Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter J.K. Rowling does.
I would like to thank my beta MariusDarkwolf for editing this chapter.
I was watching the movie Constantine the other day and took inspiration from it to write this story.
Bold writing is taken directly from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
"We thought you knew what you were doing!" shouted Ron, standing up, and his words pierced Harry like scalding knives. "We thought Dumbledore had told you what to do, we thought you had a real plan!"
"Ron!" said Hermione, this time clearly audible over the rain thundering on the tent roof, but again, he ignored her.
"Well, sorry to let you down," said Harry, his voice quite calm even though he felt hollow, inadequate. "I've been straight with you from the start; I told you everything Dumbledore told me. And in case you haven't noticed, we've found one Horcrux —"
"Yeah, and we're about as near getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them — nowhere effing near, in other words!"
"Take off the locket, Ron," Hermione said her voice unusually high. "Please take it off. You wouldn't be talking like this if you hadn't been wearing it all day."
"Yeah, he would," said Harry, who did not want excuses made for Ron. "D'you think I haven't noticed the two of you whispering behind my back? D'you think I didn't guess you were thinking this stuff?"
"Harry, we weren't —"
"Don't lie!" Ron hurled at her. "You said it too; you said you were disappointed, you said you'd thought he had a bit more to go on than —"
"I didn't say it like that — Harry, I didn't!" she cried.
The rain was pounding the tent, tears were pouring down Hermione's face, and the excitement of a few minutes before had vanished as if it had never been, a short-lived firework that had flared and died, leaving everything dark, wet, and cold. The sword of Gryffindor was hidden they knew not where, and they were three teenagers in a tent whose only achievement was not, yet, to be dead.
"So why are you still here?" Harry asked Ron.
"Search me," said Ron.
"Go home then," said Harry.
"Yeah, maybe I will!" shouted Ron, and he took several steps toward Harry, who did not back away. "Didn't you hear what they said about my sister? But you don't give a rat's fart, do you, it's only the Forbidden Forest, Harry I've-Faced-Worse Potter doesn't care what happens to her in here — well, I do, all right, giant spiders and mental stuff —"
"I was only saying — she was with the others, they were with Hagrid —"
"Yeah, I get it, you don't care! And what about the rest of my family, 'the Weasleys don't need another kid injured,' did you hear that?"
"Yeah, I —"
"Not bothered what it meant, though?"
"Ron!" said Hermione, forcing her way between them. "I don't think it means anything new has happened, anything we don't know about; think, Ron, Bill's already scarred, plenty of people must have seen that George has lost an ear by now, and you're supposed to be on your deathbed with spattergroit, I'm sure that's all he meant —"
"Oh, you're sure, are you? Right then, well, I won't bother myself about them. It's all right for you two, isn't it, with your parents safely out of the way —"
"My parents are dead!" Harry bellowed.
"And mine could be going the same way!" yelled Ron.
"Then GO!" roared Harry. "Go back to them, pretend you've got over your spattergroit and Mummy'll be able to feed you up, you stupid cunt."
Ron made a sudden movement: Harry reacted, but before either wand was clear of its owner's pocket, Hermione had raised her own."Protego!" she cried, and an invisible shield expanded between her and Harry on the one side and Ron on the other; all of them were forced backward a few steps by the strength of the spell, and Harry and Ron glared from either side of the transparent barrier as though they were seeing each other clearly for the first time. Harry felt a corrosive hatred toward Ron: Something had broken between them.
"Leave the Horcrux," Harry said.
Ron wrenched the chain from over his head and cast the locket into a nearby chair. He turned to Hermione.
"What are you doing?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you staying, or what?"
"I…I don't… we promised." Hermione said weakly.
"Hermione just come on, we are going to die if we stay with this fool. Let's go to the Burrow." Ron said as he held out his hand.
Hermione looked at his outstretched hand and then to the stunned face of Harry before making her decision. She dropped the shield and with a flick of her wand had all of her things packed away, she looked at Harry and threw all of his stuff from her handbag onto the floor and just said weakly "I'm sorry Harry." before going outside. Ron just gave Harry a smug look and followed her, Harry just stood there in shock at what just happened, his two best friends had left him, the woman that he loved had left him, he heard the crack of an apparition and it made him feel even worse as if that sound proved that they were not coming back.
Still in shock he stumbled blindly to one of the chairs and collapsed in it. He sat there staring at the mouth of the tent blankly for the next few hours before he got up shakily and wandered to the beds, he looked at the three beds, and staggered onto Hermione's bed; curling up in a ball and inhaling her scent, as tears welled up in his eyes and cascaded down his face only to be soaked up by the pillow, he cried silently for a while before succumbing to exhaustion.
Vanilla that was what he smelt. He had just woken up and kept his eyes closed. He wondered where he was as this did not feel like his bed and did not smell like it either. His pillow was slightly damp and this caused his face to stick to it. He slowly got up still feeling exhausted; he opened his eyes and blinked a few times waking himself up. He looked around the tent and found it devoid of life, cold and empty.
Then it all came crashing down on him as he remembered last night. They had left him alone; they had deserted him when he needed them most. Tears welled up in his eyes as his heart broke yet again. He held the blanket close to him and breathed in the vanilla scent that was Hermione. It made him even more sad as he realized that the one person he relied on more than anyone else, the person who was his rock and the person that he loved above all had left him.
He got up from the bed wearily and stumbled to the kitchen area searching for something to eat as his stomach grumbled for food. His search only yielded some stale bread and some water and he halfheartedly ate it. Anger grew in him as he realized that Ron must have eaten all of their food. The anger grew as he thought more about his, now, former friend; he gripped the mug in his hand tightly and threw it against one of the walls smashing it to bits. He clenched the edge of the table causing his knuckles to whiten; he closed his eyes and took in deep breaths, calming himself down. He saw the locket where Ron had thrown it and picked it up. He hated it but still he put it on.
Two weeks had gone by and still he had made no progress. It was driving him mad, slowly yet surely the loneliness, the silence was driving him insane. He took to just lying down outside staring at the night sky watching the stars. He imagined the stars to be those who had died for him, and who loved him; how he wished he could join them. Soon hunger, exhaustion, and fatigue over took him, he started to become delirious.
Harry couldn't take it anymore; he realized that he could never defeat Voldemort. So one night exactly 16 days from the day that his best friends had left him, he made his decision. He walked outside of the tent and sat close to the fire he had conjured up. The sky above was crystal clear showing the stars in all their glory, it was a perfect night.
Harry rolled up his sleeves and brought the knife down against his left wrist. Slowly he cut down against the skin causing it to break. He grunted as pain flashed through him but still he cut. Blood now poured out as he cut the tendons causing him to lose feeling in his fingers. He pulled the knife away and stared at the deep gash in his wrist that now poured his blood and soon his life.
He grasped the knife clumsily with his left hand and began slicing his right wrist. He forced his wrist against the knife as his left hardly had any feeling. Soon both wrists were gushing out torrents of blood, staining the snow he lay on. His eyes grew blurry and the pain became a dull ache, he smiled as he realized that he would soon be joining his parents.
"Well…well…well what do we have here? Harry Potter, the boy who lived wants to live no more."
Harry opened his eyes and tried to focus on where the voice was coming from. He blinked a couple of times and looked around and what he saw surprised him. It seemed as if everything had stopped moving, the trees seemed to be stuck in their positions, the fire stayed still and even the blood had stopped gushing from his wounds.
He looked up and saw a man looking down at him with a smug look on his face. He was wearing a crisp white suit and a white shirt, he was bald and he had what appeared to be tar on his feet.
"Who the hell are you?" Harry muttered, his mind barely allowing him to think clearly due to lack of blood.
The man just walked towards him and seemingly conjured up a chair from nowhere. He then sat down directly in front of Harry and said "Me? I am Satan."
Harry then laughed and tried to grab hold of the knife but his limp hands could not hold it.
"Ah, you see when you cut the tendons you lose feeling and you really can't do much with those limp things." Satan said as he grabbed the knife from his hands. He then traced the knife over Harry's scar.
"What do you want?" asked Harry.
Satan sat back with a thoughtful look on his face before replying "Well you see, you have now committed suicide and you do realize that all suicides go to Hell. So My first intention was to come and take your soul away but now, well now I have a proposition to make."
Harry snorted and asked "And what is that proposition is that?"
"Many years ago a human by the name of Tom Riddle made a deal with Me, in exchange for power I would get his soul. But he was a very unfair man and has split his soul up to try and become immortal. Now really, I kept my end of the deal and now I want his soul. So, what I will do for you is heal you right up, give you a bit of power and you, well you can help me get his soul."
"Will I still go to hell if I help you?" Harry asked warily
"Of course you will, but if you help me out here I'm sure we can make your afterlife more pleasant." Satan replied with a seemingly honest smile.
Harry thought about it for a while before making his decision "What the hell, I'll do it."
Satan smirked at him and said "Ahh there's a good boy."
He then grabbed Harry's wrist where Harry had cut himself and squeezed down. Harry screamed in pain as his skin seemed to sizzle as though on fire. After a minute Satan let go and what seemed to be a baphomet appeared, seared on each wrist.
The Devil got up and started walking away and as he reached the edge of the surrounding woods he said "See you around Harry." And promptly disappeared.
Harry just stared at him leaving before he dropped off into unconsciousness.
For those of you who don't know a baphomet is a satanic insignia which is a sort of pentagram with a goats head in the middle. I found it in Wikipedia.
Please R&R and thank you for reading.