This is a work of Fan fiction. All of the original characters, organizations, techniques, summon animals and events portrayed in this fictional literature are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Though the majority of the events and most characters take place in and are a part of manga artist Kishimoto's world Naruto, and of Tite Kubo' Bleach
Normal speech: I hate paperwork. I bet Minato died just to escape this.
Flashback Begins: ***
Flashback Ends:
Scroll/Book/Author notes/Event/ Titles: Village Hidden in the Mist's: Bloodline Limit Purge
Demon/Summon or Fusion speech: Finally, I am free. In your face Minato!
Human Thinking: 'Oh, Shit.'
Demon/Summon or Fusion Thinking: 'Oh, Shit is right! You are royally screwed bitch!'
Jutsu/ Kidō/ Zanpakutō ability: Wind Style • Silent Wind [Fūton • Kaze no Sairento]
Song start-} {
Song ends-} {
Chapter 1: Sunder
"I have a family, I have friends, but if you're gone…to me…it'll be the same as being alone!"
~ Sakura Haruno
"Flapping Chidori [Habataku Chidori]" called out a boy with spiky black hair with a blue tint, and onyx eyes. Like many other members of his clan, his hair hangs over both sides of his face to roughly frame his cheeks, he possessed the Sharingan (Copy Wheel Eye) which once activated as it currently is turns the eyes red in colour and with three tomoe spinning in the boy's eyes showed that the Kekkei Genkai was in its complete form. His clothing consisted of a blue, short-sleeved shirt with a raised collar and the Uchiha crest on the back, and white shorts, a short blue-clothed forehead protector adorned his forehead. The boy's name Sasuke Uchiha last member of the Uchiha clan who now stood at the foot of the monument of his ancestor Madara Uchiha at the Valley of the End his body changed into a grotesque form due to the Cursed Seal upgraded to its 2nd level it turned Sasuke's skin dark grey, his eyes yellow, lengthened his hair without losing its style, blue venom lipstick seemed to appear on his lips, and gave him hand-shaped wings on his back that gave him the ability to glide and momentarily hover. In this form, not only were his physical attributes increased, but his techniques were also enhanced by the Cursed Seal's dark chakra. Hence why the normal blue colouring of his technique turned black-silver and as he prepared to fight his former comrade for his path to power and revenge, so that he may kill his elder brother Itachi Uchiha for the genocide of the Uchiha clan.
"Vermillion Rasengan [Shuiro Rasengan]" called out the Blond haired, blue eyed boy in response. His greatest physical attribute was three whisker marks on either cheek. His clothing consists of a orange jumpsuit with blue on the upper shoulders area as well as up and down the front, a white swirl with a tassel on the left side, a red swirl on the back, a big white collar, orange pants, blue sandals, and a blue forehead protector that was given to him by Iruka Umino after he graduated from the Ninja Academy. He had not known any family to speak of and he practically raised himself, his childhood shrouded by the unjust hatred of his village for being the Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi no Yōko, yet he still bore a smile for his goal was something greater, for his target was his village's Hokage hat. Now he stood at the foot of the monument of the village Shodai Hokage Hashirama Senju at the Valley of the End his body surrounded by the red aura of the Nine-tails' chakra, in the shape of a fox, now he faced his teammate, his friend, his brother in a battle to bring him home to stop him from falling into Orochimaru's hands.
Pouring all their energy into their final attack they charged both empowered techniques clashing in a large flash of light and as both boys fought for control over this clash they inadvertently poured more of their chakra forming a massive dome of black energy which caused a tear in space sucking in both Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki and flinging them into a different world altogether but with only one difference...they both died. And as both young boys disappeared the dome exploded outward cause an earth-shattering boom which reached as far as Suna and Oto.
As the boys friends awaited their arrival at their village gates the telltale boom of a very loud explosion startled them and they gained a feeling of dread, the third member of their team with shoulder length bright pink hair, fair skin and green eyes Sakura Haruno looked towards the sky 'Naruto-kun...Sasuke-kun...please be safe.'
Back at the Valley their team sensei Kakashi Hatake, Sharingan wielder, the infamous Copy Ninja just stood his arms slack as he came to a dreadful conclusion concerning his team, he turned to Pakkun his dog summon. A sorrowful expression was present on the small pug's face "I'm sorry Kakashi but they're both gone, the explosion was too powerful, they couldn't have..."
Did the pug need to finish that sentence, it was clear to Kakashi as the tears flowing down his cheek as it begun to rain "We're going back, mission status: Failure, Result: Death of Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki."
They both turned away from the valley and made their way back to their village Konoha 'This is the end of Team 7.' was all Kakashi could think as he wondered how he would handle Sakura.
In a different dimension though this intrusion was not unnoticed, the dimensions beautiful terrain is dominated by a sprawling, maze-like castle that is nearly impossible for outsiders to find their way through. Not only does it possess massive fortifications but it also has a certain opulence and beauty that one would expect of the home of a ruler of a kingdom. It also is quite dramatic in appearance because it is a flatland castle that is perched right alongside the water, and even juts out into the water. It's the size of a large town and painted in the colours of White, Black and Red
Right in the middle of the castle laid a large tower of great construct and architecture, a great example of stealth building as from the outside it appears to possess only six floors when in fact there is a seventh that is held in secret, and it is on this level sitting on a large black/ white throne on which sat the small figure of a 12 year old boy staring at a black orb as large as a soccer ball as it showed the events where Naruto and Sasuke clashed.
He was dressed in White Kimono with large sleeves, small red horns poked out of his stark white spiky hair, purple prayer beads wrapped around his left hand and a Tantō strapped to his waist, his eyes possessed red pupils and his left eye iris was coloured gold and his right eye black, the boy sighed "Something like this was bound to happen...eventually." His heterochromatic eyes narrowed as he saw the conclusion of the battle.
He sighed once again and called out "Reibantai Taichō (Zero Division Captain)"
In a yellow flash a spiky blonde haired fair-skinned man in a short sleeved white-coat over his Shihakushō (Garment of Dead Souls), decorated by flame-like motifs on the edges, with the number for the zero division on the back inside the Gotei 13 symbol (Rhombus), and closed in the front by a thin orange rope. The sleeves of his Shihakushō were bound by two blue bands on each sleeve, his Wakizashi Zanpakutō hung loose at his side its Tsuba decorated by small stars and its hilt yellow in colour.
His jaw length bangs framed either side of his handsome face, his bright blue eyes held a look of seriousness as he raised his head from his bowing posture to meet the Shinigami king's (Shinigami Daiō) "Hai (yes), Reiō (Soul King)"
The boy sighed "Come now, Minato you of all people needn't be so formal with me."
Minato Namikaze smiled "As you wish Ryuk-sama."
The Ryuk' voice changed as in his place sat a 27 year old version of him his attire larger, with a muscular frame, longer hair, horns, long canines just jutting out his upper jaw and the start of a small beard could be noticed "Oh for crying out loud, Minato drop the Sama."
"I have no idea what you speak of Ryuk-sama." Minato smirked as he stood in front of Ryuk Yamabochi the original Shinigami.
"Fine have it your ways then...I have certain news that you and certain members of the squad may be interested in." He waved his hand and a list containing the names of the subordinates, appeared before Minato.
Ryuk' voice changed once again turning deeper as in his place sat a 70 year old version who appeared stockier, possessing wrinkles and a chest length gray beard "Call them here, we have much to discuss."
"At once, Reiō (Soul King)" Minato flashed away to call the specified members for a meeting.
'They will not like what I have to tell.' Ryuk changed back into the form of a 12 year old boy as he held a pink hexagonal crystal, which possessed the beginnings of a small crack right down the middle, and as he looked at it closer he noticed the crack actually increasing in length by a miniscule amount 'They will not like it all.'
Midnight hour struck in Seireitei (Court of Pure Souls), home of the Gotei 13 Shinigami divisions and while the entirety of Soul Society slumbers, the Shinigami specifically the captains of the divisions...the reason – two young Ryoka entered Seireitei, though they have no reason to panic for the two Ryoka were 13 year old children even if said children had an impressive amount of Reiryoku (Spiritual power), close to lieutenant level. They were anxious due to the fact that these boys appeared out of a dark tear in the sky flinging the black haired boy to the Kuchiki Clan Home and the blonde haired boy to Yamamoto Clan Home, and due to the fact that they completely circumvented the Sekkiseki (Spirit Reducing Stone) walls that surround Seireitei and the barrier that it forms.
Inside the 4th division barracks in a room overlooking a pond and a pristine garden, two elderly individuals sat drinking some tea, one was Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto Ichibantai Taichō (First Division Captain), and also Sōtaichō (Captain-Commander) of the Gotei 13, he is the oldest captain with brown eyes, a very long white beard, and long eyebrows, a pair of long, perpendicular scars above his eyes on his bald head. He wears the standard Shinigami uniform, but its size is greatly exaggerated. He also drapes his haori over his back instead of actually wearing it. Despite his old and frail appearance, he has a very muscular body that he only reveals when he takes a certain battle stance, something that is not seen too often. A wooden staff lied beside him.
The other Ginrei Kuchiki Rokubantai Taichō (Sixth Division Captain) and head of the Kuchiki clan, he is an elderly man with slate gray eyes, a gray moustache, and long gray hair. He wears the standard captain uniform along with a white scarf made from the silver-white, windflower light silk a family heirloom that is handed down from generation to generation and is given to each Kuchiki family head. He wears a short-sleeved captain's haori and fingerless black gloves that cover the back of his hand and loop up to attach at the base of his fingers. His Zanpakutō lied beside him.
Both turned their attention to a door that slid open to reveal Retsu Unohana Yonbantai Taichō (Fourth Division Captain), a very youthful woman with blue eyes and black hair. She wears the standard Shinigami captain uniform apart from using an obi instead of the normal sash. Her hair is long and is always worn as a large braid in front and unlike most Shinigami who carry their Zanpakutō in their sash, Unohana has a large string attached to the sheath of her Zanpakutō and carries it over her shoulder, she walked in and sat across the two wizened Shinigami captains, setting her Zanpakutō beside her.
"Well, Unohana-Taichō, what is the condition of the young Ryoka?" Unohana turned to her Sōtaichō and with a small smile replied "Both are healing at an alarming rate, they should be up and about by dawn, though I have noticed a certain problem concerning their injuries."
"Oh and what would that be."
"The injuries are fresh not more than a few hours old, the only conclusion I could come up with..." Unohana was interrupted by Ginrei Kuchiki.
"Is that they died no more than a few hours ago, for being dead for that long and possessing Reiryoku bordering the level of Fukutaichō (Lieutenant) is quite impressive." Ginrei turned to the Head captain who stroked his long beard "Indeed should they turn Shinigami they would be a force to be reckoned with."
Unohana nodded "Be that as it may, Yamamoto-sama, while I do not possess any ill will towards the must ask the question where are they from."
Yamamoto sipped on his tea as he replied "I know where they are from, the symbols on their Hitai-ate (Forehead protector) are of Konohagakure no Sato (Hidden Leaf Village) from the Elemental Nations dimension, though how they got here is a mystery to me for the Reiō (Soul King) sealed away the dimension for its own safety."
Ginrei asked "Yamamoto-sama I request permission to adopt the dark haired boy."
"For what reasons Ginrei-Taichō" Yamamoto continued to sip on his tea, "The seal on the boy's neck, it possessed strange dark Reiryoku, I simply wish to keep an eye on it and the boy seemed in need help."
"I take it, that this 'advice' comes from your Zanpakutō." Ginrei nodded to that query and Yamamoto chuckled holding his staff continuing "Ryūjin Jakka (Flowing Blade Flame) is of the same with the blonde youngster and he has yet to steer me wrong."
"By dusk tomorrow the two will be our grandsons." Yamamoto said with finality, Unohana smiled and as she began to show her approval sounds of crashing and of things being broken interrupted her, as the three captains walked outside they witnessed the two boys engaged in a brawl.
"I will not let you go to Orochimaru for power Sasuke; I will not let you break our bonds of friendship." The Blonde haired boy shouted tackling the now named Sasuke to the ground.
"You will not stop me from getting power Naruto! I need it; I need power to kill him! To avenge my clan, I'm an Avenger and on our friendship I ask you to step aside or if I need to I will kill you!" and as Naruto got thrown off by Sasuke who quickly activated his Sharingan and took the stance of his family fighting style Sekken (Intercepting Fist), but before they could even take a step forward a enormous amount of pressure slammed on their bodies, both went stock still, wide eyes searching hesitantly for the source which they identified as the long bearded old man.
"A pleasure to meet you two youngsters, I'm the Shinigami Sōtaichō (Captain-Commander) of the Gotei 13, Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, Welcome to the Soul Society more specifically Seireitei (Court of Pure Souls)."
"S-S-Sh-Shinigami" Naruto stuttered.
"So-Soul So-So-Society" Sasuke fell to his knees breathing hard under the pressure the old man seemed to release.
"Ah, of course, you would still be ignorant but let us start with one simple fact, you are in the realm of Souls and Shinigami meaning you two are dead."
Both their eyes widened at that revelation and soon their bodies and minds gave out and darkness engulfed them.
"Ah, I'm sorry for interrupting your daily duties but certain problems have come to my attention, very disastrous problems and it involves you all." Ryuk' voice rang out through the large hall as he addressed eight Shinigami including Minato Namikaze.
From left to right starting with Minato Namikaze they were seated on their knees in a semi-circle, Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze Reibantai Fukutaichō (Zero Division Lieutenant), she wore a high collared, sleeveless loose-fitting Shihakushō, a black band on her left wrist. She had long bright-red hair that reached down to her calves, with strands that framed both sides of her face, with the left one being parted by a hair clip. She is Level-headed and cheerful at times but a scary temper when wronged. Her Zanpakutō was a standard Katana with the scabbard possessing a silver fox portrayed on it.
Fugaku Uchiha Third seat of the squad had short, black hair framing his face and onyx eyes, with visible creases below them made more pronounced whenever he adopted a stern or serious look as he did now. He wore a simple Shihakushō with the Uchiha clan symbol on his sleeves and arm plates on both hands. A master of his family fighting style and powerful wielder of the way of the sword being ex-ANBU when alive, his Zanpakutō was in the form of an O-Katana with a reddish-black hilt.
Mikoto Uchiha Fifth seat of the squad had long black hair with a blue tint, and onyx eyes. A beautiful, kind and gentle woman but a dangerous opponent in battle, as attested by her husband Fugaku, even though she excels at healing techniques, her Zanpakutō was in the form of a Ninjatō with a curved hilt and rectangular cross-guard. She wore a simple Shihakushō with the Uchiha clan symbol on her sleeves and arm plates on both hands.
Mito Uzumaki-Senju Fourth seat of the squad wore an elaborate, high collared Shihakushō with a red Uzushiogakure symbol on the back of her obi. Her hair was arranged in buns with hair pin in them and three clips in the front. She also had a diamond mark on her forehead, and what appeared to be seal tags in her hair decals; she is also the wife of Hashirama Senju. Her Zanpakutō took the form of a simple Tantō with seal symbols written all over its hilt and scabbard.
Hashirama Senju a recent recruit to the division had dark tan skin, brown eyes, and long black hair. A plain red Headband adorned his forehead and dark red, metal plating armour reminiscent to Samurai on his shoulders and arms, the symbol of his clan was on either side of his armour's collars; this is worn over his Shihakushō. His Zanpakutō was among one of the few to be constant-release, it took the form of a pair of dark green bracelets with a leaf like design which augmented his strength tenfold.
Tobirama Senju a recent recruit to the division had white shaggy hair, red eyes and red streaks under his eyes and on his chin. He wore armour similar to his elder brother Hashirama and his Shihakushō had white fur collar and it's held closed by a pale yellow sash. Again like his brother his Zanpakutō remained in its constant-release form, it took the form of a blue foot long hilt with no blade but it possessed claw like cross-guard on either side, it hangs loosely at his side.
Hiruzen Sarutobi another of the recent recruits but also the reason why Hashirama and Tobirama where here and now, he had a small goatee and short spiked hair, both being light brown with a few greys. He also has lines running vertically under each eye. The appearance of an old man hence the present wrinkles and liver-spots, his Shihakushō possessed grey shoulder armour and he wore a gauntlet on his right arm which has the leaf symbol and the Sarutobi clan symbol inscribed on it. His Zanpakutō took the form of a standard Katana only with a monkey like tail as a pommel.
"First I would like to inform Kushina-san and Mikoto-san on some grave news; both your sons have died in combat." And as Ryuk expected both mothers began tearing up and the fathers had a stiff expression.
Fugaku asked "Reiō (Soul King), how did they die."
"I surmise from the commotion a month back when Sarutobi-san arrived, that both you and Minato know of your sons' fate." Ryuk changed into a 27 year old as he scoffed "Not that it was surprising really, Jinchūriki aren't always welcomed by the public, I wouldn't be surprised if one slipped into the realms of insanity and slaughtered humanity to extinction; One of the main reasons why I marked every Jinchūriki on their death to be brought here and be given a second chance."
Minato held his head down in shame knowing all now he had sacrificed his child to a life of torture, Ryuk noticed his expression "It was naive but modest hope Minato, you attempted to place your faith in the hands of humanity, you protected them and they spat your sacrifice in your face. It is them who should be ashamed not you."
Ryuk took the form of a 70 year old man, his voice deep with power "Both your sons fought each other, Sasuke in an attempt to leave Konoha to Orochimaru in his quest for power and revenge, Naruto to stop his friend from drown himself in his own darkness, both boys clashed at the Valley of the End, one for vengeance and the other for friendship, Rasengan and Chidori both enhanced by Yōki and Cursed Seal."
He waved his hand and screen appeared out of thin air to show what occurred during the battle, Mikoto touched one of the screens that held Sasuke's curse mark transformation, Ryuk once again spoke "Can you blame him for the path he chose, losing his family to the one he trusted above all others and again experience those deaths again and again for 72 hrs, I'm surprised it took as long as it did for him to make such a cold decision, but don't be disheartened his life will turn out for the better from now on."
Hearing those words, surprised all that were present "What do you mean Ryuk-sama?" Sarutobi asked "Don't the souls from the Elemental Nations skip entering Hueco Mundo or Soul Society and directly enter the cycle of rebirth all due to your seal on the dimension."
Ryuk turned back into a 12 year old "True as that may be, when the two boys clashed the resulting energies from both enhanced attacks caused a tear in my seal, miniscule as it may be it was large enough to engulf both and fling them between dimensions." He smiled reassuringly "Both boys fell in Seireitei and are set to be adopted by the Yamamoto and Kuchiki clans."
Both families couldn't be happier and as they showed their relief, Tobirama spoke "Good news, but I don't see what it has to do with rest of us Ryuk-sama."
"Of course you wouldn't Tobirama-san, I had never revealed why I sealed away that dimension...the reason I had sealed your world is lying beside you." Puzzled expressions were all he got "Your Zanpakutō, the amount of your Reiryoku that should be hint enough."
Hashirama wondered "You sealed our dimension because we had too much power."
Ryuk in his 27 year old body cupped his chin "It's been only a month since you arrived and adjusted to your lives as Shinigami and yet all three of you possess the Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure) the level of a imagine a Hollow." Their eyes widened drastically "You see due to the power you people use, Chakra was it, as it is an amalgam of physical and spiritual energies, you would go on your whole life utilizing chakra to its fullest but you wouldn't or couldn't, I should say, use Chi (Physical energy) or Reiatsu (Spiritual pressure) to its fullest leaving them to build up in your body, especially Reiryoku or Reiatsu which comes into prominence when you die. Hell, you could even reinvent your techniques as branch of unique Kidō due to your bodies/souls being already familiar with the flow of energy, that and your Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit) seem to pass on with you."
"So what I'm trying to say is that people from the Elemental Nations have an extremely high growth level far exceeding any normal Shinigami or Hollow. Any Shinobi who dies and turns Hollow has a high chance of turning into a Vasto Lorde or Adjuchas level right off the bat." Ryuk held a frown as he remembered past problems.
"Then it's a good thing that you sealed away our dimension." Mito exclaimed.
"Yes, but unfortunately it seemed that such a thing was not meant to last as the actions of the two boys have caused an irreparable tear in my seal and hence having it unravel slowly but surely allowing the dimension to be open to both Shinigami and Hollows."
"How much time do we have Ryuk-sama." asked Minato hoping to save his people.
"Thankfully there is a good side to this as the tear also messed up the flow of time between our dimensions, while for the Elemental Nations it'll take 5 years to completely unravel, at 3 years time the tear will be big enough to allow Shinigami and Hollows below Menos Grande to travel, at the 5th year Menos Grande and above level hollows can pass through. Whereas here, Seireitei, Hueco Mundo 100 years will have passed." Ryuk spoke in his 70 year old form "All in all we have plenty of time to prepare and I've already sent a message to Yamamoto to build an entire district in Seireitei & Soul Society especially to accommodate the Shinobi and Samurai."
Ryuk turned back to his 12 year old self, smirked at their sighs of relief "By the way did I mention that due to the Kyūbi and the cursed mark both boys will develop Inner Hollows."
Minato spoke what they collectively thought "Shit."
Yo people, this my fic idea inspired by author Houkaru Kisaragi – Maelstrom Storms Heaven
Review please, No Flames but I would like to hear if you feel I went wrong somewhere
How did you guys like my portrayal of the Soul King, though I took the name Ryuk from Death Note he is OC and the only other power he possesses is the Shinigami eyes from death Note which I don't own
Whoever connects the dots and finds my original inspiration to the Soul King gets a cookie (I made it quite obvious)
Bet you guys are wondering what their Zanpakutō do, well, wait a few chapters to find out
I guarantee you'll love both Sasuke' and Naruto' Zanpakutō's (yes Plural)
On a side note what do you guys think of keeping Byakuya' wife Hisana alive