I do not own Pokémon. All OCs are mine.

Well, the idea for this is tricky. I got the idea while considering possible plots for my other story, Electivire Guild, and it suddenly exploded into a much more complex concept.

I'm sure it's been done before, but everything has. So I'll have to settle with doing it better than the others.

It's up to you, the viewers, to decide if I succeed.

Share and Enjoy… oh, and comment, too.

(Ash's POV)

"Ash! Wake up! We have to get going! Where are you, anyway?"

That voice… who is that? I know it's familiar. Sounds like… me? No that can't be right.

I sit up and nearly lose my balance. Why am I sleeping in a tree? Oh yeah, I just wanted to give it a try. Well, I feel rested, so it must have been okay…

"Where are you? Ash? Come on out!"

There's that voice again. Who is he?

I shrug and check to see if my Pokéballs are still where they should be. They're not. And that's not all.

I twist around to get a look at myself and fall out of the tree. I land in a bush. I think it's a bush. Do bushes grow this big?

Come to think of it, that tree was pretty tall. I fell a long way, but I wasn't hurt. Weird. I dust my self off, brushing the dirt out of my fur. Fur. Why does that feel wrong somehow? Fur. Fur, fur, fur…

Why did I check for Pokéballs? I'm not a trainer. No, wait, I am. No, I'm not. Yes. No. Yes…

I clutch my head. Something isn't right here. I don't know what yet, but I'm going to find out.

There's a pond a ways off. Good. I needed a drink. I trotted over-trot? That doesn't sound right-and take a long drink.

I see my reflection. Red cheeks, zigzag tail, yellow fur, long ears. Yup, just a normal Pikachu.

Wait… I felt something *click* in my brain… Pikachu…

I'm not supposed to be a Pikachu. I'm…I'm human! I'm a trainer! I'm Ash Ketchum, I'm-

"Ash, there you are!"

I jump and turn to see a human with blond hair and a yellow shirt, patterned to look like a Pikachu's fur. He crouches down next to me.

"Don't run off like that, Ash! I was getting worried," he said.

Who is this? He's my trainer, Peter Ketchum. Wait, who? Everyone calls him 'Pika' because when he blushes he looks just like a Pikachu. Ketchum's MY name! I don't have a Trainer, I am a Trainer!

"Pika! Pichu pi pika-" I put my hands over my mouth. Why can't I talk! Well, I am just a Pikachu… No! I'm not! I'm… um…

The human frowns, worried. "You okay, buddy? You're pretty jumpy for having just woken up."

I've got to figure out how to tell him. Maybe he can help me if I just… no, maybe I should… help me with what? No! Focus. Something is very, VERY wrong here. I can fix it if… if I just…

What was I just thinking about?

"Wow, Ash, are you alright?" Peter asks me. Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?

"I'm just fine, Pika," I assure him. Sure, he can't hear me, but he usually gets the gist.

Peter sighs, relieved. He lets me climb on his shoulder before standing. I make myself comfortable. This kind of thing takes awhile, believe me.

Peter takes out his map and studies it with a thoughtful frown. I roll my eyes. Peter can't read a map to save his life.

He starts walking down the path, but its still nearly ten minutes before he swallows his pride.

"Um, Ash? Can you…" he says sheepishly, holding the map up to me. Really, what kind of Trainer needs his Pokémon to read a map for him? Sad.

"Here," I say, pointing to a line in the northeast. "Here's where we are now. Route 5."

"Okay…" he mumbles. I grin. He really hates this, doesn't he? I would.

"We need to go south and get to Saffron City," I continue, sliding my paw downto the appropriate square.

"Okay, wait. I see now."

I look up, surprised. It usually takes longer than that to… he's not looking at me. He's reading a sign. There's an arrow pointing along the path, and the words: 'Saffron City.' Of course.

I facepalm.

A few hours later, Peter finds a clearing and we stop to have lunch. He lets the others out, too: Noctowl, Infernape and Buizel. He had others, of course, but Peter left most of them at the lab.

He was challenging the Kanto League again. Ah, the Kanto League. Our humble beginnings. I don't think Buizel liked it here.

"Hey, Ash. How do you stand this?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean how do you take this heat? It's ridiculous!"

"Aw, be quiet," Infernape growled. "I like it."

"You would, you're a Fire-Type!"

I heard Noctowl chuckle. He didn't talk much, though sometimes I wish that applied to these two.

"Now Buizel," I say, "Kanto's just a more temperate region. How do you think I felt in Sinnoh? It was freezing!"

Buizel opens his mouth. "Soup's on!" …but is interrupted by Peter.

Peter laid out our food. I ate mine carefully.

Don't get me wrong, It's not like he's a bad cook, he's just… not a good one either. Certainly not as good as that Simisage in Pewter City.

"So Ash," he says. I look up at him. "Saffron City's gym. Remember?"

Oh yes. I remember. The Gym Leader, Al. I remember that he beat us soundly the first time I fought his Gothitelle, Sabrina. I remember that he had a bizarre fascination with spoons. And I remember he had a magnificent moustache.

"Oh yeah. Good times."

"Yeah. I hope things go better this time."

"Of course they will!"

"It's just we never really beat him before. He gave us the badge after you got Sabrina to smile."

"That's not important!"

"Calm down! I'm kidding! You'll do fine," he said, laughing.

I can't help but smile back.

The others finish their meal. Buizel and Noctowl went to sleep almost immediately, and Infernape started doing push-ups. I chuckled. Always getting stronger, that one.


"Yes, Pika?"

Peter hesitates. "What's wrong?"

"Do you… get this weird feeling?"

I frown. "Huh?"

"When I woke up earlier, Something felt…I don't know. Off. Or something. I can't remember. I must have had a weird dream."

Weird dream…

"I think I dreamed I was a Pikachu."

I smirked. "Oh?"

"You know, like that time we ran into that wizard, Murray?"

Murray, Murray…

"You remember Murray, he had this Murkrow named Lily?"

Ah, yes. That one. That was a weird day.

"It was like that, I think. Only you were a human."

I freeze, but he doesn't notice. Human…?

Oh my gosh! What happened? I was a human, a Trainer, I've got to get back! But wait, how is that even possible? I've always been a Pikachu. Well, except for when I was a Pichu, but that goes without saying… No! No! It's some kind of trick! I've got to-

"Pretty weird, huh, buddy?" Peter chuckles, petting me.

Oh, that feels pretty good… No! I have to focus on, on… on what exactly? I've gotta find out what's going on… ooh, right there… Human! Misty! Brock! My friends! What happened to them? What… what… a little lower… no… right there. That's the spot.

I curl up next to him as he returns the others. I feel him lift me up onto his head. He packs up the dishes and starts back down the road.

What was I thinking about? It seems like it was awfully important. Oh well. If it was important, I'm sure it'll come back up eventually. As for now… *yawn*… I could use some rest.

(? POV)

"Presto? Presto, do you copy?"

"Loud and clear, Sarge. Have you found them yet?"

"Naw, not yet. I'm not sure what I'm lookin' for. All you told me was-" My antennae spark. "Wait a minute. Someone's comin'."

I duck into the bush. It's a big bush. A boy with blonde hair's comin' 'round the corner. The shirt's got brown stripes like a Pikachu's, and a little pattern for the tale…

…nah. Too obvious. Or is it? Now that I take a closer look, there's a Pikachu sleepin' on his head. A Pikachu with a familiar scruff of fur on his head…

I hold the communicator close to my mouth and whisper. "Presto, I think I've found the targets. Should I just follow 'em for now?"

"Yes, Sarge. Warp should wake up any minute now. Just keep them in sight."


I through the little contraption over my shoulder. I don't think it hit the ground. I'm pretty sure it stopped existing once I stopped holding it, but I don't have time to watch cosmic quantum phenomena.

My quarry was still movin'. I waited awhile, then stepped out of the undergrowth and followed.

Heh. This shouldn't take long.


How'd I do? Comment! I can't improve if you don't critique!