Last Song I'm Wasting On You
Freddie's P.O.V
The sounds of blood curdling screams filled the air as a single gun shot filled my ears she turned to meet my eyes just as her face drained all life. Her lips parted to say something but they never made a sound her legs gave out we screamed.
Sparkling Grey,
They're my own veins.
Any more than a whisper,
Any sudden movement of my heart.
And I know, I know I'll have to watch them pass away
My heart was beating so hard I felt it in my head which was pounding so hard it made me dizzy it couldn't be happening no this couldn't be real?
The screams of her besides me as her best friend took her life in front of me however told me it was but how could it happen like this? Kids weren't suppose to die.
There's something that is just so wrong with a child dying. I mean not that were invincible like we think we are were not were humans and every human young or old can be hurt we all bleed we all suffer.
Yet kids were suppose to be the future our lives are suppose to be the ones leading the way we have so many hopes so many dreams we are the spark of life the blaze that can set the way for so many amazing inventions , music, dance, life changing moments. We can't do it alone though and if we don't have the helping hands that grownups are suppose to provide we can feel hopeless worthless like there's no point in breathing anymore.
Just get through this day
I watched as the sun hit her hair it sparkled against the out reached rays
Give up your way, you could be anything,
Give up my way, and lose myself, not today
That's too much guilt to pay
My throat closed up as I saw her hands slip away the gun fall from her grip and her mouth open again a small cry escaped ..I wanted to scream but I couldn't the one beside me was doing more then I could ever she fell to the pavement screaming no over and over yelling at God as she dissolved into tears.
The guilt over came me how did I miss these signs?
Sickened in the sun
You dare tell me you love me
But you held me down and screamed you wanted me to die
Honey you know, you know I'd never hurt you that wayMy eyes filled with tears of helplessness and pain as her eyes caught mine her face her hair all of what made her so amazing god she looked pretty even with the blood draining out of her body.
You're just so pretty in your pain
Give up my way, and I could be anything So run, run, run
I'll make my own way
Without your senseless hate... hate... hate... hate.
And hate me, if it feels good.
I can't hear your screams anymore
My mind went numb I couldn't hear anything all I saw was her falling her blood splattered against the metal that she had clung to so tight .. around me time stopped existing. Her eyes haunted me so empty when they were once so full of life hope and dreams.. dreams that would never be fulfilled anymore.
You lied to me
But I'm older now
And I'm not buying baby
She had lied to me she had promised me we would always be together through thick and thin we were the three musketeers. Maybe she thought I would understand when I was older but in my mind I would never understand this senseless tragedy. I would never buy any excuse as far as I was concerned she had lied through her own selfish pain she never thought of any of us .
Demanding my response
Don't bother breaking the door down
I found my way out
She had found her way out from whatever pain she was in for what ever she found too painful to face she had escaped and with her she took my very soul.
And you'll never hurt me again.
No one would ever hurt me again not now my heart was broken and it could never be repaired to be broken again.
My mind snapped back as the wind ripped through the flimsy metal bridge and I heard the screams again my eyes flashed I caught her eyes as they closed for the last time.
I screamed the sudden movement made it's way to my feet as I raced forward throwing the girl clinging to me crashing to the ground.
Her legs gave out and she paralleled forward racing to the highway below.
I was too late I had shown up just like I had promised her I would always but I was too late..
Carly No!
She was gone...
The love of my life was gone from my view fallen into to the cold hard pavement.