Surprise! Yes it's true. The awesometasic Isabella Monroe and I are writing together. So thank you for joining us in this little adventure and don't forget to tip you bar wenches while you read what we wrote for you. ;-)

*Seeing as we are not ones to rewrite the game word for word, DA2 will just be part of the background in this story, however there will be one or two exceptions. Isabella and I both thought that it was important to start the story off this way to establish where Anders' adventure began. It is also an AU. So buckle your seat-belts and prepare for a wild ride.

Chapter 1

"Before it's too late, this could all disappear

Before the doors close, and it comes to an end

With you by my side I will fight and defend

I'll fight and defend, yeah, yeah

Keep holding on

'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Just stay strong

'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you

There's nothing you could say, nothing you could do

There's no other way when it comes to the truth

So keep holding on

'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Hear me when I say, when I say I believe

Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny

Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly"

Avril Lavigne - Keep holding on

Everything in life happened for a reason. Although the path that led him here hadn't been a simple one, he would continue to do all he could, not only to help his friend but to help all the mages of Kirkwall in their plight. That was his goal, his and Justice's.

Blue energy glowed from his hands as he spread his senses to reach inside the child, trying to feel the source of the infection, to chase down and destroy every life-ending threat floating through his body, no matter how invisible it was to anyone else. Nothing seemed to help, and he closed his eyes, willing more energy through his hands, it was almost too much, and in that moment, when he was certain he was going to kill them both, he sensed the source of the infection - an appendix that was about to burst. Anders guided the healing magic to the damaged organ and within minutes the boy jerked upright on the table, bright eyed, fever gone, into the waiting arms of his mother.

Anders turned away from the boy, his back hunched over and he pinched the bridge of his nose to at least try and ease the headache that had formed. The sickness the boy had suffered from was strong and took a lot of magic and energy to heal him. It was a good thing that Anders had grown stronger over the past year.

An unknown magical presence in the clinic triggered a feeling of foreboding and mistrust, as a small group advanced further into the clinic. Justice made him aware of the potential danger facing him, and Anders felt both rage and curiosity take hold for a split second before he pushed it back down. Reaching for his staff he twirled around, all exhaustion forgotten as he fell into a battle stance and stared down the new arrivals.

It was a strange group of people that stood before him. A dwarf, dressed like a human rogue with an ornate crossbow over his shoulder was standing next to a tall woman with red hair. She wore the armour of the city guard, a sword and shield strapped to her back and if Anders wasn't mistaken, she was Ferelden. Behind them stood a man with a huge greatsword and more muscle than was healthy for a human being, yet, none of these three triggered his defenses, none of them were the true threat. It was the young woman in front of them that caught his attention; she was small and thin with brown hair falling in curls past her shoulders, green eyes and a wary smile. Like him, she was only armed with a staff, dressed in simple mage robes that would do little or nothing to protect against arrows or blades.

He faced the four people that had entered his clinic, his hand clutching his staff, ready to cast a spell if he needed to.

"I have made this place a sanctum of healing and salvation!" he called, with a hint of anger in his voice. "Why do you threaten it?"

"I'm just here to talk," the female mage said. From the way she carried herself and stood in front of the others, he had the feeling she was the leader of the small group. She raised her hands in defense, "I'm going to put my staff on the floor to put your mind at ease," she told him as she started to crouch slowly. He studied the woman in front of him. As a man he saw her as pretty, yet delicate, but when she smiled it was the most dazzling smile he had ever seen, and completely disarmed both man and spirit momentarily.

She made eye contact with him and held it as she bent her knees and put her staff on the floor.

The dwarf beside her spread his hands out to show he was unarmed and that his crossbow would remain strapped where it was. "We're interested in getting into the deep roads. Rumor has it you were a Warden once," the dwarf studied him casually, "Do you know a way?"

Anders lowered his hand but kept a firm grip on his staff. "Did the Wardens send you to bring me back? I'm not going! Those bastards made me get rid of my cat!" He stated as he looked straight into the mage's eyes, "Poor Ser Pounce-a-lot, he hated the deep roads," he continued.

"Your joking? You had a cat... named Ser Pounce-a-lot... in the deep roads?" She asked in disbelief.

"He was a gift!" Anders said in his defense, "A noble beast, he almost got ripped in half by a Genlock once. He swatted the bugger on the nose, drew blood too!" A smile had appeared on his face as he spoke of his former pet. "The blighted Wardens said he 'made me too soft' so I gave him to a friend in Amaranthine."

"I'm very sorry to hear that. It seems rather cruel to make a man get rid of his pet," the mage said sympathetically.

Both Anders and Justice relaxed slightly. "Ser Pounce-a-lot is better off. He would risk being made a meal if he had come to Darktown with me. So tell me, why have you disturbed the peace that I have created here."

"I am sorry about that. It was not my intention. I come here only seeking information. I'm part of an expedition into the deep roads. Any information you have could save people's lives," she said, her tone persuasive.

"I will die a happy man if I never think about the blighted deep roads again," Anders said harshly. "You can't imagine what I've come through to get here, I'm not interested…"

"I'm not asking you to go into the deep roads with me," she interrupted. "I'm just asking for your help to get into them. If we go into this with as much information as possible, it could give us an advantage and save lives."

Anders thought over what she had just said and how they both might be able to help each other. "Although…" he started. "What if we could help each other... a favor for a favor, does that sound like a fair deal?" he studied her face.

"Help my expedition reach the Deep Roads, and I'll do whatever you need." she stated without hesitation.

Anders was shocked that she agreed so readily, didn't even want to know his demands. She really must be desperate. Part of him was eager to help her while the rest was very leery.

"You don't ask for my terms? What if I were asking for the Knight-Commander's head on a spike?" Anders asked skeptically.

She raised an eyebrow and looked at him curiously for a few seconds before asking. "Is that what you ask?"

Anders couldn't help but smile at her and she returned the smile. "I have a Warden map that will grant you access to the deep roads, but there's a price." She nodded. Anders turned his head to look away before he continued. "I came to Kirkwall to aid a friend, a mage, a prisoner in the wretched Gallows. The Templars learned of my plans to free him." Anders looked up at her with desperation in his eyes. "Please, help me bring him safely past them, and you shall have your maps."

"I would gladly help a fellow mage. Please, tell me about your friend," she asked.

His heart leapt at her willingness to help her mage brothers and sisters and even Justice gave his approval. As he began to tell her about his friend, his eyes lit up a little and a smile threatened his lips. "His name is Karl Thekla. He was sent from Ferelden when Kirkwall's Circle required new talent. His last letter said the Knight-Commander was turning the Circle into a prison. Mages are locked in their cells, refused appearances at court, made Tranquil for the slightest crimes." He held her gaze, judging her reaction to what he was saying. "I told him I would come."

"Are these accusations true?" she asked.

"Ask any mage in Kirkwall. Over a dozen were made Tranquil just this year. The more people you ask, the worse the rumors become," Anders said confidently. He knew what he was talking about from his experiences in the Circle. Mages were always being treated unfairly, as if they needed to ask permission to just exist. He had escaped the Circle in Ferelden because of those injustices and he couldn't bear to face it any longer. Templars around every corner, watching every move that was made, and sometimes overstepping the line when it came to their responsibilities.

"I am new to Kirkwall and I have to keep a low profile, but if what you say is true then this injustice must be addressed," the young mage said boldly.

Anders had to bite the inside of his lip to keep a huge grin from spreading across his face. Here was a fellow mage that was just as outraged as he was about the trials their brothers and sisters were being forced to endure. Her words had made him so happy he wanted to kiss her. Justice immediately told him to compose himself, and to act appropriately in the presence of a lady.

"What do the templars know of your plans?" she asked as she looked back at him.

"I don't know, but I am very concerned. I had been exchanging notes with Karl through a maid servant in the Gallows. Then suddenly the letters just stopped coming." Anders confessed as a worried frown spread across his face.

"I believe that you have reason to be concerned and I want to help you, but do you really want to make your friend an apostate?" She asked looking at him curiously.

"That's such a weighted term." Anders sighed and shook his head before continuing. "Yes, Andraste said magic should serve man, not rule him. But I've yet to find a mage who wants to rule anything. It doesn't go against the will of the Maker for mages to live as free as all other men."

She smiled that dazzling smile of hers and he felt his heart leap again as she spoke.

"Forcing mages into servitude is not the way to prevent the rise of another Imperium." She replied thoughtfully, with a hint of indignation in her voice.

Anders felt as if he had perhaps heard her wrong, or maybe he didn't. "That's not usually the response I get. Perhaps we will work together better than I expected," he said hopefully.

"How do you plan to break him out of the Gallows?" she continued to question as if she was formulating a plan in her own mind and due to years of mistrust, Anders couldn't help but wonder if she was really planning on helping him or if she was just trying to trap him somehow.

"I'm hoping it won't come to that. I sent Karl a message to meet me in the Chantry tonight. Maker willing he'll be there, alone. But if there are templars with him, I swear, I'll free him from them. Whatever the cost." Anders replied.

"I would help any mage in such circumstances, map or no." She looked at each of her companions as if wondering if any of them would protest her decision. No one raised a complaint, which spoke volumes about her as a leader.

"I welcome your aid," He looked down at the floor once again. "If you meant what you have said, then join me there, and we'll ensure that no matter who is with him, we all walk away free, Maker willing,"

"I will meet you there," She assured him. "Seeing as we are now working together, you can call me Hawke or Tisha." She said as an impish smile played on her lips.

"I am Anders," he replied as he smiled back at her and held his hand out for her to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tisha,"

Moments later she and her companions left, but as she did she looked back and smiled at him. He was impressed with her, a confident apostate who didn't let others control her options. He found her attractive, but had to keep her at arms length... that part of his life was over. Now it was just about him, Justice, and their mission to free the oppressed mages.

Anders was looking for redemption...

He used to be selfish in many ways, only thinking of life's pleasures and not caring much about anything serious and responsible. That all changed once he got to know Justice. He began to see things in a new light. He sacrificed his whole life when he took Justice into him, and that included any chance of ever having a fling again. He had learned to live without a decent meal and he was fighting for the right to shoot lightning at fools, but a part of him still longed for a life with a pretty girl. However, the moment those thoughts crept in, Justice would immediately remind him that they were fighting for basic freedoms that everyone deserved. The anger would grow over the oppression of the mages, then the rage would push all thoughts of pretty girls out the window.

It would seem that Tisha was just as desperate as he was. She had agreed to help him before she even knew what he was asking. What had happened in her past that would cause her to seek the aid of a complete stranger? She was an enigma to him, but then again, he'd placed his trust in her to help him with Karl. In part it was because he was just as desperate as she was. He needed to get his old friend out of the Gallows, but she had also won him over with her confidence and self assurance. She obviously had no problem walking into his clinic and asking a complete stranger for help. He found her intriguing, perplexing and he was surprisingly drawn to her.

Justice had emotions outside of what he had as a spirit, but being inside Anders, he had felt the things Anders felt and the mage's emotions affected and influenced him. Figuring out how he felt about Tisha Hawke was something that would only come with time. He would have to tread carefully until he understood her intentions; if he ever could. Justice was wary of her but also curious; there was something different about her, something that drew him in spite of himself, and he knew that Anders was already wondering about her. He had always let Anders do what he felt he needed to do, unless it was something that was completely against what Justice stood for. Only then would he would threaten to take control of Anders.


Anders saw Tisha and her group as they approached the doors of the Chantry. While being very careful and making sure no templars were following her or her group, Anders cautiously walked up to her. "I'm glad you were able to come."

She smiled that heart-stopping smile, "I told you I would be here, and here I am I."

Anders just shook his head, "I am not used to many people being true to their word. I've only known one person in my entire life that had the integrity to stand up for what was right no matter what the cost."

Her smile never faltered, "Well I hope to increase that number by at least one. So have you seen your friend?"

"I saw Karl go inside a few minutes ago; no templars so far. Are you ready?" he asked

"I didn't see anyone suspicious out here. So yes, we're ready. Let's do this fast," she said in a nervous but hopeful tone.

"All right, I'll handle the talking. You watch for templars." Anders said, Tisha nodded her understanding and they entered the Chantry in hopes of finding Karl.

Everything was quiet inside the Chantry, in front of the many statues, candles burned with barely a single flicker. The sound of their boots against the stone were the only noises that reached his ears, and he felt a shiver go up his spine, something was definitely wrong. He felt something, a stir of air perhaps, and as he turned to see a man in mage's robes standing in the shadows. Anders' eyes lit up and he started to walk towards him, then he stopped, slightly confused as his friend started to speak.

"Anders, I know you too well. I knew you would never give up" Karl said, in an awkward voice that made Anders even more wary. It didn't sound like Karl at all, although it definitely was him.

"What's wrong? Why are you talking like..." Nooo! Anders couldn't believe what he was seeing. His friend, the one he risked everything for, had been made Tranquil. Anders stumbled backwards in disbelief. His heart pounding away in his chest.

"I was too rebellious - like you. The templars knew I had to be... made an example of," Karl stated in a distant and unnatural voice.

Anders felt as if his heart was about to explode in his chest. "No!" he shook his head in fear and anger.

"How else will mages ever master themselves? You'll understand, Anders. As soon as the templars teach you to control yourself. This is the apostate," Karl said as the room suddenly filled with templars, weapons drawn and ready to fight.

"No!" Anders exclaimed in horror, trying to fight for control.

As the Templars surrounded them, Anders wasn't ready, still too focused on the emotionless husk that was once his friend to notice his surroundings, to hear the heavy treat of armored boots on the stairs. Even the dark haired girl was absent from his thoughts until he found himself facing down a dozen templars, and then he looked for her, expecting to see she too had betrayed him. Instead she was caught up in the arms of one of the large males, mouth covered, sparkling eyes dull from having her mana drained. Resigned to her fate, those eyes told him, but still pleading with him to get out of there while he still had a chance. Righteous anger shot through his blood like fire, sending his body to his knees; they would not have this pure innocent girl, more selfless than any being he had ever met. She deserved justice, just as much as Karl did.

"You will never take another mage as you took him!" Justice bellowed from the mouth of Anders, just as fighting broke out in the Chantry. Anders tried but couldn't regain control, Justice was doing all the fighting, unleashing his righteous fury on the templars that were coming from all directions.

Once the battle was over, Anders could see what had happened but couldn't act with Justice still in control. He couldn't believe what had just taken place. He looked over at Karl, heartbroken and shamed that he couldn't get to him sooner. That he couldn't save him. Karl's voice startled him. It was not the voice of the Tranquil he and Tisha had heard just moments before the battle, but the voice he remembered from their years in the Circle.

"I- Anders, what did you do? It's like... you brought a piece of the Fade into this world. I had already forgotten what that feels like," Karl asked in wonder.

Anders could see the shocked expression on Tisha's face as she stared at him and then at Karl. Still fighting to gain control of his body, Anders heard her speak.

"I thought the Tranquil were cut off from the Fade forever," Tisha said in both disbelief and amazement.

"When you're Tranquil, you never think of your life before. But... it's like the Fade itself is inside Anders; burning like a sun. Please, kill me before I forget again! I don't know how you brought it back, but it's fading," Karl begged, looking at Anders pleadingly.

Anders couldn't believe what Karl was asking, neither could Justice and it shocked the spirit enough that he relinquished control. Anders caught his breath as he found he could act again and stared at Karl in disbelief, that he could just give up like that. "Karl, no..." Anders started to speak as he was interrupted by Tisha.

"Maybe we can find a cure," Varric said.

Anders shook his head in defeat as he knew there was no cure that could save his friend. "Can you cure a beheading? The dreams of a Tranquil mages are severed, there is nothing left of them to fix. My friend is gone, nothing of who he once was remains," he said solemnly as he felt the lump in his throat begin to tighten.

"Anders, please, I would rather die a mage than live as a templar puppet," Karl pleaded again.

"My sister and I both know that being Tranquil is a fate worse than death and it was my father's worst fear," Tisha said, looking into his eyes with heartbreak written across her face. She gently touched his arm. "Give him peace, Anders."

"You have no idea. Your emotions, your dreams, everything - stripped away on someone's whim! If I were made Tranquil, I would wish for a friend compassionate enough to kill me... Karl, I'm sorry." Anders said as he knew that there was nothing else he could do, that he had failed once again. "I got here too late. I'm sorry, Karl. I'm so sorry."

Anders pulled out a dagger, grasped his friend's shoulder and looked into his eyes one last time before he drove the blade into Karl's chest. The mage doubled over and then collapsed. Karl was dead and Anders felt as if his whole world had once again been ripped to shreds. Tisha had tried to comfort him but the shock and heartbreak overwhelmed him and he ran, he just had to get away as fast as he could.

Anders made his way back to his clinic. His mind in emotional turmoil. His closest friend had been made Tranquil and he had killed him to bring him peace. He would never forget the feel of the dagger slipping into Karl's flesh. It sickened him, but a quick death was better than living a life as an empty shell.

And then there was Tisha. After seeing Justice, she'd looked at him with the most peculiar expression on her face, a look of both disbelief and amazement. He couldn't begin to think what must have been running through her head, but he wouldn't be surprised if he never saw her again. She was a mage, she would see him as an abomination and if she didn't come here to kill him, she would never be able to accept him... them. He felt a twinge of pain at the thought of never seeing her again. However, even though Justice was curious about her, and he respected her courage to help Anders, he could sense that Anders was drawn to her, and in the spirit's mind, not seeing her again would be the best thing... for both of them.

Anders paced the room like a caged animal turning the night's events over in his head, trying to come to terms with it. His back was to the door when he felt a magical presence nearing his room; he turned just as Tisha strolled in. She looked perplexed and confused, but her features lacked the disgust, anger or fear that he expected to have seen there.

"That little display back there... that wasn't any type of magic that I've ever seen or heard of," she stated calmly as if she was asking him where he purchased his small clothes.

"Aaah, well that is hard to explain," Anders started.

"Take your time, I think you will find me a fairly open-minded individual," Tisha replied.

"When I was a Grey Warden at Vigil's Keep, we came across a Spirit of Justice who was trapped outside the Fade. He was a friend and he understood the injustices that were done to mages. In order for him to survive, he needed a willing host," Anders explained.

"And so you offered yourself up as his host? How is that different from a demon?" Her words were accusatory, but her tone was one of trying to understand the impossible.

"Demons look to corrupt men's sins for their own gain. The Fade also has good spirits that embody our virtues - Spirits of Compassion, Fortitude, Justice," Anders stated.

"Well, that does sound useful. Where can I get one of these spirits?" Tisha asked dryly.

Anders shook his head as he tried not to smile at her flippant remark. "My own flaws have corrupted the true nature of Justice. My anger at the mages plight has changed what was once good, and distorted it. What you saw tonight was a perverted sense of justice. Now he is force of Vengeance and he has no understanding of Mercy."

"But you understand that Justice needs to be tempered with Mercy, right?"

He looked at her for a long moment, "Yes, of course."

"Then, Anders, it is you that needs to learn to control the Spirit that is within you. You must teach it about Mercy, just as you taught it about Vengeance," Tisha said.

Her statement was simple, but profound. She was also correct. If it was his emotions that taught Justice to be vengeful, then it could also be his emotions that could teach Justice to be compassionate and merciful.

He smiled at her, "Thank you. Your own examples are something to try and follow."

"Well it's easy to be compassionate and merciful when the individual that is receiving it, is such a handsome and attentive student," she said as she gave him that dazzling smile.

Anders felt the color in his cheeks rise. It had been a long time since a pretty girl had openly flirted with him. Not since... her. There was a time when he would have had a witty and charming comeback, but now she had completely flustered him. "Aaah, well with a teacher as charming as yourself, I'm sure I will excel at my studies."

"If you want to be the teacher's pet, I like chocolates," she replied light heartedly.

Anders laughed, "Yes, I will keep that in mind."

When she'd left his clinic, Anders hoped that he would see her again soon. From what he could tell, she wasn't threatened by the idea of Justice living within him, and that gave him hope for the future.

A few days later he saw her again, she came back and asked him if he would accompany her on a mission. Tisha told him that she was trying to raise finances for her excursion into the Deep Roads, but in the amount of time he had spent with her, he could see her true intentions were to try and help her family. Anders could see it was the one thing that was always at the forefront of her mind. He agreed readily, went with her and was surprised to discover that not only was he now part of her group, but Tisha had also recruited the infamous Captain Isabela to her cause, sadly without her ship. Anders knew Isabela from a previous encounter he'd had with her at the Pearl in Denerim of all places. Never had he thought they would meet again, but fate definitely had other plans.

He wondered how Tisha could so easily place her trust in strangers. Did she have a gift of foresight or was she just very wise and intuitive? She was an enigma to him, in every situation, she always had reasons for each decision she made, and a dazzling smile on her face when he asked her to explain it. Anders knew he was already captivated by her. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear her enter the clinic until she started to speak.

"So how is my handsome mage doing today?" She asked, smiling brightly at him.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite apostate." He replied with a smile that mirrored her own. "I had a friend like you once. We got into all kinds of trouble."

"Ooo, I like trouble," she purred.

"Yes, you do seem to have quite the knack for finding it," he chuckled.

"Then I must be in the right place, then," she responded teasingly.

He laughed, "Yes, well I don't need to seek out trouble, but it has a way of finding me." He paused before he continued. "I'm sorry about the last time you came to visit and I just poured out my soul to you about Justice. That was lot to tell someone you had just met."

"I'm use to people pouring out their deepest darkest secrets. I'm just glad you didn't tell me that you like to dress in drag and dance the Remigold," she replied, smiling that dazzling smile of hers.

"I didn't think you were the sort, although for a stunning woman like you, I may be inclined to do so... if the occasion called for it. We might need to rethink the high heels though," Anders grinned.

"Oooh, and I was looking forward to seeing you in a nice platform heel. I do believe Isabela has a pair that would fit you," Tisha said with a pout that made him want to pull her into his arms and kiss her. Justice once again reminded him of boundaries.

"I do have rather large feet," he said as he winked at her. Again, Justice told him that was inappropriate, but he ignored him for once. This was the most pleasant conversation he'd had in years. "I didn't think Isabela's feet were that big, makes you wonder what else she's hiding."

Anders noticed her glance at his feet and begin to blush.

"Let's just say I am more interested in finding out what you might be hiding."

Justice was now strongly reprimanding him and threatening that if he continued down this path that it would ruin everything that they had been working towards. Anders conceded to Justice's point and reined himself back in.

"Well, some things are meant to remain a secret. Once you find out, I would only end up hurting you," Anders paced the room and sighed as he continued, "You saw who I am and what I am capable of. I will only end up breaking your heart. That is the last thing I would want."

She had the most painful, hurt look on her face. As much as he wanted to take back what he had said, he knew that it would only end up in heartbreak. It would be easier if it was his heart now and not hers later. He couldn't stand being the one to bring pain into her life. Without a word, she quickly gathered her things and left.

Anders let out a heavy sigh, trying to hold back the emotions that were threatening to overtake him. He longed for the days when he was able enjoy flirty, laughing conversation, to use his charm and wit to bed any beautiful woman that caught his eye. Anders had taken pride in the fact that he'd been a suave and debonair mage who had everything in life going for him. Visiting brothels when he felt like it, although he'd hardly needed to, as countless women would fall for his wily ways in the blink of an eye. Those days were so carefree, he didn't have to worry about breaking anyone's heart or crying themselves to sleep at night because of his actions. Life had been blissful and had no consequences.

There was only one woman who changed his opinion on the life that he had treasured and that woman was his Elissa. She had opened his eyes in ways that he never could have imagined, she'd taught him how to truly love and what it felt like to be loved in return, but ultimately their union could not last because there had been another who had already claimed her heart. The thought that she could never love him the same way he loved her was his undoing. As much as he loved and respected her, not only for the magnificent person that she was or for all the things she had done to save Ferelden, he could not stay. He loved her too much to just have a casual affair, and he didn't want to pressure her for more than she was able to give. So when the opportunity presented itself with Justice, he seized it.

He couldn't help but think of the look on Tisha's face. She had been nothing but kind and helpful towards him. He would have called himself a liar if he said he wasn't attracted to her, maybe even feeling something for her. The way she smiled at him and the ways in which her funny jokes and flirtatious banter made his heart skip a beat. She made him feel normal and whole, she made him feel like a man. Maker knows he wanted to be with her, but he knew that if he started down that path, he would not be able to turn back, because she stirred things in him that he thought had died long ago.

Resigned to his fate, Anders listened as Justice assured him that it was for the best and he'd made the right choice. She was noble, kind and friendly, but if Anders were to pursue his feelings for her, he would only end up hurting her deeply and possibly permanently damaging something that was once beautiful and perfect. He couldn't live with that. Besides, he knew that Tisha would only be a distraction, one that could only cause them to lose focus on their mission, and divert their attention from what he needed to do for the betterment of his fellow mages and their fate. Justice once again assured him that with time, everything would be alright. He just had to keep holding on.

*We also could not go without thanking our wonderlicious betas, so to Kira Tamarion and RandomWittering, Thank you. Spunky monkeys like us would be lost without you.