Disclaimer: I don't know House of Anubis, Miley Cyrus's Party in the USA, and Taylor Swift's Breathe and Enchanted.
a/N: Hey-lo people! It's been a long time. I'm so very sorry! You have no idea how busy I am these past few weeks! Anyway, since you're reading this, thank you so much for keeping up with this story, even though I poorly update. To make up for the hiatus, this chapter is a little bit longer. More than 4 000 words, baby! Anyway, it's really hard to write new chapters without the inspiration from the TV shows. Can't wait or the season 2!
Anyway, on to the story!
Chapter 6: Party in the USA
After breakfast, they started to go around the city. Malls, parks, the Time Square, they went around the city for the whole day. When the sun starts to set, they went to the central park. They stayed there for a while. They had picnic in the park. They just sat there in the blanket, eating, talking and laughing.
"So, who did you invite in the party?" Nina asked Kathryn.
"Um, of course I invited our schoolmates and friends from school. Just in our grade." Kathryn answered.
"Hmm… more American girls." Jerome whispered to Alfie, smiling. Charlie heard it.
"Yuck! You make me sick." She exclaimed.
"Then call the doctor very quick." he joked.
"Let's laugh three times for the effort: ha-ha-ha." Charlie said sarcastically. Jerome made a face.
"What time is it?" Kathryn asked.
"Half-four." Fabian answered looking at his wrist watch.
"Do you mean, half-past four." Kathryn clarified.
"That's how they say it in England." Nina explained.
"Well, we better go home now and prepare for the party." Amber said as she sat up.
"But I'm not yet finished eating." Mick whined taking a mouthful of fries or chips as they call it in England.
"You have got to stop eating a lot." Mara scolded.
"Yes, mum." Mick joked. Mara punched him playfully in the arm.
"Come on guys!" Amber yelled and ran to the car, Kathryn followed her.
"Amber, you could've help cleaning up." Joy said as she placed the paper plates in the basket.
"But I'm busy!" Amber whined.
"Doing what?" Patricia asked as she took the large blanket and folded it.
"Doing… things… right Katie…" Amber said to Kathryn who was beside her doing her makeup.
"Yeah." She agreed.
"That's just an excuse to not do work." Jerome said as he folded another blanket with the help of Charlie.
"Time to go now guys." Phil said as he shook Alfie and Art who had fallen asleep in the grass. "Guys! Wake up!" he yelled. Alfie and Art sit up.
"What?" they both yelled in unison.
"It's time to party." Jerome said.
"Oh yeah!" Art said as he ran to the car. Alfie ran after him too.
"Guys?" Phil called. "Seriously? No help?"
"Let them. We'll just waste out breaths convincing them." Nina said. "Let's just get this finished."
Soon, they were done and drove back to Nina's house. They have decorated the house, specially at the garden and at the pool.
Everyone were assigned to do something. Fabian are creating the playlist to be played later. Charlie and Jerome are grilling burgers. Phil and Mick are putting on the balloons and other decorations while Amber and Kathryn are ordering them around. The rest of girls were preparing the food to eat. While Alfie and Art was goofing around with balloons.
Then Nina walked out to the garden with a bowl of chips on each of her hand, passing through Alfie and Art. She placed it on the food table. On her way back, she stopped by on Fabian, which was across the pool.
"How are you doing there, handsome…" Nina whispered to Fabian as she wrapped her arms around his neck from behind. Fabian chuckled.
"I'm almost done actually." He said as he kept on clicking on the mouse. "Uh, should I put some slow songs on?"
"That'd be great." Nina said. "I better get back to the kitchen."
"Sure." He said as took a glance at Nina and smiled. Nina smiled back as she glided back across the pool. While passing through Art and Alfie, a balloon they were playing at popped causing Amber and Kathryn to shriek in surprise. Alfie and Art laughed out loud and so did Nina, Fabian, Phil and Mick. Even Charlie and Jerome were laughing.
"Argh! Alfie!" Amber shrieked.
"Argh! Art!" Kathryn shrieked.
"What?" Alfie asked between his laughs.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!" Amber pushed Alfie, which caused him to walk backwards and hit the ladder where Phil is. Phil fell down hitting his shin to the metal ladder. The worst part is, he landed on Nina. Amber and Kathryn gasped.
"Nina!" Amber called.
"Phil!" Kathryn called.
Fabian had a late reaction of what had happen. Nina couldn't move actually since Phil was on top of her. She looked up on Phil with a face you couldn't possibly draw because of pain.
"Bro, are you alright?" she asked looking into his green eyes.
"Not really." He said as he looked back at her own brown eyes that always melt him ever since she met her when she was on 4th grade. When Fabian saw what was happening he snapped and called for Nina.
"Nina! Are you okay?" he called as he ran across pool. Fabian's call snapped Phil out and stood up from Nina with the help of Kathryn. Fabian helped Nina get up. Jerome and Charlie ran to her too.
"What happened here?" Mara asked as she went to the scene with bowls and dips on her hand. Joy and Patricia followed with plates of food and pizzas.
"Alfie hit Phil's ladder and he fell on Nina." Kathryn explained.
"Nina, Phil, I'm so sorry." Alfie apologized.
"Don't worry about it man." Phil said.
"Yeah, Alfie, it's cool." Nina said.
"Oh thank goodness." Alfie exclaimed.
"Are you two okay?" Patricia asked.
"Not really." Phil groaned. "I hit my shin on the ladder before I landed." He said as he stretched his leg.
"Are you gonna be alright?" Kathryn asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine. I'll just rest for a bit." He said as he started to walk in the house.
"Yeah me too. Big bro is really heavy." Nina groaned as she moved her shoulder and bended her back a bit while Fabian's protective arm is around her waist.
"I'll go with you." Fabian said and led Nina inside with Phil.
"Look what you've done!" Amber yelled at Alfie and hit him in the arm.
"I said I was sorry!" Alfie defended as he rubbed his arm. "And they said it was cool."
"Well, it's not cool for me. We made all of this for Nina, and now you hurt her!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Ugh! You're grounded!" she yelled as she walked out and went inside the house.
"What? Amber!" Alfie followed her.
"Grounded?" Art asked Jerome. "I thought she's his girlfriend? Why is she acting like his mom?"
"It's not literally grounded. It's the little rule Amber and Alfie made for their relationship. If Alfie made a mistake or prank or whatever that made Amber mad, he's not allowed to touch, hold hands, kiss, hug, or talk to Amber for a whole week. Or sometimes by the time Amber's anger cooled down."
"Oh…" Art said nodding his head. "Have they done this before?"
"Yeah. Only once. Since they just started dating for maybe more than a week, few days before we got here."
"What happened?"
"Well, we were having dinner and we had another food fight. Alfie accidentally hit Amber right on the face and some landed on her favourite top. She grounded him then and there. But then the next morning I saw them kissing again, so maybe she forgot all about it."
"Oh… okay." Then Art started sniffing the air. "Uh… what smells like burned meat?" Jerome's eyes widened.
"Charlie!" he called.
"What?" she asked annoyed since she was talking to Kathryn.
"The burgers!" he yelled. Charlie gave him a confused face but smelled the burning meat in the air. Her eyes widened and ran towards the grill. Jerome ran after her. Well, the burgers burned.
"Great." She muttered sarcastically.
"It's not that bad…" Jerome said as he tasted one. When the meat landed on his tongue, he spit it out. "Eulch! It tastes like… dirt or something…" Charlie laughed out loud, pointing him. "Oh, you think that's funny? Well, you better taste this too…" Jerome shoved a burned burger on Charlie's mouth, his finger brushed through her soft lips.
Charlie immediately moved his hand away and spat the burger to the ground.
"Jerome! You Nub!" she yelled. "You better start running." She said with her deadly threat tone.
"'Cause I'm gonna kill you!" she yelled as she bolted towards Jerome, causing Jerome to run for his life. "Jerome!" she yelled. "Get back here!"
"Why would I do that?" he yelled back chuckling. "I'm too young and handsome to die!"
Everyone outside were laughing at them
"They're acting like kids!" Mara commented.
"Ugh! Jerome!" Charlie yelled. She groaned as she tasted her mouth. "Ugh! Now the taste won't come off!" she ran faster towards him. Jerome just laughed as he ran faster.
Jerome ran towards the garage. He stayed there for a while when he thought he lost Charlie. He turned on the lights and catch his breath. Then something caught his eyes. There was large tank in a corner. He walked towards it and saw a miniature forest in there, but no one lives there.
After a while he heard a hissing sound and he felt something crawling over his right shoulder. He stiffened and slowly looked at his right shoulder with his eyes closed. He slowly peeked and saw a snake over his shoulder.
He shrieked and threw the snake away from him to the ground. Then he heard someone laughing. He looked behind and saw Charlie laughing hard at him.
"Oh my gosh…" Charlie said between her laughs. "Your face was priceless! You should have seen your face!" Jerome glared at her.
"That snake frightened the life out of me!" he yelled. "Well it's not every day I see a snake on my shoulder." He said sternly. Charlie walked in the garage and took the snake off the ground. She showed it to Jerome and he stepped backwards.
"Relax. Mr. Skippy's harmless." She said as she placed the snake near her cheek.
"Can I hold it?"
"Well I thought he frightened the life out of you?" she pointed as she mocked him and his accent. Jerome looked at her seriously. Charlie gave in and gently passed the snake to him.
"This is so cool." He said.
"Yeah. Well, I was suppose to buy a boa or a python but my mom didn't let me, so I instead got a milk snake. But I still love Mr. Skippy."
"You're a girl full of surprises, aren't you?"
"Well…" Then Mick and Mara came running.
"We heard a shriek, what happened." Mara asked but her eyes widened when she saw the snake.
"Snake!" Mick screamed.
"Relax Mick!" Jerome said. Mick obeyed.
"Charlie, are you alright?" Mara asked. "Why did you shriek?" Charlie laughed.
"No I didn't." she said between laughs. "Jerome did, when he saw Mr. Skippy." Mick and Mara laughed too.
"Oh haha." Jerome laughed sarcastically. "Like you didn't." he told to Mick.
"I didn't shriek. I just…" Mick started but ran out of words to say.
"Okay." Charlie said as she stopped laughing. "Let's get inside and get ready for the party." She took Mr. Skippy off Jerome and placed him back to his tank.
While all of those chiz were happening…
Nina and Phil plopped down on the couch and sighed. Phil raised his hurting leg on the table.
"I'll call Aunt Jennifer." Fabian informed and went out to get Aunt Jennifer. First he hesitated going out and leaving the two alone, but he figured that he trust Nina.
Another sigh came out of Phil.
"You okay?" Nina asked.
"Yeah… But my shin is hurting…"
"I'm sorry I landed on you."
"No, don't worry. It was just an accident."
"Well, I'm still sorry. Does your body hurt or something?"
"My back. A little bit."
"Did I fell hard on you?"
"Yeah. You're kinda heavy."
"Sorry… Hey, turn around?"
"I'm gonna massage your back. It's my fault anyway that that hurts."
"Don't say that. But the massage will do." Nina laughed and turned around. Phil started massaging her back. "This is good. You know you should really work on a spa, then you work there as the guy who massages or something, you're gonna get some serious tips." Phil chuckled.
Then Fabian came in and saw them. Again, jealousy was heating up inside him.
"Oh, Philip, dear, what happened?" Aunt Jennifer asked as she ran towards Phil. Phil stopped massaging Nina's back. Nina stood away from Phil, so Aunt Jennifer could sit beside him and help him.
"I kinda hit my shin on the metal ladder." Phil answered. Aunt Jennifer gently examined his now red shin.
"Oh, does it hurt?"
"Yeah, a little."
"Okay, I know just what to do." Aunt Jennifer placed an ice pack over his shin. Nina walked towards Fabian.
"Hey." She whispered.
"Are you alright?" he asked once again.
"Yeah. Big Bro just gave me a back massage." Nina chuckled. Fabian forced to chuckle with her to hide his jealousy.
Then Amber walked in.
"Nina!" she yelled. Nina and Fabian turned around. They saw Alfie catching up to her. "Are you okay? Does something hurt? Are you gonna be okay for the party?"
"Amber, I'm okay. Don't worry, I'll be okay for the party. Now relax, okay?"
"Phew! Thank God you're okay!" Amber gave her a bone crushing hug.
"Amber? I… can't… breathe…" Amber immediately let go of Nina.
"See Amber? She's fine. Now can you please un-ground me?" Alfie pleaded. Amber ignored him and rolled her eyes away.
"Come on Amber. No need to give Alfie the punishment." Nina said.
"But still!" Amber yelled. The she remembered something. "Uh oh, what time is it?" she immediately grabbed Fabian's arm and looked at the time on his watch.
"Amber!" he yelled in pain. "You're gonna break my arm!"
"It's already half-five. The guest are gonna be arriving at 6. I better go change to my party outfit." She said as she let go of Fabian's wrist. Fabian rubbed it to ease the pain. "You guys change too." Then she peeked behind them and looked at Phil. "Phil? Are you gonna be okay for the party?" she asked sweetly.
"I'm good. I'll be there soon."
"Okay. Now go people!" Amber ran upstairs to change.
"I think we better tell everyone to change too." Nina said to Fabian.
"I'll do it. You go now."
"Thanks." Nina pecked him on the lips very quickly and rushed upstairs.
"You're lucky your girlfriend isn't mad at you." Alfie pouted.
Fabian just chuckled an walked outside to inform everybody.
Seven o' clock struck on the clock. The party have been going for an hour now. Music is banging on the speakers. Miley Cyrus's 'Party in the USA' is making the party alive. Nina met her old friends from middle school. Small talks about what's happening with their lives. Introducing her new friends to them. Dancing a bit.
Mara, Mick, Amber, Kathryn, and Fabian are talking to Nina's other American friends. Jerome was hitting on another girl, much to dismay of Charlie. Art tried on hitting on Patricia again, but turned him down as usual. Alfie tried to talk to Amber but she kept ignoring him.
Phil was on the food table as Joy came to the table too.
"Hey." Joy said.
"Hey." Phil said back.
"How's your leg?"
"Well, it's pretty fine. It stopped hurting."
"Hey yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a party in the USA!" Miley sung through the speakers.
"What song is this?" Joy asked her head through the beat.
"It's the 'Party in the USA'" he said in unison with the song. "By Miley Cyrus." They both laughed.
"Oh, is she the one who starred on that movie we watched last night." Josh nodded and ate some chips.
"How come you don't know Miley Cyrus? Isn't she famous around the world?" Josh asked.
"Oh, I'm into her, that's all." Joy answered quickly, a hint of panic on her voice. Anyway, Josh bought it.
"Enjoying the party?" he asked.
"Yeah. It's been almost a year since I went to a party." She answered, remembering the house arrest her father and his little society gave her.
"How come?" he asked as he took a fork and stabbed a fish with it.
"Long story." She answered. "It was really complicated."
"Hey, what's this?" Phil asked with a mouthful of fish.
"That's actually a fish. Patrcia and I made it."
"Really good." He said as he swallowed another.
"Why fish?"
"Well, if you Americans love burgers and other meat, we English people love fish and chips." She answered as she took some fries. "I love these chips."
"Uh, that's French fries."
"Oh, we call it chips in England."
"Well, I think I have a lot to learn about your English people." He said as he took a mouthful of Lays chips. Joy giggled.
"So, how long have you known Nina?" Joy asked.
"Oh, I met her when she was on 4th grade, and I was in 5th grade."
"You're older than her?"
"Yeah, pretty much." They laughed.
"Well, that was a stupid question. Obviously you're older than her." she laughed.
"I saw her crying on a corner in the cafeteria that time."
"Why was she crying?"
"Well, her friends came, and by friends, I mean Katie and Art and Charlie, they said that Nina's parents died in the car accident and haven't got over it yet."
"Oh, I remembered Patricia told me her parents already passed."
"Yeah. So ever since, we became friends." He said as they took a glance on Nina.
"So did Nina changed ever since she left for London?"
"Not really. But I think she became quite more beautiful and blooming since she's in love."
"Yeah… to Fabian…" Joy said, looking down.
"Yeah…" They became quiet. Then the music turned down and a slow song came. 'Breathe' by Taylor Swift played on the background. Everyone took their partners.
"Boo!" Amber called Alfie who was sitting on a bench near the food table. He looked up and smiled at Amber. "Dance with me!" she pulled him and placed her arms around his neck while he placed his hands on her waist.
"You're not mad at me anymore?" Alfie asked.
"Well, I don't have a partner for this dance, so I'm not mad anymore." She flashed him another smile. Alfie chuckled.
Joy and Phil chuckled at the scene. Phil looked at Joy who was now looking at Nina and Fabian. He looked at their direction and sighed.
"Hey, you wanna dance?" Phil asked as he held his hand to her.
"Sure." She smiled and took his hand. They went on the dance floor and Joy placed her hands around his neck while he rested his hands on her hips. She looked up to him and smiled. He smiled back and took a glance on Nina and Fabian. Nina's head was on Fabian's shoulder. They were talking and chuckling. He looked back to Joy. "You fancy her don't you?"
"Nina. You fancy her. Don't you?"
"Wh-what? N-no. Nina's—" he stuttered. Joy laughed.
"Don't worry. I won't tell."
"How do you know that I fancy her?" he asked mocking her British accent. Joy chuckled.
"See. You admit it yourself." Phil blushed. "I could tell by the way you looked at her."
"Oh, really? I'm that obvious?"
"I don't know. Maybe the others specially Nina didn't noticed it. But I did."
"Whatever. She's taken anyway. She's in love with Fabian. And vice versa. They actually look good together."
"Yeah." She said looking down.
"You like him, right?" he smirked.
"Yeah." She said as she looked up again. "But I can't make myself admit that they look really good together. I still believe that soon Fabian would come back to me."
"Have you dated Fabian in the past?"
"No. But I fancied him for a really long time now. Well I was gone, then Nina came and they happened."
"What do you mean, you're gone?"
"Oh." She started panicking inside. "I have to leave school because I have to take care about some issues with my father." She half-lied.
"Well I wanted to get over Fabian now, since he's dating Nina. But every time I see them together, I still feel jealous, you know."
"Yes. I do."
"Well, if I'm still jealous… that is not a good sign of getting over a guy." They chuckled.
"Yeah, when it was our prom, just less than two weeks ago," Jerome told Charlie. He started talking to Charlie now since the girl he's hitting on turned him down. "and then Amber bought this dress online. So the day it came, I stole it and then bought the exact same dress but in doll size and addressed it to Amber. Then when it came, she thought it was the dress she bought, and she was like, 'I bought a doll's dress?' and then she screamed out loud and gave a tantrum!" he laughed out loud while Charlie joined.
"That's gold!" Charlie exclaimed.
"Yeah, you should've seen her face!"
"So what happened? She didn't go to prom?"
"Actually she did. My mate Alfie took the dress and gave it to her. Amber even agreed to be her girlfriend after that."
"Wow! You pulled a hysterical prank and helped your friend get a girlfriend. Nice!"
"Yeah. I am great."
"Don't get too cocky boy." Then the slow song came. Charlie awkwardly looked away and saw everybody get to their partners.
"Would you care to dance?" Jerome asked as he held his hand to her.
"Wh- what?"
"Oh come on. Stop being too stubborn. It's just one dance."
"Oh- okay…" she slowly took his hand and ran her hands up to his shoulders. He placed his hands on her hips.
"How about you? Have you pulled some awesome pranks lately?" Jerome asked as they dance. Charlie started thinking.
"Recently, just a few weeks before the school ended, I put a large dead fish on my ex's locker."
"Yeah. It was so funny. The smell never come off." They started laughing.
"Why did he became your ex?" Jerome asked as soon as his laughter died.
"I dumped him. Saw him with another chick." She said sadly as she looked down.
"Well, his loss." He said.
"You're an awesome, unique girl. He shouldn't play with you like that."
"Yeah. I'm used to it."
"Half of the relationships I had ended in break ups since I got cheated on."
"Oh gosh. And you're okay with it?"
"Of course not, you doof!" she thumped his temple but Jerome just laughed it off. "I just said I'm used to it. Well, I never had a long term relationship."
"Yeah. Me too."
"I'm not surprised."
"Come on. I'm not that…"
"That what?" she smirked.
"That – you're thinking about!" Charlie laughed.
"Let me guess, your longest relationship with a girl is a week?"
"No!" he defended. "It's actually 10 days." He said in a low tone.
"How about you? What's your longest relationship?"
"A month." She smirked.
"That's still short!"
"Yeah it is!"
"It's not"
"It is!"
"It's not!"
"Okay, we're acting like children!" he said and laughed together.
"So, who usually dumps who?" she asked. "Guess again! You?" he nodded. "Surprise surprise." She said sarcastically.
"How about you? Who dumps who? Except for those you got cheated on."
"Can't believe I could be so honest." She exclaimed.
"Yeah. I've never had a conversation like this with a girl or anyone before."
"Me too." They both chuckled. Soon their chuckling dies down. "So, is this like, our date now?"
"The bet?"
"Oh. Nope."
"Wha…? But we're practically on a date now. We talked, we dance, we…" she stopped when she realized what she was about to say. "Anyway… come on! Please?"
"Okay, fine. Just don't ruin the moment."
"This is a moment?"
"Let's just say it is."
The next song 'Enchanted' by Taylor Swift filled the air. Charlie took a glance at Nina resting her head on Fabian. First she hesitated to copy her but did it anyway. Jerome stiffened but soon relaxed.
"This is nice…"
This has been a really good night. The moment. The music. Everything. They're both enchanted to meet each other.
A/n: Yeah, that was kinda cheesy and OOC of Charome (Charlie and Jerome) at the end right there, but I have to put it on! Sorry! Anyway, please review! I won't be promising for an update, but the reviews boost me up!
Noticed that both of the slow songs are Taylor Swift's? Yeah, I so love TS!
Miley? Not so much. But I do like her! :) I just put on her 'Party on the USA' 'cause I kinda think it fit the story.
Thanks again!
Peace, Love, Bear, Fudge,
The Mad Purple,
Purple Madness