Disclaimer: I do not own anything Rookie Blue. I am however grateful for those who were amazing enough to bring it into our lives.
A/N: This takes place after the blackout. Some lines will be familiar. Decided to do shorter chapters this time, maybe updating will be more often and not so daunting a task in my crazy life. My first Sam/Andy fan fiction, hope you enjoy.
Chapter 1-Fishing for information
Sam's POV
Sam parked his truck and made his way to the front doors of 15th Division. A coffee cup in each hand, he was anxious to see Andy and talk to her about the night of the blackout. It had been three days since their "almost" night, and it was all he could think about for those three days. He had no idea what freaked her out or what made her decide to leave, he was only certain of one thing, he had never felt anything like that before….for anyone. He just needed to talk to her and see if there was any reciprocation. He felt like there was, but she was not quite herself after shooting that suspect. In any event, this was more than a crush now. He had to talk to her, then he would deal with the Luke issue, the TO/rookie issue, the making her his wife issue….. He laughed out loud. Shut up Sammy, one hurdle at a time. He smiled to himself as he saw Noelle approach him.
"You shouldn't have." She grinned as she pretended to reach for a coffee.
"I didn't." he replied
"Ouch. Who's the lucky girl?"
"I don't know, a bounce in your step, twinkle in your eye….if I didn't know any better, I would swear you were in love."
Sam stopped in his tracks, Noelle continued into the building.
Love…..Noooooo, what's she talking about?
Sam walked straight to the squad room searching desperately for Andy and hoping not to run into anyone else lest he lose his nerve. Luck was not on his side as he saw Luke of all people. His half hearted attempt to avoid his line of vision was a failure as the detective walked right towards him.
"Hey Swarek, we need to talk?"
"Is this about McNally?"
"I need your help."
Sam squinted at him in disbelief. Luke Callaghan is the last person he would ever want to help…ever.
"Today's her first shift back since the shooting, I'm afraid it will be a little weird for her."
"So, I am taking her to my fishing cabin on Simco after shift. It's an hour and a half drive and I don't want her to be delayed."
"Fishing cabin? McNally doesn't really strike me as the fishing type."
"Sammy, a fishing cabin has very little to do with actually fishing. Besides, it was her idea."
Sam felt his heart sink. How could this be? Yeah, Luke is her boyfriend, but after what happened, how could she? This was a reality he was not ready to face. He tried his best to keep his "poker face".
"Yeah, no problem. I won't get in your way."
"Thanks." With that Luke walked away. Sam would have also except he felt his legs go numb. This was not exactly how he expected this morning to go. What an ass I am! I'm acting like a loves struck teenager. What the hell was I thinking?
He took a deep breath and with a sigh walked over to the garbage to dump her coffee. He made his way to the locker room without any further conversation, changed into a t-shirt and uniform pants and walked into parade. He was off duty today and would be participating in retraining exercises with the other senior uniformed officers. If he could just avoid McNally during parade, she would be off to community service detail and he could try to figure out how to disregard this chapter of his life. When he woke this morning, all he could think about was talking to her, finally getting out what he didn't realize he'd been holding back for so long. He new he would have to get to work a little early just to see her before they went their separate ways today.
In light of his conversation with Luke, however, retraining couldn't have been planned better. The last thing he wanted right now was to be trapped in a squad car for ten hours with her.
He made small talk with Noelle and then as if on cue, there she was. He glanced over and didn't acknowledge the small wave she gave him. She looked uncomfortable. Not that it was his concern. Fortunately, Best walked in and gave him a distraction. After parade was over, Sam immediately went to congratulate his old friend on his new promotion. Then as fast as he could, he was getting the hell out of there. It would seem, that today was not his day as he heard Andy right on his heels.
"Sam, look I know we haven't seen each other since the other….listen, I really think we should talk."
"Andy, it's cool. It was what it was, okay?"
"What do you mean it was what it was?"
If he didn't know otherwise, he could have sworn that there was something in her eyes. Yeah, Most likely regret. He couldn't get into this,…. Here…now. This relationship would have been a no-no, but the non relationship issue, he could not bring attention to that either. Besides, she made her decision.
"Look, I know it's your specialty, but let's try not to over think this one." He looked her right in the eyes and gave her a slight smile before walking away. Only this time he saw something else, it wasn't regret, it look liked hurt.
Andy's POV
Andy had been so nervous to come to work today. Actually, she wasn't sure if it was nerves or anxiety or embarrassment. Any way you slice it, she was at least prepared for awkward. It had been a fairly quiet three days off. Luke and she had grabbed a quick dinner last night, he being so busy with the pedophile case. Mostly, she laid low at home. Thinking or thinking about her lack of thinking.
First of all, what was I thinking going to his house that night? What did I expect him to do? He's my TO. Like I haven't been enough trouble for him. And then what do I do? Kiss him? Way to go Andy, things weren't complicated enough. Oh God, but those kisses, and his hands and that chest…Get a grip Andy.
Andy couldn't help but smile at the memory and feel her cheeks get warm at the thought of Sam. She pulled herself together just as she walked into parade. He was like a magnet to her. She immediately caught his gaze and gave an awkward, hardly noticable wave. No reaction from Sam. He was sitting on a table talking to Noelle. You would have thought he had never met her before. Andy walked over to Traci and the other rookies. They would be doing community service at the local high schools while the veteran officers participated in retraining activities. Except for Gail who drew the long straw, as usual, and got to help Sgt. Best. Frank Best, newly promoted to Staff Sergeant walked into parade to address the group before shift.
Andy couldn't stop staring at Sam, and she couldn't help but think that something was definitely off. There were a million reasons why he might be pissed. She did kiss him, then she did leave him. Was he mad that she came to him or mad that she didn't stay? She had to believe it was the latter. She had never felt what she felt with him, that night. Not with Luke, not with anyone. She felt so safe in his arms, yet scared to death at the feelings that were rising to the surface. Thank God the lights came on so clearer heads could prevail. The only problem now was that she didn't want him clear of her head. If she could only get him alone to talk to him and see if maybe it was worth taking a chance. If she learned anything at all from this debacle, it was that she shouldn't be with Luke. Even if Sam rejected her, she couldn't stay in a passionless, non committed relationship where obviously she would never come first. As Best was concluding parade she gave one last glance over to Sam who was smiling at something Noelle said. Their eyes met for a second and the smile disappeared from his face. There was no way she could go on patrol not knowing exactly what was wrong. She was determined to catch up with him as he seemed to run from the parade room.
"Sam , look I know we haven't seen each other since the other...listen, I really think we should talk."
"Andy, it's cool. It was what it was, okay."
"What do you mean it was what it was?
She hoped her voice wasn't showing what her heart was feeling after his dismissal.
"Look, I know it's your specialty, but let's try not to over think this one." He gave a half smile and walked past her.
Any clarity she needed about that first comment certainly were cemented with that crack. It felt like she had stopped breathing. She was speechless, hurt and truly speechless. How could she have read things so wrong? She knew that there was something there. The night at the Penny, they would have kissed. She knew it. It wasn't that she didn't want to that night, she just figured that she had already had a rough start, starting something with her TO would have been tantamount to handing in her badge. She saw how he looked at her sometimes and knew that she looked at him in ways that were inappropriate for their working relationship, let alone that she was involved with someone.
"Hey you." she was suddenly jostled from her thoughts by non other than Luke.
"Hey." she attempted a smile
"So, we're all set for tonight." he said as he handed her a coffee.
"Ya know, um, Luke, I don't really know if tonight..."
"No, it's okay, I already spoke to Swarek."
"You did." the words coming out as almost a whisper.
"It's all fine. As far as he's concerned, your all mine."
"Great,... that's great." was about all she could muster as he walked away.
She glanced in the direction of where Sam had gone and there he was. One more look and he was gone again. She felt sick. No wonder he's avoiding me. This is going to be a very long day. She sighed as she went to go meet Chris at the squad car.