Finally! Finished! It feels nice to do a multichap once in a while~ but each entry is shorter, so that's a bitch.

And in this fic, Sillabub is different that Jemima. She's older, and she's tan instead of black and red.

No, I can't take one more step towards you

Rumpleteazer had been in disbelief when he said he lost interest. They'd been together for as long as she could remember… in fact, some said they looked like siblings (they weren't - if they were, she would have never dated him) and sometimes they acted like it, since they grew up next door. She had wanted to break into someone's house or something, just to get away from his lying, dirty face (they'd done that before, even stolen something. The guilt had eaten her for days). How could he have lost interest? He must have been lying. He must have been embarrassed, he must have been teasing, he must have been drunk, he must have been high. Mungojerrie must have been lying.

'Cause all that's waiting is regret

Griddlebone knew she couldn't have kept him for long. She was at least three years older than Mungojerrie, and she wasn't getting any younger. But that didn't take away the pain that came when he told her to move on (at least he didn't cheat on her – or did he? Probably). She started to cry, careful, delicate tears, but when he left they turned to racking, horrible sobs, so she went down to the Thames to cry or whatever in the polluted water (that always made her feel better, it reminded her of Growltiger) but she just ended up sitting in an ally. Then she went back to her apartment, threw all traces of him out and put on a mask of makeup before falling asleep in it. When she woke up, there were tear tracks in it.

Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore

Tantomile felt kind of like she should be sad. Mungojerrie, really the only tom she had ever dated, was leaving her for a younger queen (what a douche, right?), and she knew that if she cried or something he would pity her. But she didn't feel like crying, she felt kind of like she was missing something, or that she was empty, and she didn't know what would fill the gap. After telling Coricopat, she realized that (now ex) boyfriend had been so mean to her, insulting her and talking about other queens, that she forgot how to cry or show any emotion. That made her really sad, except Coricopat didn't notice.

You lost the love I loved the most

Sillabub was so in love with Mungojerrie that she automatically ignored anything he did that was negative. She looked past his thievery (he used to do it with another queen, but she didn't know if he still did), his insults to almost everyone, all the other queens he looked at, and even when he broke up with her, she ignored it and called him 'such a jokester'. It was after he hit her that she realized that he was indeed a very, very bad person (he was a criminal!). She was appalled at herself for even liking him, but then she remembered that she liked and image of him that her mind made for herself.

And now you want me one more time.