Really super sorry for the long absence. My life really hasn't been on track recently, but you don't have to worry about that now. Without further a due, chapter 5 ^_^
Staccatos and Barlines
Chapter 5: Not a Coffee Date (With Extra Sugar!)
"Whoever came up with the phrase 'life is a bowl of cherries' must've been either stupid as hell, or just super duper high." Zexion sighed as he took a seat across from Larxene in the old coffee shop. "I mean, I've got a great job, an amazing boyfriend, a pretty nice apartment, and a fantastic family, but then you just had come into my life completely mutilate it just like in high school.
"Oh stop being so dramatic, Zexion." Larxene rolled her eyes and took a sip of her creamy delight.
"So what exactly are we doing today?" The slate haired man inquired as he began adding sugar to his own brew.
"Well," She started, "I figured we should come up with some believable stories before hand and try and get to know each other a little better, that way we'll be more convincing."
"Sounds like a plan." Zexion was still adding sugar to his coffee.
"Okay, first thing's first, how does Demyx feel about all this?"
"Surprisingly enough, he said it'd be okay. He's really mellowed out this week. It could be due to him being in his 'music mojo', as he calls it, getting ready for that interview, but personally, I think it's because we've has sex every night this week and it just makes him really happy." Zexion smiled sweetly as he continued to add sugar.
"Um, okay, TMI. Anyway, we should get started. Let's recap from what we told my friends last week."
"Right. I believe I said we met during your interview for the magazine." The slate haired man took a sip of his coffee before putting it back down to add more sugar.
"Yes, and that you asked me on a date my first week working there. It was like love at first sight." Larxene began gazing off dreamily.
"Larxene, pay attention." Zexion snapped his fingers in front of her face before returning to the sugar bowl. Larxene just stared.
"Um, are you gonna have some coffee with that sugar?"
"... I like sugar."
"Yes, I can see that." The blonde rolled her eyes. "Well, there's one thing I can remember about you."
"Yes, and what about you? Any strange quirks or habits?"
"Does staring in the mirror for a long period of time count as a quirk?"
"Um... no, I think that just means you're conceded."
"Oh, well then how about enjoying watching others feel miserable?"
"... no, that just makes you a sadistic bitch."
"Oh... Well then no, no quirks."
"Right... well, um, I suppose we ought to know each others birthdays as well."
"Right, December 12th."
"Oh, your birthday is next week. The day before Demyx's interview."
"Yep, that's right. When's yours?"
"You don't remember?"
"No, why? Should I?"
"Junior year you planned a house party just so no one would show up."
"Oh yeah! Man, that party was awesome. You should've gone!"
"You invited everyone but me."
"Oh... yeah. Um, sorry about that. I was really stupid and immature back then."
"I suppose the past is the past. Shall we carry on?"
"Yes, yes we shall."
"Um, Zexion?"
"Your cup is overflowing."
"Oh dear, oops." Zexion grabbed a few napkins to clean the mess.
"Well, do you think you used too much sugar now?"
"What? Oh god no, they just need bigger cups." Larxene chuckled and rolled her eyes.
The rest of the day continued just like that: making up believable stories and learning new things about each other. To anyone else, it may have appeared to be a date, but is actuality, it was just two old high school enemies hatching a plan to deceive a group of wealthy young adults into thinking the female of the two has a successful life.. yeah, almost the same thing right?... Larxene may have gotten the two confused.
"Oh my god, no way! We are not saying that." Larxene was laughing hysterically.
"Suite yourself, but it could've been convincing." Zexion was laughing as well. It had been a long time since he'd laughed this hard with someone who wasn't Demyx.
"Oh wow, it's almost nine. I can't believe how late it's gotten."
"Indeed. Do you need a ride home?"
"No, it's cool. I've got my own car outside."
"Well Larxene, I have to admit this was fun." The two headed outside. Snow fell softly from the sky. It was cold, but not enough for the snow to stick.
"Yeah, this was probably the funnest date I've ever been on." The blonde giggled, but Zexion just looked at her curiously.
"Larxene, this wasn't a date, you know that."
"What, did I say date?" She chuckled nervously." 'lol', of course I know it wasn't a date, I mean, you're gay and stuff, and with Demyx. This is business. Strictly business."
"Right, well, it's been fun. I'll see you next week."
"Yeah, see ya." Larxene's smile faded as she watched the slate haired man drive off. I can't believe it! She thought. How can I be feeling this way? He has a boyfriend, and I'm just using him to gain popularity... just like in high school... wow, I'm still just an immature bitch aren't I? Why was I so mean to him back then. Why am I so mean in general? I used to treat him like crap and now that he's useful to me I act like we're the best of friends. A single tear rolled down Larxene's cheek as she leaned against her car. I really wish I wasn't so mean before, maybe then I could've seen all these amazing qualities earlier.
Larxene: Handsome
Why do you look right through me
I can't deny my feelings
Growing strong
I try to keep believing
dreaming on
And every time I see you
I crave more
I wanna pull you closer
but you leave me feeling frozen
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Back emotion
I try to keep on hoping
for a way;
a reason for us both to
come in
I long for you to hold me
like your boyfriend does
and though my dream is
slowly fading
I wanna be the object
of your passion but it's hopeless
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay, malchik gay, malchik gay
Malchik, malchick
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay
Before Larxene knew it she was home. Due to her parent's fortune, she lived in a fancy condo. As beautiful as it was, it wasn't what she wanted. A hand out from Mommy and Daddy was not productive, impressive, or did anything for her self-esteem. "I promise," She said to herself, "I gonna start bettering my self and I'm going to be independent... After this whole thing with Zexion is over... Yes, after."
There you are guys, I really hope you enjoyed it ^^ Remember to review as I love them very much. Flames will be used to mold bigger coffee mugs for Zexion's sugar addiction. Song is Malchik Gay by T.A.T.U
Fun Fact About Hardcovers and Paperbacks:
The prom scene was originally going to end with Larxene meeting Vanitus and the two of them really hitting it off. However, that changed for the sake of not only the sequal, but for a special plan I have for Vanitus. But oh! I've already said too much! *Disappears into thin air like a ninja*