The orcastra begun to play a tune, it was almost average, like what you'd hear form one of the musicians in the streets. Ezio sat up straighter as a white hooded figure stolled out onto the stage, he seemed rather... young! The robes was large on him and hung, the only thing that seemed closest to a proper fit was the leather bond armor.

"I know you might not know me personally." The actor's voice carried and echoed strong off the walls. "Some of you might know me as a trouble maker, a murder, or frankly just drunk." A few chuckles rippled through the audiance, but Ezio's friends glanced at him like they expected him to through himself at the man and stab him then and there. But Ezio didn't bother to show he felt their burning gazes, he knew well that somepeople did think he was drunk when they saw him scaling walls and running on rails. "But i know who I am." He reached for the rim of his hood pulling it back to reveil a black haired man with hair pinned back in a ponytail, his eyes a deep brown. But he also had a small shadow across his jaw and chin as cleanly shaved studdle was there. "I'm Ezio Auditore da Fienze."

Ezio pinned the bridge of his nose, clearly this was young actor, but he had to give them credit. He looked somewhat like him.

"And my story started as I stepped into Saint Pietros beside my Uncle..." His voice fell as the black screen behind him lifted to reveil a dark set, the figures seemed to stand still. 'Ezio' took his place at eh top of a set of steps at the back of the stage. The lights came on and showed monks as they made themselves heard over one another.

"Che cosa fate qui? (What are you doing here?)"

"Assassini! (Assassins!) God will see you pay for your crimes!"

"You have desecrated the sanctity of this whole place!"

'Ezio' pointed at the last man who spoke, "You condem what you do not understand."

The other man on the steps, who looked like a well musculed older man then the Ezio's actor and was probably suppost to be Mario, turned and told 'Ezio'. "We must go Ezio. Now!"

Ezui huffed a breath of air, they didn't know what happened before they came into Saint Pietros. He couldn't help but feel a little bit more satispied that they didn't know more about him then the next guy.

'Ezio' and 'Mario' both stepped down the stairs and pushed through the monks, who spat insults and such as they brushed past. The music begun to pick up as the monks walked off stage, two pushing a fake pavillian with them. 'Mario' was first to breka the silence between teh two actors. "How was the fight? Did Rodrigo manage to hurt you?"

"Not truely, my armor protected me from his attack." 'Ezio' answered. THey moved through some passing Cardinals, then when they were clear, 'Mario' drew out his sword.

"I expect the Borgia to mourn many lifes tonight." He came to a door and added, "Be ready to fight." He pushed it open only to be swarmed by five men dressed in Borgia uniforms, although even Claudio seemed to notice the tears and dented metal, clearly these were plenty used and were just given.

'Mario' and 'Ezio' quickly dispatched them, giving quick comments to one another. Then 'Mario' sprinted ahead, "Follow me! We need to go!"

They ran to the back of the stage, where a curtain lifted to reveal a ladder and a few small cutout buildings. Ezio could see the wooden platforms in the holes for the windows. THe two were apparently running over rooftops like he and his uncle had. And the both stopped.

"The desision is yours, only do so quickly!" 'Mario' told him.

'Ezio' was holding a silver painted ball, his hand trembling as he held it.

"Give it to me, I'll hold onto it for now." 'Ezio' handed 'Mario' the 'Apple' and nodded.



The two lept from the platforms, landing in a cart of hay at the bottom. The lights dimmed as a chorus begun to sing, the stagehands were already changing the scene.