Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter J.K Rowling does.

Only one more chapter left after this one. It is quite exciting.

It felt as someone had sucked out all of the oxygen from the room as both of them seemed to stop breathing. Hermione looked at Harry as if he had grown a second head. She released the breath she did not know she was holding in and drew in a few deep breaths as she steadied herself.

"What do you mean he has the Elder Wand?"

Harry sat back up and leaned his back against the cold steel of the bed before rubbing his now throbbing head. He looked at Hermione and said "it seems Dumbledore was the old master of the Elder Wand. I saw Riddle remove it from Dumbledore's tomb."

Hermione gasped in shock at what Harry said and began to consider the implications of this new found information. It was beginning to seem as if whatever deity that was out there seemed to be against them for some reason as bad luck after bad luck had seemed to plague them from the beginning of this retched trip. Finally Hermione asked Harry "well that still does not explain how he got through your occlumency shields. I doubt even with the Elder Wand you would be able to cast a legimency spell from so far, if that is even possible."

Harry laughed mirthlessly at what she said and answered "Quite ingenious really. All he did was simply point the wand to his head and cast the legimency spell. As he is a master legimence and occlumence he was able to manipulate the spell towards the connection we have."

Hermione in awe at the capabilities of Voldemort just whispered "Wow."

"Yeah, you know Tom is one of the most brilliant wizards in the world. He has power beyond our wildest dreams. How on earth did Dumbledore expect us to destroy him?"

"I don't know; he would probably have you walk in front of a killing curse and then eventually you using an expeliarmus to finish him off."

Harry snorted at this and said "Like that will actually work. Well I did learn some good from Tom's attack."

Hermione perked up at this and asked "What?"

"Well I learnt that there are two more Horcruxes. One is Ravenclaw's Diadem and that is actually in the room of requirements at Hogwarts. Tom actually thought that he was the only one to have found that room, arrogant fool. The other is in his snake, Nagini; it seemed that Dumbledore was right."

There was complete silence after Harry said that and Harry was confused so he looked up at Hermione and what he saw there actually scared him. Hermione had a furious look on his face that would have quelled even Voldemort, it made Harry want to run away from that room at the speed of light. Then she started screaming at him in a voice that made the hairs on Harry's neck stand up "why on earth did you not tell me that in the beginning. Do you know how important that information is. What if You-Know-Who found out through your connection that we were hunting his Horcruxes then what?"

In a small voice Harry said "He didn't find out anything. I stopped him almost immediately."

Hermione glared at him before stalking out of the room muttering about fools and methods on how to break into Hogwarts. Harry just sighed and lay back down onto the bed, exhausted he fell back into sleep almost immediately.

The next time Harry opened his eyes he saw from the light shining through the rather filthy window that it was early morning. He grudgingly left the warmth of his bed and got up. He winced as his feet landed on the cold floor as he stretched his sore muscles and cracked his back. He did his normal morning routine of having a quick shower and brushing his teeth before throwing on some jeans and a t shirt and made his way downstairs.

Ravenous from last night's drama he quickly made his way to the kitchen eager for a good breakfast. As he entered the kitchen he found that Ron was still tied up to the chair but he was now awake and it appeared that someone had cast a silencing charm on him as he looked to be shouting at the top of his voice but not a sound was heard. Hermione and Luna were already at the table eating and did not seem at all affected Ron's screaming. Harry sat down and grabbed a plate for himself and began eating, the three of them eating in a comfortable silence, after a while though Harry asked no one in particular "So what happened to Ron?"

Luna just shrugged and said "Well when we got here he was awake and began shouting some rather obscene words at us so I silenced him."

Harry nodded and looked towards Ron who seemed to be salivating at the sight of all the delicious food in front of him but just out of his grasp "It must be torture for him."

"Probably worse than the crutiatus curse don't you think." Luna quipped in.

Hermione then looked up at Luna and asked "Luna not be rude but why have you not gone to see your father. I mean I am sure that he would like to see that you are safe."

"Well it would be nice to see him but I have no idea where he is. While I was incarcerated I overheard the Death Eaters saying that they burnt our house down and that they could not find my father any were so I am sure that he is hiding."

"Well it's good to hear that your dad is safe but I am sorry about your house."

"It's alright. Dad and I are safe and that is all that matters. Although I am sure father will be quite sad that his rare books and specimens on honeybadgers and nargles were destroyed."

The two other teens nodded at this not wanting to question Luna's and her father's odd obsession with weird and most probably imaginary animals.

Hermione placed her utensils down as she finished breakfast and with a quick flick of her was stunned Ron. She then looked towards the other two and started speaking "You know after what you said last night we have to break into Hogwarts. And from what we know it is going to be neigh impossible, what with Snape as Headmaster, Death Eaters as teachers, the whole of Hogsmead being watched and under curfew."

"Well we could always just run headlong in and go with the flow. It has never let us down before."

All that resulted from his speech was a smack to the back of the head from Luna and a glare from Hermione. So to try and make some amends Harry said "Why don't we just apparate to the Hogs Head. It does belong to Dumbledore's brother so I am sure that he would help us."

"Well that could be a plan but what do we do there once we are there?"

"Why don't we use the DA coins to send a message to those in the castle? I am sure most of the still have them and would be willing to help."

Hermione smiled at Luna's idea and withdrew Harry's coin which could relay messages to all the others and gave it to Luna "Here Luna. Why don't you send a message saying that we will be at the Hogs Head?"

With the coin in hand Luna walked out of the room to send the message. Harry then looked at Hermione with concern and said quietly "have you found anything regarding me."

Hermione looked at him and nodded "Yes I have but you will have to trust me Harry. I cannot tell you it now, when you are ready I will but not know."

Harry looked like he was about to argue but stopped when he saw the tears shining in Hermione's eyes as she pleaded with him. Nodded to her and pulled her into a hug calming her down.

After a while they separated and Luna came down with good news, it seemed that Neville knew a way to get into the castle and all they had to do was get to the Hogs Head. So the three made plans to leave that night and all promptly went to get ready for what they knew would be the final battle.

Lord Voldemort was happy no scratch that he was deliriously happy. The old fool's wand worked wonders for him and took great delight in using it to kill torture all those foolish muggles. He had decided to break out the wand on a small sea side town where he and his Death Eaters destroyed the entire town, the power of the wand surpassing all of his expectations. After that he had an even greater idea, he had used the power of the wand to break through Potter's Occlumency barriers and cause him a whole lot of pain. Now he sat on his throne caressing his wand planning the demise of Harry Potter when suddenly he felt the connection he had with his Death Eaters through the dark mark and he smiled, Harry Potter was at Hogwarts.

Not a sound was heard in the streets of Hogsmead as the entire town was placed under curfew. The clear sky allowed the stars to shine on done and light up the village bathing it in a white glow. Most of the town's inhabitants had already gone to bed and the inn, the Flying Broomstick, was closed for the night. Although a bit further from the main streets was the Hogs head and that was a different story. There the bar was filled with patrons of all sorts, drinking and gambling and doing business deals that one could only hope to achieve there as no one really bothered what you did there. As all this was happening no one noticed three people dressed in full black and wearing hoods apparate into the bar and silently walk to the back room.

Those same three people then walked up the stairs and into one of sitting rooms there were they stood waiting for a while before a man who looked astonishingly like Albus Dumbledore came upstairs to greet them. .

"Potter." the man said in a gruff voice.

All three of them then lowered their hoods to reveal the faces of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood. Harry looked at the man and said "Yeah, you Aberforth?"

The man grunted and nodded before saying "Your friend sent a message that you would be coming. He'll be in a moment."

"Thank you."

Aberforth grunted again and just stood there. There was silence between the four of them before something astonishing happened, the fireplace in the wall behind them opened up with a loud grating sound and even more astonishingly Neville Longbottom came out of it. As soon as he came out Harry, Hermione and Luna all hugged him and greeted him with smiles on their faces. He soon explained to them that there was an unknown passage going from Aberforth's pup to greenhouse 3 at Hogwarts and that he had found it after he helped Professor Sprout clean up the greenhouse. He then mentioned to Aberforth that there might be a few other people coming through later before ushering the three into the passage way towards Hogwarts.

As they walked through the narrow passage Neville brought them up to speed on what was happening at Hogwarts "It is pretty bad up there you know. The two Death Eaters they have as teachers don't teach at all. They are just there to ensure that the students don't start fighting back. I and a few others began helping the younger students out and we sort of carried on Dumbledore's army. At first they did not do much to us, just gave us detention and made us right with a blood quill but as we became more ambitious they started getting more evil as well. A lot of the students have had the crutiatus curse placed on them and a lot of them were taken away and never seen again."

The other three listened in apt silence as Neville carried on talking about the different things they did. Soon though they came to stop and realized that they were at the greenhouse tunnel entrance. They saw a small rickety ladder that led upwards and all four of them climbed up to find themselves in the back of the greenhouse which was usually covered with manure bags. The four of them then crept outside and used the darkness as cover as they made their way to the front door. There they found that someone was there waiting by the door. They crept inside and with haste followed Neville up to the Room of Requirements on the seventh floor.

As Neville walked past three times he quickly shoved them inside and to their shock they found it was already filled with students. As soon as Neville closed the door all of the students looked up to see Harry and Hermione and immediately there was bedlam. Students from all of the houses were clambering about to get to them, to shake their hands or pat them on the back until finally Neville shot of a few sparks from his wand to calm the chaos. Harry and Hermione both smiled at the student and one by one the students asked questions

"Where have you been?"

"Did you really kill that dragon at Gringotts?"

"What are you three doing here?"

"Where is Ron?"

Harry raised his hand to silence the crowd and began answering them "Well we have been all about doing a mission for Dumbledore to bring down You-know-who. As for Ron well he betrayed us and he has been taken care of. Yes I did kill that dragon and we are actually here to find something."

Hermione looked like she was about to argue but Harry whispered in her ear "We could use their help in finding it. I am sure someone must have seen it." to which Hermione nodded.

Then Harry raised his voice to the crowd and said "We are here to look for Ravenclaw's Diadem. According to what we know it was supposed to be in this room. Has anyone seen it?"

Before anyone could ask what it looked like the room provided a copy of it as a form of a statue of Ravenclaw with her diadem. The students all looked at it and most of them shook their heads before a young first year Ravenclaw quipped up and said "I have seen it before. The Carows took it out from here ages ago; I saw it when I was spying on them for the group."

Harry's heart sank as he realized that Voldemort might have placed it somewhere else but nevertheless he asked "Do you know where it is kept?"

"Yeah they keep it with them at all times. They take turns in keeping it."

Harry's brow furrowed as he wondered how he was going to obtain the Horcrux when suddenly he got an idea. He removed the marauders map from his pocket and said the password. He waited as the map revealed it's self and then scoured it to find the whereabouts of the tow Death Eaters. He found that one of them was in fact about to enter Gryffindor Tower which was closest to the Room of Requirements so he decided to head there first.

He silently showed the map to Hermione and she nodded, understanding what he was planning. He looked up at the others who were looking up in curiosity. He then spoke to them "Right, me and Hermione are going to find one of the Death Eaters close by. Now the rest of you need to go and rouse the professors because I am sure You-know-who will be coming here tonight."

Most of the students gasped in shock at what Harry had said and a lot of the younger students were in tears but almost all of the older students had looks of determination on their faces. Harry and Hermione then quickly left through the door and made their way towards Gryffindor tower as a few of the older students left in pairs to wake up the professors.

The two though quickly found themselves at the portrait of the fat lady who just looked at them with a quirked eyebrow and said "Well, well, well I never thought I would see you this year."

Realizing their stupidity at not asking anybody for the password Hermione wrung her hands and tried to plead with her "Please could you let us in. we do not know the password but we really do need to get in."

The fat lady looked at them before swinging open and allowing them entrance. Quietly the two entered through the hole and peered into the common room. They saw the Death Eater standing by the girl's staircase as if waiting for someone. Ever so silently Harry made his way towards the man, using the darkness due to the fireplace now dead. He quickly pulled out his wand and sent a stunner towards the man but unfortunately the darkness also caused to red spell to be brighten up the room and allow the Death Eater to spot it and dive away. Harry flicked his wand causing one of the tables to turn sideways so as to provide cover for him and Hermione.

"Who the hell are you, you worthless piece of shit. You will die for what you did." The Death Eater shouted out from behind the couch before he began casting dark curses and unforgivable at them. Hermione looked around the table and saw that the man was directly in front of the fireplace so she sent a powerful incendio charm towards which caused it to erupt in flames causing the man to jump out of the way in fear. Harry used that advantage and cast a quick reducto and blew the man's right leg of. Ignoring the man's howls of pain Harry scrambled to him and began searching him for the diadem but his search was fruitless as all he found was some notes and other odds and ends. Harry screamed in frustration and with a swipe of his wand cast the killing curse at the Death Eater. He looked towards Hermione and saw her looking at him with a hint of fear in her eyes but before he could say anything to her a voice came from the entrance of the common room "Looking for this Potter?"

Harry snapped his head towards the voice and spotted the other Death Eater standing there with the diadem in hand and a smug look on her face as she placed the tip of her wand onto her dark mark. Harry' scar flared for a second before he beat it down with his occlumency.

"The dark lord is coming Potter." the lady cackled.

But it seemed that she laughed too soon as she crumpled to the floor mid laugh. Harry looked past her and saw an angry professor McGonagall with wand in hand. Hermione walked towards the Death Eater and grabbed the diadem from the floor where it had rolled. McGonagall walked into the common room and surveyed the damage that there little dual had caused before turning to Harry and saying "Well Mr. Potter first day back and already causing trouble."

Harry gave a weak smile before replying "Trouble seems to follow me professor. It seems that our Death Eater friend here has notified her master of me being here and I am sure that he will be here soon. You need to get the children out of here."

McGonagall looked taken back at the way Harry commanded her to do it but she quickly steadied herself and nodded before sending a patronus to the other professors and then walking up the stairs to wake up the children in Gryffindor tower. Harry and Hermione meanwhile grabbed onto the still alive Death Eater and dragged her away and into the next empty classroom they found. They quickly locked and sealed the room before tying the Death Eater to a chair. They could hear the sound of the students running past the room as they made their way to the great hall but pushed that away and concentrated at the task at hand.

With slight trepidation Harry took the diadem from Hermione and slowly placed it onto the Death Eaters head and then stood back to wait. After ten minutes there was nothing, nothing happened.

Please R&R and thank you for reading.