That night when Kurt walked into his room I was sitting on his bed waiting for him. The moment the lights came on and he saw me I knew that there was something wrong. It was in his eyes. I knew all of his masks and this one was failing him quickly. "Kurt… we need to talk. There is something going on with you and Heaven and I aren't the only ones that have noticed. Your father came to my house today. We sat and talked a lot of things through but mostly we talked about what could be going on with you. We can't help you if we don't know. I can't help you if you don't talk to me. I need to know what is going on with you Kurt. You are the second most important person to me in my life first after Heaven. We may not have known each other long but damn it I know there is something wrong with you I feel it!"

Kurt paled and started to tremble. "I can't tell you."

"You can tell me anything no matter what it is. Is someone hurting you Kurt? Has someone threaten you? Are you being bullied? I'll transfer to McKinley if you don't tell me what is going on." I said to him.

"NO! I'm not going to be there much longer anyways. I don't want you coming in and forcing me to stay to protect you. If they knew that you were related to me they wouldn't stop until they pushed you out like they have me. I don't want you going through that." He said to me.

"I don't care, besides I know how to take care of myself. You know that work out that you walked in on a few months back? Yeah that was me doing Martial arts. I know three different types along with kick boxing and self defense. You don't have to worry about me." I said to him.

"I don't want you to go to Dalton Kurt. You shouldn't have to leave your friends or your Glee club because of bullies. I will not stand for it. Give me two months Kurt. The school year ends in two months. Give me until then to make these people realize what they are doing. If I can't I'll pay for Dalton myself and go to the sister school. Burt and Carole already agreed to take care of Heaven for me. They are great with her and she loves them both dearly. Now what do you say?" I asked him.

He looked at me without saying a word for a few minutes and then he slowly smiled. "You also have to take me to L.A. for a shopping spree. You are paying. "

"I was going to do that anyways so is it a deal?" I asked him.

"Deal." He said and I smiled.

"Good because I already transferred while you were in school. Your father helped me with that." I said to him.

"You know that he is your father too." Kurt said to me.

"As of now he is a friend but we are working on it like I promised you that I would. He is a good man. I just don't know if I can stop the hate that I have because of what happened. Don't get me wrong my parents were great but I would have rather felt whole then had them. I would have rather had you." I said to him and he nodded.

"I know but you have to understand that back then they didn't know what was going to happen. Dad told me that they adopted you before the forty five days were up for them to make up their minds. They went back for you because they wanted you. They just didn't know that until you were gone. They said that you were already adopted and they couldn't see you ever again until you came looking for them. It broke their heart." Kurt said to me softly.

"I didn't know that. Why is it no one tells me things that I need to know until I get mad?" I asked him.

"Because they don't want to hurt you Angel. You mean the world to us and we don't ever want you to be hurt because of us. Well, everyone but Finn. He still doesn't know that you are my sister. I think he should be the first one to know. I'll go get him." Kurt said before he rushed out of his room.

I took a deep breath and shook my body off. I haven't met Finn yet. We made sure to meet when we knew that he wasn't going to be around and always some place where he couldn't just walk in and see me. Now I was going to meet his step brother. Someone that had called my brother a fag. Someone that wouldn't step up to protect my brother. This Finn guy wasn't someone that I wanted to know but Kurt loves him like a brother and I wasn't going to hurt Kurt by not getting to know him. If I had a step brother that I loved I wouldn't want Kurt to do that to him.

"Come on Finn this person is very important to me. We just found each other." Kurt said to someone as they got closer to the door.

"It's not another gay dude is it? After meeting Blaine the way that I uh did I don't think I can handle meeting another gay guy for a while." A deeper voice said and I narrowed my eyes. I didn't like the way he was talking to him.

"You need to stop Finn. Just because I am gay doesn't mean every person I want you to meet is gay! God for once just stop trying to think I'm trying to turn you gay. You're my brother and I love you like you are my brother. I have no other feelings for you so just stop it damn it!" Kurt shouted at him and I smiled proud that he stood up to him.

"I'm sorry." The other guy said and I rolled my eyes as Kurt opened the door and walked in followed by a really tall boy. The moment he saw me his jaw dropped. A few seconds later his face started to turn blue. "Breathe Finn!"

He took a deep breath and then looked at Kurt. "She looks like a female you!" Finn said and I smiled.

"I would hope so after all he is my twin brother. MY name is Angel. And the little girl your mom has been watching is Heaven. She is my daughter." I said as I stood up and offered him my hand.

"Your daughter? You didn't give her up?" Finn asked shocked.

"No, I didn't give her up. She is mine and there is no way in hell I would give her to someone I don't know to raise my child. Any woman that does that shouldn't be allowed to have kids. I don't care how old they are." I said to him and he backed away.

"That isn't fair you know. Sometimes it's the only way that the baby could have had a good life." He said to me.

"If she wasn't ready to be a mother then she shouldn't have opened her legs to begin with. Yes just in case you are wondering I am talking about Quinn. But Heaven see she wasn't given to me because I was stupid. Her father raped me. But it didn't matter when I saw her. The moment I saw her she was mine and no one else was going to have the right to call her theirs. I couldn't blame her because of what he father did to me. She is beyond anything that I thought I had wanted. She is my life and everything that I do it's for her. I have a bigger reason than myself to do something great." I said to him and he nodded.

"Too bad there aren't more girls out there like you. So wait, you are his twin. Why am I just finding out about you now?" Finn asked me.

"You go ahead and tell him. Explain to him what every you want him to know I got to go give Heaven her afternoon meds. Anyone want anything while I'm going down there?" I asked and Kurt smiled.

"A bottle of green tea. Grab one for yourself. Finn will have a sprite." Kurt said and Finn nodded with a smile.

"That is if you don't mine." Finn said to me and I laughed.

"I offered didn't I?" I asked before I walked out of the room and got away from them.

When I walked into the kitchen Carol was just putting away her meds and I smiled. "I just came down to do that. Thank you for being so wonderful."

"Oh you don't have to thank me. After what you have done today for Kurt and Burt believe me I would do a lot more. Besides she is my granddaughter and I have to make sure she grows big, strong and spoiled. Are you two staying for dinner?" Carol asked me and I smiled.

"Sure that would be nice not having to cook something to eat. I'm good but Kurt says that you aren't so bad yourself." I said as I went to the fridge and got the drinks out.

"I heard that Finn met you just a few moments ago. Did he turn blue?" Carol asked me and I nodded.

"He is a little cutie. Too bad I don't date step brothers. Besides what man in their right mind will want a girl with a kid? Not many of them that is for damn sure." I said as I leaned against the counter and watched her.

"Then they are stupid to allow such a great baby get in the way of knowing such a great woman. Believe me I would be proud to call you my daughter. But until then if you ever need to talk all you got to do is call or stop by. The only female I talk to anymore is Rachel and she makes my head hurt a lot. But Finn loves her and she is good to him. I'm just glad after Quinn he found someone worth his time." Carol said to me and I nodded.

"I haven't even met her and I have a feeling when I do she won't like me. This is fine because I already know that I'm not going to like her." I said to her and she nodded.