Okay so I know there are fanfics all over this website like this but I don't think anyone's done this in House of Anubis. I'm not sure if this will be any good, it's not like anything I've written before so bare with me. Okay, onto the disclaimer.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own House of Anubis or Facebook.
Nina Martin has changed her current location from Boston, Massachusetts to Anubis House.
Nina Martin is now friends with Amber Millington, Fabian Rutter, Mick Campbell, Mara Jaffray, Alfie Lewis and Jerome Clarke.
(Amber Millington and Fabian Rutter like this)
Patricia Williamson: Dislike! You guys are such traitors! Since when are you her friends instead of mine!
Fabian Rutter: Since you became such a witch, Patricia.
(Amber Millington likes this.)
Nina Martin: They can be both of our friends!
Patricia Williamson: Not likely.
Patricia Williamson: wrote on Nina Martin's wall: You need to do an initiation ceremony.
(Jerome Clarke and Alfie Lewis like this)
Nina Martin: Okay, what do I need to do?
Alfie Lewis: Sneak into the attic and bring back something to prove you've been there.
Nina Martin: I'll do it. What time?
Patricia Williamson: Midnight
Alfie Lewis: The witching hour! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!
(Jerome Clarke likes this)
Fabian Rutter: Alfie! Cut it out!
Jerome Clarke: Fabian, does it ever get boring being the one who's always like cut it out, that's not right or fun is bad :D
(Amber Millington, Alfie Lewis and 2 others like this.)
Fabian Rutter: Ha ha, no.
Amber Millington: Nina, you're going up into the attic?
(Fabian Rutter likes this.)
Nina Martin: Sure, why not? I mean it's not like it's…
Amber Millington: Totally haunted!
Nina Martin: Really?
Jerome Clarke: Yeah, Amber's right. By the former students that went up their…NEVER TO RETURN!
(Alfie Lewis, Patricia Williamson and Amber Millington like this.)
Alfie Lewis: DUN-DUN-DUNN!
(Patricia Williamson likes this)
Patricia Williamson: Getting cold feet?
Nina Martin: No! Not at all. Let's start tonight! I can't wait…
Patricia Williamson: Oh we've got something else planned for you tonight!
Fabian Rutter: I can't wait to hear this.
Patricia Williamson: The key! She can't go up into the attic without the key. She has to steal it from Victor.
Nina Martin: :o
(Amber Millington and Fabian Rutter like this)
Mara Jaffray: As always, Amber Millington refuses to help wash the dishes with me.
(Mick Campbell likes this.)
Amber Millington: I hate chores! Washing up makes my fingertips all wrinkly!
Mara Jaffray: I know! If only there were some sort of glove, made from rubber! That could protect your hands from water!
Amber Millington: Fine I'll help!
Amber Millington: Mick Campbell IS SO DEAD WHEN I FIND HIM!
Mick Campbell: What did I do?
Amber Millington: I thought the bracelet you gave me was a token of our love!
Mick Campbell: It is!
Amber Millington: Then what's Mara's?
Mick Campbell: Oh, that. Listen that was just a little thank you present!
(Mara Jaffray likes this.)
Amber Millington: You can have mine back!
Fabian Rutter: It's not the best of moves, is it? Giving a girl the same present as your girlfriend.
(Amber Millington and Mara Jaffray like this)
Mick Campbell: Shut up!
Nina Martin: I got the key and managed to not get eaten by creepy Victor!
(Fabian Rutter likes this)
Alfie Lewis: Lucky!
Jerome Clarke: Very lucky!
Patricia Williamson: Well we'll see how lucky she is tomorrow night, when she goes up into that attic.
(Jerome Clarke likes this)
Patricia Williamson: Now my calls aren't even going through to Joy's voicemail! I'm just getting an unattainable signal! What does that mean?
Jerome Clarke: It just means that she's gotten tired of you bombarding her with messages and texts so she's gone and changed her phone contract.
(Alfie Lewis, Amber Millington and 5 others like this)
Patricia Williamson: Not funny Jerome!
Amber Millington: Our new History/Drama teacher is H-O-T!
(Nina Martin and Mara Jaffray like this.)
Mick Campbell: :'(
(Fabian Rutter likes this.)
Amber Millington: I am so pleased Mr. Flemmings had a heart attack!
(Nina Martin, Mara Jaffray and Patricia Williamson like this)
Alfie Lewis: Lol! XD
Amber Millington: Sorry, that didn't come out right!
(Nina Martin and Alfie Lewis like this)
Jason Winkler: You guys know I have a Facebook, right?
Amber Millington: …
(Nina Martin and Mara Jaffray like this)
Nina Martin: Awkward…
(Amber Millington and Jason Winkler like this)
Jason Winkler is now friends with Nina Martin, Patricia Williamson, Amber Millington and Mara Jaffray.
Alfie Lewis: You guys friended a teacher? Weird…
(Fabian Rutter likes this)
Mick Campbell: It's just because they think he's good looking!
(Nina Martin and Amber Millington like this.)
Nina Martin: No duh!
(Amber Millington likes this)
Fabian Rutter: Dislike!
(Alfie Lewis likes this)
Nina Martin: ?
Mick Campbell: He disliked it because he has a big crush on you!
(Jerome Clarke, Alfie Lewis and Amber Millington like this.)
Fabian Rutter: I do not!
Amber Millington: DO TOO!
(Mick Campbell likes this)
Fabian Rutter: No, I don't!
Nina Martin: You guys, I'm still here!
(Jason Winkler likes this)
Fabian Rutter:…Mick you better delete what you wrote!
Mick Campbell: No, you like her!
Fabian Rutter: NO I DON'T!
Amber Millington: Yes you do :)
(Nina Martin likes this)
Amber Millington: Nina, you're not guilt free either! Everyone knows you like Fabian!
(Mick Campbell, Mara Jaffray and 3 others like this.)
Nina Martin: No! That's so not true! :(
Fabian Rutter: This just got really awkward…
(Nina Martin likes this.)
Jason Winkler is now friends with Alfie Lewis and Jerome Clarke,
Nina Martin: HA! It's not so weird now, is it?
Alfie Lewis: No it's still weird you guys have a crush on our teacher…
(Jason Winkler and Fabian Rutter like this.)
Nina Martin: But you guys are friends with him too!
Jerome Clarke: Yeah, so we can use things from Facebook to blackmail him!
(Alfie Lewis likes this.)
Jason Winkler deleted Jerome Clarke and Alfie Lewis as friends.
(Amber Millington likes this)
Jerome Clarke: Ahh it's too bad. I bet we could have found some really good things!
(Alfie Lewis likes this)
And fin! What did you guys think? Should I continue this?