Disclaimer: If I own X-men comics, wouldn't that mean I own the X-men on the issue?
It doesn't? Awww c'mon. It does.... doesn't it?
Archive: ask permission please :)
Email: [email protected]
Webbie: http://meekerz.keenspace.com


- Chapter 2 -
by Ice Drop

"You should've seen him!" Bobby wiped a tear away from his eyes. "He was there, sitting in the
middle of the mall, begging for money." A hiccup from laughing too hard.

Remy was holding his sides. "Gambit woulda paid good money to see dat!" He had to get his own
ride home. Rogue still wasn't speaking to him, but he was too occupied laughing at the moment
to care.

Even Logan was laughing. "Scott... begging... for money..." he croaked.

From the rec room doorway Scott, now wearing his visors and uniform, grit his teeth. "I was not
begging, for your information."

That earned a howl of laughter from the three men.

"Right" Bobby said in between laughter. "And he was blabbing about how he's been there for
days alone."

"Poor One Eye, all alooone" Logan crooned.

"Homme, how much cash you make?"

Another chorus of laughter.

"I will not tolerate this. Danger Room. Now." Scott barked.

Bobby, Remy and Logan, all holding their sides stood shakily and walked towards the door. Remy
actually had the nerve to hold out a dollar bill and wave it at Scott.

The fearless leader actually flushed before snapping. "I said Danger Room!"

Bobby fell on the floor rolling with laughter, Logan actually trying to pull him up, and Remy
leaned against the wall.

With an exasperated look at the three laughing men, Scott spun around furious, leaving the three
men. A door slam was heard over the laughter.

"That was pure genius!" Bobby slapped Remy's leg from the floor.


A lighting crackled outside followed by a boom of thunder. The three looked up to see Storm
watching them with an unreadable expression on her face. "You three are behaving like children"
she said.

The three sobered up, only a little.

"But Ro, you saw what Scott looked like!"

A small smile appeared on Ororo's lips, but she quickly erased it and frowned at them. "I
distinctly recall Scott mentioning the Danger Room." Another crack of lighting.

Finally, the three sobered up and proceeded to the Danger Room.

It wasn't until all their backs were turned that Ororo let the wide smile creep up her face.


"Aww Scott honey, don't let them get to you," Jean said softly.

He muttered something under his breath that Jean didn't get.


"It's nothing Jean." Scott sat down on the bed wher his wife was tucked under the covers. He
leaned down to kiss her cheek and proceeded to the bathroom to change into shorts.

Out of habit, he reached into his pocket to check for any change that was left there, so it
wouldnt end up in the washing machines. He pulled up a wad of bills and stared.

Eleven bucks and seventy-five cents.

At least he earned something.
