The metallic tang of blood was on the RED Spy's lips, him almost purring as he withdrew his blade and then drove it deep inside the body of the BLU Sniper in front of him again and again, not bothering with the fact that the man's life fluid was dripping down his suit and all over his face. All he cared about was the act itself. Taking another's life. Such a beautiful dance of death.

Almost like intercourse really. The force of the blade driving deep within flesh. A release of fluids. Gasps and moans. The feeling of another's warmth pressed against one's own, even as their hands pawed weakly and limply at the Spy's shoulders, breathing becoming shallow and laboured. A beautiful sight. No difference as far as the Spy was concerned.

Eventually, akin to intercourse, it had to end. The Sniper breathed his last, wide eyes staring up at the ceiling, dull without the life behind them. Blood soaked the floorboards, dripping through the cracked wooden surface, probably seeping into the room below.

There would not be time to savour this. Not at all. A shame really, the Spy thought as he took out a handkerchief and wiped away the blood from the Butterfly Knife; a pointless effort since he was already soaked himself. He was still smiling as he ducked down through the hatch and activated his disguise kit. The BLU Engineer passed him in the hallway from the room beneath the nest with some urgency, nodding to what was now the BLU's own Spy, his eyes wide beneath the lenses of his goggles.

"Is there a problem, mon ami?" Playing the part perfectly. Ever the sadistic and expert Spy. The Engineer looked slightly worried, but shook his head as he continued on his path.

"I sure hope not, pardner."

Of course, it would be a while before the alert went out. The fools would probably be scattered about like frightened sheep once they found the body of their Sniper. Already dead. Nothing that even a Medic could fix.

Speaking of which...

The RED stopped outside of the Med bay, a thoughtful expression on his face as he watched the BLU Medic work. Why should his fun end just yet? The worse that would happen would be that the alarms would be raised, and the Medic would confirm that their Sniper was in fact deceased.

The actual BLU Spy would not show up. Only the RED Spy knew where he was. Probably off in his pathetic little dream with the RED Sniper. Pretending they could live their wonderful life together in secret forever. It would be a shame for that dream to end tonight. The RED was in such a good mood. He would let it slide for this evening.

After all, there was much more interesting things here. The BLU Medic was certainly a rare sight. When not behind his Heavy in battle, he was always found here, tending to the wounded, making sure that they would not have to hire another to replace a team mate just yet. A young Medic in comparison to the bitter and aged creature that ruled the RED Base with an iron fist.

Suppressing a shudder at the thought of the old man, the Spy leaned against the door, knowing that it merely looked as though the BLU Spy was slinking around doorways, gazing over at the blonde male with admiration. Truly a beautiful looking male compared to the rest of his team. The BLU Scout was young and beautiful also, of course, but he'd already been laid claim to by most of the RED Team. The BLU Medic, however, was untouched. Pure. A treasure that the RED felt should be his to claim in this moments.

First things first of course.

"Docteur, a minute of your time, sil vous plait?"

The young German pushed his light blond hair out of his eyes and turned to face his visitor. He blushed almost instantly, grateful that his bright lenses hid the obvious emotion in his eyes. The BLU Spy had always been a symbol of great fascination to him. Powerful, quiet, effortlessly neat and polite; he was the man to constantly twist the Medic's semi-repressed sexuality.

He had never been with a man before, certain this job had been a curse to torment every moment of working life. Just the sound of those dulcet, French tones slipping through his pristine med bay; the distinct smell of smoke and cologne. It shook everything the green doctor held dear, and he barely suppressed a shudder because of it.

This particular Spy had been the object of his desires ever since their first, albeit brief conversation. The Medic swallowed and sculpted his sweet face into a cultured, innocent smile.

"Ja, Herr Spy. Can I be of assistance?"

The RED grinned and his masked face managed to twist the sadistic intent into an almost soft smile. Before he could have his fun, there were things to be reported, of course. He would play his part perfectly, and no doubt that the Doctor would need come consoling after the news. Something the RED was willing to give from beneath the blanket of his own disguise.

"Ah, of course. I bumped into our Engineer a few moments ago. 'E seemed very 'urried. Almost panicked in fact, so I decided'pop my 'ead in' as ze American's would say, and saw zat zere was blood leaking through ze floor of ze Sniper's nest? Would you like to come and see in case our Sniper requires medical attention?"

Before either could move, the Engineer's muffled and horrified voice sounded over the communication systems installed in the base, "M...Medic to the Sniper's post! Medic to the goddamned Sniper's post!"

All of BLU base seemed to come alive with the terror that was delivered to them through the Engineer's tone. By the time the Spy and the Medic had arrived at the nest, most of the team was already there, crowded around the stairs, save the Soldier who was rarely seen in the base if not in battle, and the actual BLU Spy - who would probably not hear of this until the following morning.

As the BLUs panicked, words of shock and disbelief flooding the hallway as their Sniper was pronounced dead, the RED Spy stood there and drank it all in. Offered words of comfort when it was needed, played his part ever so perfectly, right up until the very end.

He was a very patient man.

It was well past midnight when the Medic was finally back at his lab, the Spy in tow, having placed the body in the morgue and filled out the paperwork that came with a team member dying.

The Spy softly placed a gloved hand on the young Doctor's shoulder, "I did not know 'im zat well, mon ami, but my 'eart is with the rest of ze team and I am sorrowed by zis loss."

The Medic sighed sleepily. His hand shook on his slightly leaky pen.

"Ist alvays difficult. You know, to deal vith zhe deaths of zhe team members."

"Oh of course, but I feel simply terrible zat zis man's death came from ze 'and of a fellow Frenchman...I personally feel responsible, you understand me?" It was obvious that the other knew how to play with the Medic.

"No no, please!" So sweet and affectionate. "Please do not feel responsible. It ist not your fault. I do not blame you."

Such affection could be so easily manipulated. Unlike the RED Team's Medic, this one was young and naive, so easily toyed with. The RED feigned shock and sorrow from beneath his mask, " do not see me as ze snake zat ze team thinks I am?"

"Nein! Of course not. You are a good man, you fight for us. You are alvays doing zhe jobs zhat ve do not vish to..." he blushed dropping his hands. The last thing he wanted was to look too keen, to let the hope back into his eyes.

But it had already been seen and the RED jumped on it, attacked that moment of weakness and went straight for the jugular. His gloved hands took the Medic's own covered hands in his and he held them up, kissing them lightly, "You are ze most kind and wonderful Docteur..."

Shivering he blinked at him biting his pouting lower lip.

"I..I only vish to do vell for mein teammates."

"And such a wonderful job you do..." Another kiss, placed lightly on the upturned palm of each hand, cold steel blue eyes gazing into the Medic's own baby blue ones. "It is a shame you probably 'ave some beautiful fille back 'ome...I would 'ave loved to 'ave courted you and made you feel as wonderful as I wanted to make you feel..."

"Fille..." there was a moment of confusion on young man's face. "Oh! Sorry, no." With the moment of realisation came the flush of shame. "Nein... I am not, interested in zhe vomans." He blinked. "I 'ave not courted anyvon..."

"Non? Such a shame..." Thumbs pressed in deep, rubbing, relaxing, reassuring, "I would love to 'ave been your first experience. Eased a bit of stress, non? As most seem to do 'ere..."

"Mein... first experience?" He was thrown, a lost little look in his eyes.

"Oui? I suppose in my own crude way, I am offering you sex." Sometimes one had to be blunt. Whatever the response he got would determine his next move. Willing or no, he would take this Medic tonight. He'd already planned it and was trying to stop his own cock from hardening with the mere thought of having the little Medic writhing and screaming underneath him.

Trembling, bright eyes widening behind his clear glasses, the young German stared at him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sex, with the most beautiful Frenchman he'd ever met.

"I.. you. You'd.. with me?"

"Of course. I 'ave wanted to for so long. You are beautiful, mon docteur. Attractive to me in so many ways..." Those fingers moved to cup the Medic's chin, eyes locked onto each other, the Spy slowly moving his head down, lips parted.

It took the Medic's breath away, a soft gasp escaping him as he tasted the strong flavour of smoke. It took his words way, made him weak at the knees. Not quite his first kiss, but close enough to be tender and meaningful. He was softly led backwards, pressed against his own desk, the Frenchman dominating the kiss, eagerly pushing his tongue past those trembling lips. His hands were on the Medic's once more, holding them down on the wooden surface, knees nudging the smaller one's legs apart so he could press himself fully against him.

"Oh..." he whispered, hand raising to brush that immaculately suited shoulder.

Smiling, breaking away for a second, the Spy gently lifted the Medic up onto his own desk, swiftly opening the blonde's jacket and shirt, "Let's get you out of zese clothes, non? Make you feel wonderful..."

"S... Spy. I do not understand. Vhy you are doing zhis. I haff never earned your affection. I do not deserve zhis."

"Does anyone earn affection in zis place?" A soft laugh, "You need looking after. You need to relieve stress as much as any of us. Come...let me explore you...and you can explore me..."

Softly, the Spy's jacket was unbuttoned, revealing the waistcoat and shirt beneath it.

"Oh. Mein gott, you are beautiful. You are amazing herr Spy."

"Why don't you undress me, mon ami? Let those skilful fingers touch every inch of me?" The Medic's flesh was already revealed as the other threw his jacket and shirt to one side, gloved fingers trailing over the skin.

The Doctor was so nervous, but overjoyed. His hands slipped beneath the perfectly tailored suit, big eyes roving over the Spy's taut beautiful body.

The Spy was purring, allowing his own flesh to be revealled, sighing happily as his fingers found the Medic's belt. "I cannot wait to 'ave you moaning beneath me, mon ami. I 'ave dreamed about zis for some time now. I 'ave always admired you, Docteur..."

"You. You haff?" Absolutely certain that the paperwork on his desk was being utterly messed up, the young German blushed deeply. "About me?"

"Oui. I have dreamed of touching you, kissing you, making you cry out with such passion..." In truth, all the sweet talk sickened the RED Spy. He was more used to a 'rape and slash' form of intimacy. Of course, if he could get away with this, it would mean so much fun and no need to kill the Medic afterwards.

The doctor was of course none-the-wiser for the sickeningly twisted situation he found himself in. The object of his love and desire was nowhere near his office, instead of this RED monster. He gasped, feeling his body revealed to the older man.

"Beautiful..." The Spy's sneer sounded more like a breathless sigh of admiration. He was perfect in his disguise, peeling every article of clothing from the Medic with expertise, standing back with his own torso bare, purring, "Every inch...c'est beautiful.."

"Nein." While the young Medic's purity and devotion made him excellent at guarding his team's welfare, his naivety would see him dead at this psychopath's blade.

"Oui." Leaning in, the Spy kissed over the medic's neck and shoulders, undoing his own belt and trousers, "If I say it is so, zen it is so."

"Oh... ist it?"

"Oui." Lips moving down, kissing just above the Medic's bellybutton.

Sighing and trembling, the Doctor blinked down at him.

"You... you are so beautiful."

With a sly smile, the RED slid down and lapped softly at the medic's length, gazing up to gauge to Doctor's reaction. All he had to do was get the other hard and then he'd be putty in his hands. The Spy could do so much to him in this one evening. It wasn't difficult, the doctor was already squealing and trembling. Begging for it in his tender German tones.

Oh how the RED wished he'd learned more German! Sighing happily, he gripped the Medic with one hand and moved his lips over the sensitive head of the other's cock. So sweet and innocent. He would truly enjoy fucking this little bitch.

Pale, lean and spread out on his own desk, the BLU Medic's voice caught in his throat a hundred times as he tried to urge the older man on.

"Oh.. oh...please more. Please."

It made the Spy want to take him there and then. Grinning, the RED moved away, still gripping him gently, and motioned to the desk, "Lie down. Raise your legs. I will make you feel incredible..."

"I. I am still vir... virgin, Spy." He blinked, clearly nervous. "It vill hurt."

"Oui...but for a moment...but will feel like nuzzing you 'ave ever felt before..." So confident in his abilities. The Spy grinned. "Do you trust me, mon docteur?"

"Ja," he breathed. "I do trust you."

"Then please..." Another motion to the desk. As though to encourage the Medic further, the Spy softly moved his hand in a gentle motion, gripping him tighter. Lying back, the doctor was still shy and awkward. No one had ever looked at his body this closely.

Gently the Frenchman's hands worked, one still moving on the Medic's shaft, the other moving to the BLU's lips with a soft command, "Suck."

There was a pause, but eventually the doctor smiled and accepted the older man's fingers. He sucked, soft tongue lapping across those skilled metal-tasting gloves.

The RED regretted that he hadn't cleaned himself up more thoroughly before doing this, but then again, it wasn't like at this stage he even cared whether or not the Medic lapped at the Sniper's blood covering him. A few moment and then those same fingers pressed gently at the revealled entrance. The assassin glanced upwards, "It will sting, but I intend to make it feel very pleasurable very soon."

With a tentative nod, the German opened his mouth and took a deep breath. He tasted the blood, but it didn't even register in his lust addled brain.

That was all that was needed. Consent as far as the sadistic Spy was concerned. One finger pressed inside gently, feeling exactly how tight and inexperienced the medic was, the RED hissing with delight. The hand that gripped the Medic's length pumped gently.

He felt tense, slick leather digging into his virginal body, "Vas... it ist. Ist sore. Quite sore."

"It will get better. You just need to relax. Focus on my uzzer 'and..."

With a smile and a knot winding in his stomach, the Medic let out his breath still hoping for some sort of release, "It hurts. Please, Spy..."

"Shh...shh...mon petit docteur." The hand on the Medic's cock gripped harder, pumped faster, determined to take his mind off the finger that was moving slowly inside him, letting him adjust before moving inside further.

The invasion was uncomfortable, but not unwelcome. He'd never been in this position before, feeling like such a beautiful slut for his Spy. He was a sweet, young medical student from Stuttgart, now being taken by a suave, interesting Frenchman in his own office. It was pleasurable for both the men involved at that point. Letting out a low hiss, the Spy pressed another finger inside, bending down to gently place his lips upon the Medic's.

His cry muffled in a kiss, the Medic shook from cold and nerves, "Oh... oh..."

The Spy smirked, finding that spot deep inside the medic, brushing at it with his fingers, breaking their kiss. His tongue flickered over his own teeth teasingly. "You like?"

"Oh... oh gott I do." He shook wanting nothing more than to be close by the older Frenchman. "Please can I be with you properly..." Blushing, blond, blue eyed, the Doctor worshipped the assassin, wanting nothing more than to lose his virginity to the man he loved.

It was sweet. A beautiful image. The Medic being so willing and submissive. For a moment, the RED imagined that he was not wearing a disguise, that this gaze of utter adoration was for him and him only. Then that wonderful feeling was replaced with the bitterness that no one would find him as attractive as the current BLU Spy. Nor would they want to satisfy his sadistic lust.

It made him spread his fingers inside the medic more so, wanting to have him prepared as quickly as possible, so he could fuck him and leave.

The young man was so full of love; so young. He pushed against the hand, begging him silently. He would get what he wanted. So very soon. The Spy's hand jerked harder at the other's shaft, eager to bring him to a climax, smiling.

With a soft wail, the young man came. Bright eyes screwed tight shut, his teeth digging harshly into his lips.

"Oh now zat is a beautiful sight..." Already the Spy was crawling onto the desk, hand pressing into the Medic's fluid, rubbing it across his own hard length, fingers still inside the other.

"Are you. Are you going to..."

"Oui. I will take you." A soft smile, "You will love it. You will adore me..."

"I adore you already... mein Spy." He stroked up the Frenchman's arm. Caressing him, feeling so warm and happy from his first orgasm.

It would get better. For the Spy at least. The Frenchman smiled and placed his come slicked length at the other's entrance, licking his lips. "You are ready, mon ami?"

"J..Ja, I sink I am."

Not that it would matter. The Spy was already pushing himself inside, gasping out loud at the tightness of the younger one, enjoying the sensation immensely. "Oh...oui..."

Slipping into his gutteral German, the Medic muttered to himself. Wailing and whispering against the Frenchman's skin.

"/Oh God. Do it, it's too much. Too deep, I can't handle it/."

A soft smile, "Oh you are so tight, mon tight and warm..."

The French male grinned widely, his hands gripping the Medic's legs tightly, nearly bending the delicate Doctor over double. That wide manic grin that was disguising itself as an expression of passion.

His voice dripping to wordlessness, the Doctor choked clinging onto him.

It was a feeling that the Spy could get used to. Claiming someone's virginity. It was supposed to feel so intimate and close, but all it did was make him want to claim the other more. To own him.

The Medic didn't seem to notice the cruelty of the man inside him. He felt roughly treated, but the Spy was a strong and brutal in his career. Why should sex with a German doctor be any different? It hurt. A great deal. But now the pain was fading into a dull ache.

The Spy was enjoying himself more than he'd thought he would. He was so close to reaching his own orgasm himself.

"S..spy. I l.. love you." The young blond whispered, taking his time to get his words out properly. "I love you so much."

Why not play with the Medic some more?

The Spy smiled, breathing softly as he thrust inside the Medic, laughing inwardly at his own bad joke, leaning down and whispering, "...I love you too...little medic..."

Tears stung his baby blue eyes as he clung to the older man, "Really...? Vith me?"

"Oui..." A grin that he could not hide this time, "I adore you, mon petit Docteur."

"Nein... I am not vorth it. Gott, you feel so deep inside me."

"Oui...of course..." So close now. The Spy could feel himself being pushed to the edge.

"Am I alright for you? Is my body vorthy of you?"

"More zan worthy." The RED smirked and thrust deep, feeling himself find his release inside of the Doctor, the satisfaction of claiming another making this act all the sweeter.

It was hot, and strange but the Medic bore it. He breathed heavily, shivering and laying down,.

Licking his lips, the Spy leaned down and kissed the other softly. After all, he did 'love' the other in this disguise. It was in his best interest to keep up appearances.

Looking glowingly up at him, the Doctor let a shudder pass over him.

"Sank you..."

Softly, the Spy pulled out of the Medic and slid from the table, already sorting himself out, knowing he had to get back to his own base before the real BLU showed up. He stroked his hands across the medic's face, "You are beautiful, mon amour. So innocent and beautiful. It has 'onour to 'ave you in zis manner this evening. Despite ze 'arships of ze team..."

Awkwardly the German sat up on his messed up desk. His eyes fixed on the older man.

"Vill I see you again, Herr Spy?"

"Of course." A sly smirk, "Whenever you wish to see me, you can always summon me to your office. I would be most happy to entertain you more..."

He bowed his mussed blond hair, trying to force some professionalism into his voice.

"Danke Herr... I vill... consider zhis."

Slipping out of the doorway, making sure to gently close the infirmary door behind him, the Spy activated his cloaking device and grinned as he left the BLU base. As he walked over the dusty battlefield, he spotted the BLU Spy himself slinking silently back to his own base, and he could not help but smirk.

Another problem for the other to deal with. A Medic that believed his declaration of love. The RED grinned widely. Perhaps tomorrow he would end his little game with the RED Sniper too?

He was already thinking of ways in which he could do it as he slid back into RED Base and all but skipped to his own room.