Every time I watch an episode of Castle I'm always left wishing that Castle knew more about Kate's thoughts and feelings. This has only intensified as I've been reading fan fiction. It was after reading yet another story where there was a mention of how different things would be if Castle knew what was in Beckett's mind that I got this idea. I was going to wait until I had completed the story to post this, but since this story starts the day after Castle and Beckett get back from LA, I decided I would go ahead and post the first chapter now.

Disclaimer: This story is being posted a day late because the site wouldn't let me post it and since I don't own this site any more than I do Castle, there was nothing I could do about it.

"Okay, whataren'tyou telling me?"

"So much, Castle. So very much."

The Mistress Always Spanks Twice

"You can't kiss him, Kate."

The sound of Kate Beckett's voice froze Rick Castle in his tracks. In his hands were the two coffees, one for him and one for Kate that he brought every morning to the precinct. It wasn't so much the sound of that voice that created the stunned reaction in him, but the words being uttered in that voice. Words that weren't muttered, barely distinguishable. No, these words were clear, the tone definite.

"Beckett?" Rick tone was uncertain. "Is everything okay?"

Kate looked up from the file she was perusing, a soft smile on her lips. "Hey, Castle," she greeted him easily. "Sure, everything's fine. Why do you ask?"

"Umm, maybe because yesterday you caught Royce's killer?" he offered. Or maybe because you just mentioned not being able to kiss someone? He'd willingly hand over a $1,000 bill to know who that someone was.

Kate sighed. If only.

Rick's eyes widened. He clearly heard her "say" the words...but her mouth hadn't moved. Had the stress of fighting his feelings for Kate finally made his mind snap?

"Justice was served," Kate finally said. "I'm not saying it's not hard, that I'm not going to miss him, but I'll be fine."

I don't want to look back on my life and wonder, if only.

Kate took the coffee Rick was handing out to her and took a sip before giving him a questioning look. "Are you okay?"

He's acting odd. Odd for him. Why hasn't he sat down yet?

Rick numbly dropped into 'his' chair. He lifted the cup of his own coffee to his lips when he heard her again.

Kate, you cannot kiss Castle. You know you can't.

He froze, staring at her in shock.

"What, Castle?" It was the question she always asked him when he was silent for too long, especially when he was watching her during that silence. Which he usually was.

No matter how much you wish you could.

"Castle, what?"

Rick knew he should say something. Anything. But the only thing he could think to say was, You wish you could kiss me? NOT a good idea.

It wasn't only the fact that he could hear her voice when she obviously wasn't speaking that amazed him. His comfort with the unusual made it clear to him that somehow he was hearing her thoughts. How, and why, he hadn't a clue. But it was the only even remotely reasonable explanation he could come up with.

What amazed him even more in this situation was the complete lack of evidence in her eyes regarding what she was thinking. For a long time now, it had often been like he could read her thoughts. But most of it was that what she was thinking was revealed so clearly to him in her beautiful green eyes. That, and the fact that their thoughts often ran parallel to each other. It was a main reason why they were so often able to finish each others sentences, particularly when building theory during an investigation.

If you start kissing him now, you might not be able to stop until-

Suddenly, an image of them, skin on skin, kissing passionately, flooded Rick's mind. Was that what she was thinking about?

"I'm fine," he choked out.

The image shattered.

"You don't sound fine," Kate said. "You sound like you're getting a cold or something."

"Dry throat," he rasped out. "I'll be right back."

Rick rushed back to the break room. He went back to the espresso machine, turned the switch to cold and let out a long breath as he waited for the liquid to fill the mug. As soon as it was ready it drained it one long gulp.

Rick knew he needed to act natural. If he continued to act strangely, she would send him home. And home was the last place he wanted to be right now.

Although...these were her private thoughts. Private thoughts she didn't know he was hearing, probably didn't want him hearing. She would be mad if she knew. Worse than that, she'd be hurt.

That made up his mind for him. Kate was mad at him, or at least highly irritated at him, on a fairly consistent basis. But hurting her...that was something he never wanted to do. She would think he was nuts, but it wouldn't be all that hard to prove it.

"Kate, there's something I have to tell you..." he started when he got back to her desk.

"It's going to have to wait, Castle," Kate told him. "We have a body."

Please review. I'm a little nervous about this idea, since it's somewhat different from what I usually write. I have the idea mapped out in my head, but if anyone has any specific thoughts that they want Castle to overhear let me know.