium, and is completely soundproof for anyone inside. But from outside, we can hear anything happening inside." said Levinski, "Not even a shaped charge or Redeemer can destroy it"
"Alright, this is mine." said Shadow, "Chaos Blast!"
A powerful explosion occurred and threw everyone to the wall. "HEY! DANGER CLOSE, YOU ASSHOLE!" shouted Levinski. Shadow ignored it and looked on the door...
...to find it still standing, intact.
"What the hell?"
"Do I have to repeat it? 'Not even a shaped charge or Redeemer can destroy it'! Do you even hear anything I just said?"
"Sooo, how do we get in?" asked Starlight.
"Hacking... Tails, gonna need your help."
Both Prowers opened the panel next to the automatic door. It didn't take them long before the door clicked to open, "On three. One... two... three, MARK!"
Levinski pulled a wire, and at the same time, the door slammed open with the speed of light. The interrogator inside was caught by surprise as Shadow blasted him with a Chaos Spear.
"Nice, Shads." said Sonic.
"Don't call me 'Shads'"
The scientist happened to be a yellow echidna, with roundish head. He had small glasses on his eyes and goggles. His lab coat was white, with the Axon Research Corporation insignia on the left, and a name tag on the right. The name tag said 'Gold T. Echidna'.
"Phew, thanks. For the first time, I'm actually thankful to a military... Let me guess, you came here for the Artifact right." said the echidna.
"Yes, we are. Where is it?" asked Shadow.
"And what makes you think I'm going to tell you?"
"Why you...?"
"Cool it, my friend." said Levinski, "NEG's order. We're from the Authority."
"Really? Your attire didn't have anything saying 'TCA' or 'NEG'."
"Okay, will this reassure you?" The fox showed his name tag, that had the TCA insignia. Then he turned over to show the 56th Regiment badge on his shoulder.
"That'll do. This way, ladies and gentlemen."
The echidna led the group walking toward a small room nearby. The door was locked, but less thick-looking. A small alien creature was there, "What's that?" asked Amy.
"The Kai. He's been keeping his eyes on the artifact." Gold pressed the Intercom button next to the door, "Open up! This is me, Gold!"
The Kai shook his head and waved his hand, as if saying 'no'.
"That's an order, open this door!"
Gold only received another 'no' again, "Open the door!" he yelled in frustration.
Another shook of head.
"Open the Chaos-damn door!"
Again, shook of head.
"Stand aside, I'm going to breach inside." said Shadow.
"No, you don't have to," said Levinski, "Try being a little bit nicer, sir."
"What?" Gold asked skeptically, "He's just a Kai!"
The fox only answered that with an eyebrow raise, as if saying, 'Exactly'. The echidna groaned and spoke with a little bit puppy eyes expression, "Okay. Pleeeaase?"
The Kai now complied and opened up the door. Everyone, including Gold, looked at Levinski, "What? Kai also works for Inuit. Everyone there knows they love good manners."
"Inuit Corporation? You were with them?" asked Gold.
"Yeah, I was a scientist back there."
"You? A scientist? What a laugh, trigger-happy retard like you..."
"Ex-CUSE ME?" Levinski's voice raised 2 octaves, "Since when I was 'trigger-happy'? FYI, my IQ is three hund-"
"Lev, cool it down. We need to get away with the artifact as soon as possible." Said Tails.
"How about this? You get me outta here then I will give you my artifact."
Shadow stared at the echidna, as if saying, 'are you serious?'. Levinski on the other hand, expressed his opinion clearly, "YOUR artifact? And how much is the value of your life actually?"
"For me, really high."
"For me, extremely low."
"Well, it's still my artifact. Founders keepers."
The grass green fox groaned in frustration. This is gonna be a long day for sure. He decided to just go along with the deal. Boy, was it really hard for him not to kill the asshole right there and right then.
"Star, can you do me a favor?"
"Yeah, Grass?"
"When this is over, remind me to kill him."
The group made their way back to the exit, but suddenly the building shook hard. Shadow reached for his communicator on his wrist, "Atlantis III! Someone's attacking us! Report!"
"We received several readings of Liandri shuttlecrafts. Stand by on the building. We're…*… to…*"
"Atlantis? Atlantis!" Shadow gave up and turned off the comm. "They've jammed our signal."
"They said to stand by, didn't they?" asked Gold.
"Yeah, and?"
"Well, I may not be a strategist, but I think it's best if we get up to the roof. Your ship will be able to see us there."
"But that means we'll also expose ourselves to the Liandri."
"Well, they'll find us sooner or later. There's also a beacon there. If I can activate it, your ship will be able to find us fast before we get killed."
"Alright. Lead the way then."
"A pleasure to work with you. If you need any more bright ideas, just ask me."
Levinski was still holding the urge to just wring the arrogant echidna's neck. It seems that he was the one suffering the most on the mission. Tails glanced at his brother, knowing exactly what was in his mind. Deep down, he prayed that his brother wouldn't do anything stupid.
The group was led to a room just next to the balcony. It was quiet there, much to everyone's relief. But it was bloody. It looked like Izanagi and Liandri also crossed path there. "Oh, just look at this mess. It's gonna take days to get everything…"
"Shut. Up." Muttered Levinski, obviously annoyed by Gold.
"Oh well then. To the plan. It looks like we're gonna have to take the lift on the balcony. They will less likely predict that we're going there. Only the powers might've been cut off for saving. The lift and the power generator are on separate paths. I'd say you split up to clear both path and get the lift prepared."
"And you?" asked Sonic.
"Me? I'm too valuable to risk out here!" This earned him glares from the other Mobians, "You guys are more experienced in battle that involves fists and guns, right? Who'll repair the beacon if I get killed?"
"I can do it actually…" said Tails, but Gold didn't hear him.
"Alright, I'll stay here and guard Mister 'I'm too valuable to die' while you get the path clear." Said Knuckles.
"Well, good luck on holding your anger, Knux. You're gonna need it." Said Sonic.
"Wait, what about communication?" asked Shadow.
"I have a personal communicator that can't be jammed. Set the frequency right, and we can stay in touch."
"Alright. Tails and Starlight are with me to the lift. You take Sonic and Amy to the power generator." Said Levinski, "Except if you…"
"No, I'm going along with your plan…" said Shadow, "Although I'd prefer not to work along with Faker here."
"Yay! We can stay together now Sonikku!" Amy squealed, hugging the blue hedgehog.
"Hey, hey, Amy! Be careful, it's really high up here!" said Sonic, avoiding the pink hedgehogette.
"Well, let's move!"
With the hedgehogs…
Sonic was still trying to avoid Amy from hugging him. It was really hard to do it, considering the limited space of the balcony. It's either accept the hug, or fall to death. Of course, every sane people would not commit suicide just to avoid death hugs, and Sonic is one of the sane people.
"I'm getting kinda hungry…" Gold's voice was heard.
"Keep your shirt on." Starlight replied from the radio.
Suddenly several Liandri Angels landed on the balcony and started raining all three hedgehogs with Tarydium shards. Shadow quickly Chaos Speared all of them off the building.
"Are you there yet?"
"You want to come out here and help?" asked Shadow back, starting to get angry.
With the Prowers and Starlight.
Things were not really quiet for the lift group. In fact, it was really rough for them. The Liandri Angels with Heavy-class suits were launching barrages of rockets with their Trident Tri-Barrel Rocket Launchers.
"Damn, I wish we have better weapons than just some rifles and shotguns!" said Levinski.
"Couldn't agree more!" Tails replied.
"What's taking so long?"
"Chaos! You're a pain in the ass!" said Shadow from the radio.
"I should've called for the Marines!" Gold yelled back.
"They're few! They're proud! And THEY AIN'T HERE!" Levinski replied.
Back with the hedgehogs.
Sonic had felt a bit annoyed by the impatience from the yellow echidna. Sure, he also hates waiting, but the echidna is reeeeaally getting on everyone's nerves. No wonder Levinski wants to kill him so badly.
"How's it going out there?" asked Gold again.
"You late for the prom or something?" yelled Starlight.
Several Liandri mining bots also joined the battle. Sonic was relieved to say the least. Now he doesn't really have to kill. He could go for the robots instead. Let Shadow take care of the chicks…
The hedgehog spin-dashed a mining bot, only to collide with the impact hammer it held. Sonic felt a terrible headache as the weapon collided his body. "Damn…"
"Hello? We don't have all day."
"We're WORKING OUT HERE!" yelled Sonic.
"Wow, didn't know that you would also yell along with us…" Knuckles spoke.
"His impatience is way worse than mine."
Back with fox and cat group…
"I SERIOUSLY HATE YOU, YOU DAMN TRIDENT DEFENSIVE TECHNOLOGIES!" Levinski yelled angrily as he avoided a Flechette Cannon fire from an Angel.
He and the others had spent the last 20 minutes fighting the Liandri troopers on the same place. He swore, he would get crazy if that blasted echidna give another complain again…
"They all dead yet?"
"No. But you're gonna be, if you don't SHUT UP!"
"You really got a temper..." said Knuckles.
"Yeah, a lot more than you..." Sonic added. "Lift is online."
"Good job, Sonic!" Tails cheered, "Now if only we can get through the big guns..."
"Grenade out!" Starlight threw a concussion grenade next to the Angels, throwing them off the balcony.
"And that does it. Good work." Levinski complimented. He looked at the weapons that began to drop down from the floor to the ground below, "Love those things on my hand, hate to go against them..."
"Who wouldn't?"
"Good point... There's the lift. All clear, asshole..."
"About time! I'm on my way! Cover me, Reddy."
"Reddy? I have a name you...!"
"Cool it, Knux." said Sonic, "Shads, do your..."
"Already on it, Faker. Turn your camera on, Fox-Boy. I need to see where I have to Chaos Control to."
"Which Fox-Boy?" Tails asked.
Tails activated the camera. Shadow quickly Chaos Controlled him, Sonic and Amy to the location. "Where's that lousy echidna?"
"There." Starlight pointed at Gold and Knuckles running across the balcony. They arrived shortly after several steps.
"So? What's taking you all so long?"
"Shut up." Sonic spoke, "Just, shut up."
After they arrived on the top, Gold quickly worked on the beacon inside a radar control room. The others were holding off the Liandri Angels and some Corrupt bots joining the party. It was already hard to fight the Angels, and now Corrupt bots too! Gold's comments also didn't help at all.
"Hey! Less talk! More shot! Are you paid to complain?"
"Well, you don't pay us! And do you even know how hard it is to kill them?" Shadow shouted.
"Hey, these are girls you're fighting aren't they?"
Levinski spoke quietly as his voice raises after every words, "Genetically enhanced psychopaths, who have been trained since BEFORE birth, to be an efficient, highly sophisticated SQUAD OF RUTHLESS KILLERS!"
"Rright... but they're still girls..."
"And, what is that supposed to mean?" Starlight spoke, "That girls can't fight? I've fought men before, and they're easy to beat!"
"I swear to God I'm gonna kill that guy..." Levinski whispered.
15 minutes later...
"Can you keep it quiet out there? Don't you have a silencer or something?"
"Why don't YOU keep it quiet in there? You're making us lose our concentration!" shouted Tails, starting to get annoyed.
"I need to concentrate TOO!"
"First... I'm gonna wring his neck. Then, I'm gonna shoot him. Then I'm gonna kick his ass right off this rooftop."
"Quit it, Grass. You can plan to kill him later..." Starlight tried to calm the vulpine down.
30 minutes later...
The mercs and bots were all done for. Everyone was really tired. Of course, Gold didn't even feel sorry for them.
"Still alive out there?"
"Yeah!" shouted Sonic, "You done yet? I coulda built a damn radio by now!"
"I doubt that. They don't have instructions written in : MORON."
"What the hell is that supposed to... well, STEP OUT HERE AND SAY THAT!" Levinski shouted.
"Why don't you come in here? I've already made a contact with your ship."
Just as he said those words, a huge trapeze-shaped ship flew down the roof, firing particle charges on the Liandri shuttles nearby. Atlantis III has arrived.
"No need. We've got our ship. Now hand over the Artifact."
"Okay, okay."
As the ship landed, Streak stepped down. Everyone saluted at him, "Sir!"
"Good job surviving the Angels and Corrupt Mining Bots. I must say, I should've sent the whole regiment here. If only I knew..."
"Don't worry about it." said Sonic, "They can't take us alive, nor kill us, especially me, the Fastest Thing Alive."
"So, the Artifact? Did you get it?"
As if the cue, Gold stepped out with the Artifact. "Well, promise is a promise. After all, I think my mouth is getting everyone crazy."
"Damn straight..." Shadow muttered.
"Totally..." Amy growled.
"I should've left him to die..." Levinski spoke.
"Loudmouth..." Sonic said.
"Arrogant..." Tails added.
"Pain in the ass..." Starlight commented.
"And a total jerk..." Knuckles finished.
"Well, you might be happy when you hear this." said Streak, "Gorge has ordered to terminate all survivors. It's for safety. We can't allow any witness, not even from our own ally."
"What? Wait! As much as I wanted him to die, killing him isn't right!" Sonic shouted, "Isn't there anyway around it?"
"Well, there's a way. Gold has to be part of our regiment."
"Well, I still want to live. After all, it's about time you militaries get a good brain."
Shadow sighed. Sonic looked at him, grinning nervously, "You're thinking what I'm thinking?"
"For the first time, yes Faker. I'm not going to like this at all."
"Well, this is not the first time we have same opinion..."
A/N : That's all. Oh yeah, I've also made Levinski's model (without clothes) from Tails' model I've grabbed from Internet. It's still a bit crappy on the animation, but it's the best I've made for now.
Review please!