Author's Note: This is neither a sequel or prequel to my other story, I forgot I had written this story so I thought I'll upload.

Hope you all enjoy.

Mr Callaghan

The gentle breeze that rustled the trees was the only noise as Elizabeth Bennet walked arm in arm with Mr Callaghan. They strolled along the open fields unaware of anyone or anything but the person next to them. The noise of the trees died away as the breeze stopped.

Elizabeth was content and at ease with Mr Callaghan, she felt happy at his side. They had known each other their entire lives, until Mr Callaghan had moved away. It was not until his recent return they continued their acquaintance. The Callaghan family had returned to their father's estate, giving Elizabeth the joy of seeing a grown, handsome man.

When he and his family left a few years ago, he was a load bad mannered boy. Now he was strikingly handsome with dark brown hair and intoxicating blue eyes. Two months after being acquainted with her once again, she was beginning to fear herself in love.

She glanced at his hair it was not like other gentleman's hair, no, there was something different in the way it was styled, the freedom of hair that did what it pleased. His clothes were the latest fashion, expensive but with a touch of his own style. Although his manner had improved, he was not afraid to confront people and speak his mind. His bad habits of getting involved in brawls and duals had increased.

Elizabeth could not help but feel the muscles in his arm; he did nothing to hide them. In fact, she felt him encourage her. He was not afraid to break boundaries and she feared he got pleasure in succeeding. His arms and chests seemed broader than most men's he was an active and strong person. His voice deep and alluring, she could do nothing but find his attributes and hated it when she found none of his faults. It did not occur to Elizabeth that many of his 'attributes' were also his faults.

She become aware that he was humming she loved it, when he hummed. She saw his smile and noticed with a sense of guilt that she was staring at him.

"Do I intrigue you miss?" He asked slyly. "Or does my humming annoy you?"

"Not at all your humming is most delightful perhaps I was taken aback by the mark on your shoulder." She replied, glancing at his shoulder.

"I will not look; you will have to do better than that to win our game." He said fully aware of her lie.

"Then I will."

They walked towards the tree line heading back the way they had come. She smiled nothing she could do would make him look at a non-existent object. He could do it to her and she would always look. He had started the game some weeks ago and enjoyed teasing her.

"I believe you had not yet explained your reason of returning to Meryton." She reminded him.

"Ah yes, I was interrupted when dragged away by that disgustingly dressed woman." He grumbled.

"Indeed you were however you had agreed to dance with her."

"Because you abandon me so you could dance with that small excuse of a man." He did nothing to hide the dislike from his voice.

"Were you jealous?" She teased.

"Yes," She looked at him to see his eyes on her face he never did anything to hide his feelings.

"I apologise did not mean to cause pain," She reassured, he laughed harshly not at her, but at the statement.

"My dear Miss Elizabeth, there is no jealousy without love."

She could not help but feel embarrassed she looked away he however was hardly deterred. Instead, he pulled her closer putting his hand on top of hers.

"Back to the question at hand." He said rolling her hand to see her palm. "My father is ill as you know the countryside is better for him than town." She realised he had removed her glove and his bare fingers were tickling her palm.

"That is what I do not understand, sir." She asked trying to ignore the sensation he was creating. "Why not travel to your estate down south."

"The old codger wanted to return to his place of birth and our estate is being refurnished." She blanched at his words, his ill appreciation of his father.

"Do you dislike your father so much?"

His answer surprised her as his arms retracted and wrapped themselves around her waist. He dragged her into a shadow of a large tree away from prying eyes. Her head was in a panic, she knew not how to react as his body pressed against hers. Her body pressed against the hard oak of the tree. His hands wandered along her body, but he neither spoke nor kissed, just stared at her. She soon recognised the sound of carriage wheels as he rested his head against her shoulder.

"My father," He whispered, his face rubbing against her neck.

"Does he dislike me so?"

"He does not approve of our connection therefore we wait." He raised his head once the carriage had passed.

"Wait for what?" she asked once her breathing returned to normal.

"For him to make his peace with the devil, I inherit and..."

Was this his proposal? Was that what he was waiting for, for his father to die? Could she marry such a man who wished his own father dead so he could inherit? She was relieved that he let her go. This was the only fault in his character, the dark side, which got him into trouble.

He felt her shift unsure of him. This was what he loved about their time together, he confused her and he rejoiced in his success. He laughed stepped forward and returned her glove. Taking her arm once again, they carried along to their destination that was his horse.

"My mother approves of you, but she suggested we wait until father dies." He paused. "When he does die, would you be able to wait two months for me?"

"I would not wish your father dead, sir." She whispered.

"I believe you will be the only one who does not, he is a tyrant and his going will be a blessing." He turned to look at her. "I wish to propose now, but I do not wish to see you trapped in an engagement. I want to propose properly not secretly therefore I ask for you to wait if you can."

"What if there's someone else?" She said smiling.

"Then I might have to deal with him." He answered lightly but she could hear the edge in his voice.

"Very well." She said. "I will do as you wish."

"I am very grateful."

They said little on their way back to his steed, which he had tied to a tree and left his servant to watch. He heard his steed before he saw it. It was pulling against the rope that bound it to the tree. Musket did not like waiting.

"I hope to see you again," he said planting a feathery kiss on her hand.

"I hope so to." She squeezed his hand.

He climbed on to his horse, stroked Muskets mane as his servant released the creature from the tree.

Elizabeth watched as Mr Callaghan mounted his horse. The creature reined back on its legs crying in joy at its freedom. Elizabeth had feared his horse, it appeared to be wild and Callaghan had appeared to have just thrown a saddle on it.

With a sly wink he trotted off, servant walking behind. He had left her in a flutter of emotions as she retreated to Longbourn. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw the dark brown shape of Callaghan's steed disappear.

At Longbourn the Bingley's carriage was outside, Jane must be visiting. She walked into the dining room where Jane and Bingley were talking to her sisters and mother. Since Jane's marriage, her mother had relented some from trying to get the remaining sisters to marry. Lydia was still up north married to Wickham only Mary, Lizzy and Kitty remained. Kitty had seemed to succeed in persuading Bingley to give a ball.

There were two bonuses in her sister's marriages. Kitty was no longer under the bad influence of Lydia and had become better friends with Maria Lucas. Lizzy could rejoice in escaping her mother's presence by going to visit the Bingley's as she was a regular visitor due to Jane's insistence.

"Lizzy!" Jane exclaimed, embracing her. "You look so well."

"And you." Lizzy said breaking the embrace to look at her sister's bump. "All three of you," She smiled at Bingley his eyes still shone with pride at the knowledge of becoming a father.

"We are holding a ball at Netherfield." Bingley said glancing at Kitty this was no doubt due to Kitty's persistence.

"It's to take place two days from now. We need to return to town tomorrow on business." Lizzy could not help but wonder if Mr Callaghan was invited.

"You do us great honour Mr Bingley." Mrs Bennet began.

Bingley was getting better at stopping Mrs Bennet from rambling on, he had learnt fast and knew how to escape their mother before she could not be stopped. It was evident that they were on their journey to other houses to deliver invitations as Bingley was impatient to leave and continued to edge towards the door.

Jane had a moment with Lizzy alone when their visit ended. Jane embraced Lizzy for an excuse to have a quiet word in her ear.

"Mr Callaghan and his brothers have been invited." Jane smiled pulling away from her.

Only Jane was aware of her and Mr Callaghan interest in each other.

"I'm glad to hear it; I look forward to the dance." She said.

"And you must come and stay after the dance at Netherfield." Jane insisted.

"I look forward to it."

"Enjoy your dance tonight; I can't wait until the ball." Jane said climbing into the carriage more carefully than usual considering her bump.

Even though they rarely danced at their balls, the Bingley's enjoyed giving pleasure to their neighbours and friends. Elizabeth now had two reasons to look forward to the commencing week. She now had the opportunity to have two dances with Mr Callaghan. She also embraced the prospect of staying with her sister and brother as well as the chance of getting away from her mother.