The Sweetest Thing

Ren leaned in and pulled apart the dripping wet petals of her beautiful pink flower. He peered at the sweet nectar within and smirked. He could feel her body shift in nervous excitement as he looked up into her eyes.

"Hmm…there's already so much. It could stand to be a little wetter though." He said to her in his deep baritone.

"Don't just stare at it, it's embarrassing." She whined cutely as her body shifted once again. He grinned even wider.

"Fine, then I won't just stare at it." He closed his eyes and breathed in the delicious aroma. "Perfect." He whispered as the soft texture caressed his lips.

Kyoko blushed deeply under his intense scrutiny and looked away.

"Do you really like it? Even though you've seen so many…" Her voice dropped off as her face flushed deeper at the question.

He brushed back a piece of stray hair away from her face and bent over her until his lips were grazing her ear.

"Trust me, no one's is as beautiful as yours, or smells as sweet. In fact, I find myself wanting to taste it."

A startled squeak escaped her lips and she pushed him back.

"You can't be serious!"

"Why not? It doesn't seem like you really want to stop me anyway." He smiled as his face once again lowered to the delicate petals.

She covered her eyes as his tongue appeared between his lips.

"Now you're just being mean Tsuruga-san!" She yelled and then gasped lightly.

"Cut! His character's name is Ryuu, Kyoko-chan. The beginning of the scene was perfect so let's just run that last part again with the same emotions."

Kyoko bowed a quick apology to the director and her fellow actors before returning to her position in front of a beautiful patch of pink flowers. She made a mental note to find out what they were called later and then focused her mind on her current character of a botany student who eventually falls in love with her handsome and sometimes flirtatious teacher, played by Tsuruga-san. The gorgeous scenery as well as the closeness of her senpai had pulled her from her character briefly, but as the director signaled the start of the scene again she managed to shake off the last remnants of reality and finish the second take flawlessly.

Author's Corner: So, what were YOU thinking? *laughs evilly* This was intended as a short one-shot type thing but it may turn into a drabble series. I'm not sure yet because I don't really care for drabble series stories too much but perhaps writing one will be fun.

Also, I will not change the rating for a story about flowers. The story was perfectly innocent, it's just your minds that were M rated. *grin*

Don't worry if you're following my other stories especially As You Wish, there will be updates by Sunday at the latest. Until next time…