A/N: Hey, what's up you guys? So, this just sort of popped in my head…A random idea…And I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. YET.

"Boys, you are in so much trouble for this!" The four boys have been hearing that phrase all their lives. Ever since they became best friends, they have done several pranks, thrown several parties and drove several adults crazy. Old Man Smith, Kendall's neighbor, would always yell at them whenever their baseball broke his window. Ms. Jefferson, their teacher, would always yell at them for pulling pranks on the students. Abuela Floricita, Carlos grandmother, would yell at them almost every Thanksgiving for eating the pumpkin pie before lunch. Just last week, they caused some trouble with the principal for accidentally spraying him with a seltzer.

The point is, they've done a lot of things that made them known as the troublemakers around their neighborhood.

The adults avoid these four kids from stepping into their lawns, afraid they might do something unwanted. The last time those four kids stepped into someone's lawn, they scattered whipped cream everywhere, making the house a good place to find ants.

The boys have been causing trouble even on Holidays. Last Christmas, they made a gingerbread house with little chocolates on them. They gathered the chocolates from that gingerbread house, fed it to the neighbor's dog and made the poor animal sick. Last Halloween, they fed Katie too much peanut butter candy and made her lose two teeth. Last Thanksgiving, they stole the cooked turkey from the table and shared it in a secluded area, away from the others.

They swore they were yelled at, brought to the principal's office, grounded, sent to detention and suspended for almost a hundred times.

Even though the adults didn't like them sometimes, there were some times when they were sweet, innocent, nice kids. Hard to believe, right? But there were.

One time, an old lady's oranges fell in the market and they helped her to pick them up. There was also this time when it was their teacher's birthday. The four drew her portraits of her and gave her an apple each. When it was time for Spring Cleaning last year, they went from house to house, helping some people to clean up. They sometimes walked other people's dogs and shoveled snow for the neighbors. They were sweet kids, really.

Sometimes, they would get out of trouble with the help of their cute puppy dog faces. Some adults couldn't resist yelling at those cute, sweet looking innocent faces. Although, some other adults would never give in to those cute, pouty faces. Those adults would always give them a punishment. But whatever the punishment was, they always made it through.

When the boys left for L.A, the people in the neighborhood actually missed them. They missed yelling at them, they missed the unevenly trimmed lawns; they missed the loud laughter whenever they shoveled snow in their backyards and they missed those four sweet, troublesome boys.

A/N: So, that's it…That was short but whatever, right? Leave a review if you liked it!