A/N: This chapter's a bit shorter than the previous one, but hopefully it's not too bad. I think this would take place between the Quinn/Finn confrontation in the hallway and them singing their song, even though there was no time between those events in the episode. So yeah... a Kurt&Quinn bonding moment of sorts - which is also the reason for the change of characters this story is categorised under. Sam's not in this chapter, nor will he be in the (third) chapter I've planned in my head (which should be up in a few days, but given my history with this type of fics, I'm not 100% sure that it will).
Anyway, I hope it'll make sense, and hopefully you'll enjoy the chapter! :)

When Quinn entered the choir room in a rush and sat down at the other end of the room, Kurt assumed that she hadn't seen him sitting there already. Therefore, he was caught slightly off guard when she spoke up.

"Your stepbrother is an idiot."

Tell me something I don't know, Kurt thought. Even though he loved Finn (in a purely platonic, brotherly way this time), there was no denying that the taller boy wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. "What did he do now? Did he accidentally glance at Rachel for half a second?"

Now, Quinn turned towards him quickly. "No, he didn't. But he keeps staking out with her near Sam's motel room."

Kurt hummed under his breath. "So now he thinks you're having an affair with Sam as well, huh?" At her narrowed eyes, he added, "Rachel confronted me yesterday in all her insanity. I assume that Finn was the one confronting you?"

"It's – none of their business what I do in my spare time," Quinn spat.

"And it's none of their business what's going on in that motel room," Kurt agreed. "Okay, so it wasn't really any of my business too…"

"You found out and you helped," Quinn said bluntly. "It's what anyone would do. But it's not normal that they make such a big deal out of nothing!"

"They don't know it's nothing, though," Kurt said carefully. "Not that I'm suggesting that we tell them – that's all up to Sam – but… I guess if this would've happened to Rachel, and Finn was helping her out, you'd have your suspicions too, right?"

The fire in Quinn's eyes was enough to answer that question.

"They should just stay out of my business," the girl repeated. "And yours. Or is Rachel dating you now?"

Kurt stared at her for a moment, horrified by the thought. "What gives you the idea, Quinn? Don't ever say stuff like that again." He huffed. "Whatever any of you might think, I'm perfectly happy with Blaine."

"Does he know about the… situation?" Quinn asked, frowning slightly.

"I was visiting the Warblers during one of their too many attempts at bonding. They ordered pizzas, which Sam delivered – so yes, Blaine may have a vague idea of what's wrong, and he knows I'm helping out Sam a bit."

"It must be nice if your boyfriend trusts you like that," Quinn commented bitterly. As Kurt opened his mouth to say that he had never given his boyfriend any reason not to trust him, she sent him a half-hearted glare. "Don't even say it," she warned him.

"I hope Sam's dad – or his mum – will find a job soon," Kurt obediently changed the subject slightly.

"Doesn't your dad need someone to help out in his shop?" Quinn asked, but Kurt shook his head.

"I thought about that as well. I don't know what Sam's father does, but if he moved here from Tennessee for his job – I doubt he's a qualified mechanic. And my dad doesn't trust anyone to do the inventory and other administrative stuff except himself."

Quinn nodded pensively. "I never thought that it was possible to just… get locked out of your house," she said quietly. "At least they could keep their car."

Kurt stared at her for a moment. "True," he ultimately said. "But having to live in a motel room is horrific enough in my opinion." He shuddered just thinking about it.

"I just wish we could do more than just… what we're doing now," Quinn sighed. "Do you think you could come along tonight? I think Stacy will like you… and if Rachel and Finn are 'staking out' again, maybe they'll realise that they're being ridiculous if they see both of us there at the same time."

Kurt pulled a face. "That, or Finn's going to beat me up for helping you cheat on him even more when I get home."

"Surely your dad wouldn't let him, right? What did you tell your dad, by the way?" Quinn wondered out loud.

"That I was helping out a friend," Kurt replied matter-of-factly. "What did you tell your mother?"

"Same thing," Quinn answered, glancing at the door of the choir room. There was movement outside, indicating that people might be coming their way. "If only Finn could see that."

"You're singing your song today?" Kurt asked, also looking at the door. If anyone were to come in now, songs were a safe topic.

Quinn nodded almost gravely. "It's the perfect song for our situation." All of a sudden, she looked vindictive – and indeed, Rachel had just walked in, barely sparing the two of them a glance. After all, in her eyes, they were both cheating on their boyfriends – with the same guy. Why she thought they could bear to sit here together in an otherwise empty room was beyond Kurt.

He exchanged annoyed looks with Quinn – it wasn't as if Rachel had never cheated on anyone, or helped someone else cheat (coincidentally, she'd done both things with Finn). "Good luck with the song," he mouthed to her, and she gave him a wry smile in return. Well – that would definitely be interesting to watch.

A/N: So... what do you think? Let me know if you have any questions/thoughts/comments, please leave a review! :D