(Sorry if it sucks, I don't own anything!)
(Rex's POV)
Darkness, utter black…I call out all the names I could think of…no response. I'm scared, cold and all alone…like I always have been. No one truly understood the positions I was in. I had no memory of my past, people who say they knew me and a brother some where in the world! I once thought that Circe would…but she just wouldn't leave Van Kleiss. Every time I asked her to join Providence, I was really screaming for her to not leave me to be all alone and misunderstood all the time.
Then, a spot-light appeared, revealing a willow tree made entirely of ice. I took a few steps toward it but I stopped once I spotted a girl. Her skin was a pale-white as the winter snow, her short faint blue caressed her face and there where a few black streaks in it. Also, she had wolf ears and a matching tail, both the same shade of blue as her hair. Lastly, there was smooth, blue wolf-mask with leather straps covering her face for some reason.
"You are not alone" I heard her low voice.
The second I blinked, she was gone; all I saw was the willow tree of ice in the spot-light and the darkness surrounding it. Some where in the distance, I could hear a wolf howling and a beeping sound. It was my alarm clock.
I opened my eyes, waking up from the dream with Bobo yelling at me to wake up and that there was another evo on the loose. I sat up wondering who that girl I saw near the tree was.
(A "random" girl's POV)
I opened my ice-blue eyes in the darkness of the basement with the stuffed pink rabbit, Trish, in my arms. It was the one my mother made for me before I was born…before she died. The toy was a little beaten up and stained from small accidents. I let my faint blue wolf tail cover my cold legs, warming them. I had a small sense of security and peace but it was my father who took even that small sense away. He hated me because mom died during child-birth, it was my fault and I wasn't the normal daughter he wanted.
He didn't say a word when he yanked me out of the small bed and threw me against the wall, closing shakes around my wrists. Tears ran down my eyes as he did so and I weakly thrashed around, due to starvation. My thin frame pressed against the damp concrete as I heard his whip un-coil.
His strong arm rose and allowed the whip's lash to tear open the back of my large, tan shirt. I screamed and shrieked all through out the whipping. Blood streamed down my back, coating the base of my matted tail. Pain exploded all over my back, it felt like my spine was snapping over and over but soon, I fainted, feeling the pain fade away as if my spirit was leaving my body.
I opened my eyes, seeing bright white walls surrounding me…was I in heaven? I tried to sit up but I quickly eased myself back down on the white bed. My back ached and throbbed as I lay on my side, gritting my teeth. I wore a white, short-sleeved, V-necked shirt and a pair of white sweat-pants.
Then, I heard a soft shuffle near the door so I quickly slipped under the bed to hide. Even if I was 15 years old, I acted like a paranoid little girl as I tried not to cover the tiled floor with a thick sheet of ice. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that I could generate ice from my whole body.
"I don't get it doc, she's his daughter, why the heck would he do all those things to her?" I heard a boy from outside the door.
"I don't know, he won't tell us so she will have to" a woman replied as the door opened.
I slightly flinched as the woman dropped her clip-board; I guessed that they thought I had escaped. In a flash, I dashed passed them, darting swiftly down the halls.
"Seal off all exits, don't let her escape!" the woman yelled far behind me.
I spotted a door far ahead closing, the sun light disappearing so I sped up even if my aching legs begged me to stop to rest. Wait, who's that? I spotted a man standing in front of the door; he wore a green suit, sunglasses and held two swords in his hands. My eyes widened with fear until I saw one way I could get passed him. Just as the door was about to close, I dived to the floor, freezing a side to freeze the man in place and to increase my momentum.
The door shut just after I rolled out, panting heavily as my chest rose and fell quickly. I weakly crawled on the ground in the hot sun, desperate to get away. Suddenly, all of my energy returned some how and I was able to run all the way into town but it was night by the time I reached it.
I sneaked back into my home but it wasn't because I was afraid of the outside world, I just wanted to get my toy bunny, Trish, back. Luckily, my father wasn't home…no one was home. I held the toy close to my chest as I walked through the empty streets. St this was how the outside world was like? How boring and dull…
"Hey, kid, you lost?" I heard a voice from an alley way.
I gently shook my head in the man's direction and I kept walking. I let my (some how cleaned and brushed) tail sway from side to side, lowly until I felt a pair of hands wrap around me from behind.
"Hey, why don't you drop the fake tail and have some fun with me?" he hissed into my ear.
From the second I was touched, I cried out and threw my thin arms around. I felt him drag me back into the alley to where a car was hidden behind the building. Then, I felt him hit the back of my head with something that made my vision blurry. I was easily disoriented and the next thing I knew, he was forcing me into the back seat of his car! I screamed on the top of my lungs but he just hit me again and I lay on the stained dark red back seat. It felt like my whole body locked up this time as spots of color raced over my vision.
I felt rough-skinned hands grab me in places as he licked my neck. It took me a minute to regain control of my stunned body but by that time, he had already yanked off my white pants. In a moment of shier panic, I grabbed his shoulder, freezing him. But it wasn't like I left a little frost on him, I froze his heart. He gasped with wide eyes and stayed like that for a second before collapsing onto me. In haste, I shoved him off, pulled on my pants and picked up Trish, holding her close for comfort.
I stood watching the man…he wasn't moving. Maybe he fainted or m-maybe he was just pretending…to trick me. I picked up a random crowbar on the ground and poked his leg hanging out the opened doorway. He didn't move at all so I dropped the bar. Scared out of my mind, I backed up until I was against the wall of a building. I slid down so I would just huddle on the ground, crying quietly.
I was so overwhelmed by my first kill that I didn't even notice someone coming. It was until I felt a hand on my shoulder that I realized someone was there. My head flew up, seeing another teenager with a concerned look on his face.
He had short black hair, brown eyes that had a hint of red, a red jacket with orange stripes, a white T-shirt with a dark blue top, matching gloves, orange goggles on his head, black pants with blue lines and black shoes.
I jumped to my feet and tried to run again, accidentally dropping Trish as I ran. I turned around, not because I was at a dead-end, it was because I didn't want to leave Trish behind.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to talk" he softly smiled as I kept my eyes switching from Trish to the boy.
He caught my glance and glanced at Trish, he bent over to pick her up. He held her out to me with the same soft smile. Still frightened, I hesitated to reach out and snatch Trish back.
"I'm Rex, what's your name?"
"W-Willow" I stammered.
(Okay, so it's just a short story and VOTE if you want another chapter!)