
What if Naruto had a mother during those many days he spent alone in the anime? What if for the first eight years of his life she took care of him raised him and taught him how to be a kenjutsu master and a excellent ninja? what if the villagers didn't know the kyuubi was sealed away inside him? Well this is that exact story. NaruxSaku poll vote

This is my first fan fic by myself but, if you like my story, check out the other one rpgirl777 and I are working on: The Forgotten Princess and the Kitsune Demon.

Disclamer: I own no part of Naruto, I just love to write about the boy.

Chapter 1

A Not So Happy Beginning

A rage filled roar tore through the skies of the village hidden in the leaves. Step back in time were the Kyuubi's reign, the reign of the mightily nine tails was the nightmare for all. Step back to a younger village threatened by the ultimate demon. Step back to 8 years into the past of the village hidden in the leaves.

"Dammit, Where the hell is the Yondaime?!" yelled a ninja as a massive fox tail struck the ground, destroying the forest around the area as well as taking some of his comrades along with it. "He's coming soon!" Replied a fellow ninja, the mortal eyes of these ninja looked up at a massive beast that would make even the mountains seem like hills, its blood curdling roar echoed out into the night.

"He always comes through for us in the end." Spoke another ninja that seem to join with his comrades trying to give them comfort.

A battle with this monster, the Nine tails, was truly a battle against a god itself, no...a demon. All the ninjas of the village could do was hold the beast back as well as the could until Yondaime would arrive, the last hope of their village.

* * *

Meanwhile at the Konoha's Hospital, a new born babe's cry rang out as a long red hair woman held the boy with love and care within her arms. The almost sky blue eyes of the red hair woman looked down at her only son with true mother's love.

"My Son…My little Naruto, you are my world…" The woman spoke softly, as she lost almost all her strength during the birthing process. The baby cooed as his mother held him dearly. Light blond hair crowned the young baby's head along with deep blue piercing eyes looked up at his mother.

"You look so much like your father…" Spoke the weak mother as she gave a kiss to the young baby head, causing the new born to giggle slightly.

As if on cue, the young babe's father entered the room, long white cloak billowing behind him making the flame design on the tail ends of the cloak danced as if they were real. Long spike blond hair just like his son, along with those deep blue eyes the woman fell in love with, proved that this was Minato Namikaze, also known as Yondaime Hokage of this fearful village that was under attack by the large demon, Kyuubi.

"K…Kushina dear…" said Minato nervously, his blue eyes looked down at his shoes; he couldn't bear to look at her. When ever Minato talked to her this way it always meant trouble.

"What is it dear?" said Kushina weakly as she still cradled Naruto in her arms. Minato paused a bit, fearful of what need to be said, "Kushina I… I need Naruto…" He looked at his lover with sadden eyes.

Kushina's eyes widened in realization, she knew what was going to happen. "No… no! You can't, Minato… not our son… our only son. W-what about Naruto? I mean you'll die if you do this… who will be his father…Can't… cant someone else do it?" She question as she shook her head, clutching Naruto close to her, as tears streamed down her face...

"Minato, not Naruto… not our son" She pleaded to the Hokage. The young leader looked down, wincing at the pain in his heart, he truly didn't want this… he wished it could end another way, but it was the only way, and if the village had to lose a child he rather be his child. Naruto wouldn't have a normal life, but he will have his son be honored as a Hero.

"Believe me Kushina…I… I don't like it any more than you." Spoke Minato. He closed his eyes trying to hold back his tears… Think of the village, dammit, "I mean… He's my only child, my son…I… I don't want this, but you know I can't handle this monster with regular attacks and no one else can do this beside me….I'm sorry, my love" Spoke Minato as a tear escaped from his deeply sadden blue eyes.

Kushina nodded slowly, she understood what must be done. The red hair woman did what was the hardest thing she had to do in her ninja carrier… She handed Naruto over to her husband with eyes filled with tears. "Minato… make sure nothing bad happens to him…I…I love you, always…" she spoke softly; her strength draining from her rapidly. As she fell back onto her bed she was gently caught by Tsunade as she suddenly appear next to the long haired mother. Tsunade was one of the top medics in the hospital at the time, and she was there when Kushina was giving birth to little Naruto. Tsunade slowly placed the tired mother onto her pillow only having enough time to spot the Hokage nodding to his wife's words. With that the blond ninja left the room. He knew what he had to do.

* * *

The thick and once lush green forest that grew plentiful around the village was nothing more than a battle ground of fallen ninja and mutilated stubs of what used to be trees. The Kyuubi raged on as it's long massive fox tails swayed and slammed into many things. Trees, land, mountains...everything fell to it monstrous power. The Kyuubi let out another rage filled roar as its red eyes glared at the Toad Boss that dared to appear before him. On top of the toad boss was Minato, the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha, or the Yellow Flash of Konoha as he was also called.

A grim look befell his features as he stood on top of the Toad he summoned himself, He looked down at his son who he cradled in his arms. He knew that what he will do would either cost him and Naruto there lives, or his wife and his son will be shunned by the village for the rest of there lives. But as he looked onward at the Kyuubi, the mighty demon smiled with his fangs gleaming and growled at the young Hokage. The Yondaime steeled his resolve as his friends and comrades fell to the power of the fox left and right... Carefully placing Naruto in his arm, he began to make hand seals as he looked at the fox. Many of the shinobi below noticed the actions of their Hokage and realized that he had a plan, but by the look of his face it was one he will always regret. Summoning all their strength and then some they lunged towards the monster fox, doing there best to hold the fox off. If their leader was willing to do something that will hurt him dearly, both in mind and body, the least they can do is fight with all there heart and spirit, fight with the Will of Fire.

Their resolve, strength and fiery will gave the Yondaime enough time to complete his jutsu, with one final seal he finishes it "FUUINJUTSU: REAPER DEATH SEAL!!!" Roared the Hokage as tears fell from his deep blue eyes. A Shinigami, God of death, appeared as the heavens ripped apart a dark light surrounding the Shinigami appeared before the Demonic fox and reached deep within his crimson furred chest, the monster let out an ear splitting painful roar, it struggled and lashed out at the Shinigami, in hopes of getting away, but this jutsu had the fox were he wanted it. With a fanged smile on the demonic face of the Death god, it pulled out half the Fox's soul and sealed the remainder of it in Naruto. The reddish-black form of the fox's soul swirled into a vortex as it was bound into the body of the young baby.

The Yondaime held his son close to his chest, embracing him as the blond ninja slowly began to lose his balance on top of the massive Toad's head. He swayed back and forth, his summon called out his name, trying to get him to keep it together, but it seem that the man didn't hear one word. Suddenly his body fell, and the large summon reached out to his summoner only to disappear before his webbed hand could catch the falling body of Minato. On the ground a white hair sage named Jiraiya caught his former student, a grim look on his face as he looked down at the leader of the village. He was on his last leg and about to pass over to the next world. Minato still held Naruto safely in his arms, making sure at least his son would survive this. He couldn't even tell if he was being held or if the angels above were the ones that were holding him.

The dying ninja spoke his last words to his infant son, "M-my son forgive me for leaving you…I.. I always wanted a family…" tears started to fall from his quickly dimming eyes, "I love you my son and your mother too… always…" With the last bit of his strength he struggled to pull Naruto close to him and placed a kiss on the young golden blonde's forehead. With a proud smile on his feature, The Yondaime, Minato… The 4th Hokage of the village hidden in the leaves, faded away into the deep darkness of death.

Jiraiya looked down at his dead student within his arms, he winced a bit at the pain in his chest from catching Minato from his fall, only to snap out of his morning when Naruto cooed weakly.

"Kakashi!" The long white hair ninja looked over at a bored looking ninja and handed Little Naruto to him, with a nod the ninja showed he understood what he had to do, Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke as he hurried off towards the hospital.

* * *

After dropping off Naruto at the hospital, Kakashi headed over to the Hokage office, ready to give his report to the new, recently reinstated Hokage. The elder Sandaime, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Kakashi spoke of everything that happen in the battle of the village against the Nine tails Demon, How Minato had sealed the Kyuubi and how his son, Naruto was now the holder of the Kyuubi's soul.

The one eyed ninja had to tell Kushina of what had happened, so she wouldn't worry about her child, after the report he quickly sprinted off towards the Hospital.

* * *

At the Hospital, The medic ninja tending to the post labor woman noticed something about Kushina, her strength and life force was leaving her…

Tsunade had to think quickly, if this continued, Naruto would be alone in the world, a look of determination entered the light brown eyes of this female ninja. The village already lost the 4th Hokage they will not lose his wife.

"Kushina… at the rate your going… with the stress and child birth you wont live much longer..." Explained Tsunade to Kushina, many of the other nurses in the room were crying. This mother gave up so much, how could her life be taken away too?

"I can save you," Explained the pale blond haired woman as she held the hand of Kushina. " but… you wont be able to use chakra like you use to… it will cause strain on your body and weaken you so much that it could kill you…" Tsunade paused, making sure what she said sunk into her patient's head. "Do I have your permission to apply the seal?" she finally asked.

Kushina just nodded weakly as tears streamed down her face, she wanted to be a strong ninja for her son... but if she had to do this to keep her child from being alone in the world, she would give up anything for it.

Tsunade sighed and placed a green glowing hand on the chest of the mother, a seal that took the form of a kanji for life, appeared on the chest. The sudden shock of new chakra flowing into her weaken body, it made her face contort into a silent scream as her face showed pure pain.

* * *

Some hours have past since the death of Minato and the seal that was placed on his wife(life giving chakra seal) and son(death reaper seal). The hospital room of Kushina stirred a bit, the red hair mother had gotten up and took a cloak.. With the new born Naruto in her arms she headed to her home, there she cleaned everything out, everything that was important to this broken family.

Explosive tags were placed all over the entire house inside and out. Kushina was told by Kakashi to leave and escape the village or risk the Hokage having to tell the council about the seal and losing Naruto to their cold grip. With everything packed and taken care of she left no trace behind, she only looked back once at the home her and Yondaime once spent there newly wed lives in. With a sigh she left the village hidden in the leaves but just as she left she detonated the paper bombs.

The back wind of the explosion made her hair danced in the wind. The young mother held her baby close to herself as she rushed off, leaving behind everything of the village hidden in the leaves. The only thing left of this family was the memory of the Namikaze name that would show up in the history books because of her late husband who gave his life for his village to seal the most powerful and feared bijuu into there newborn child.

As she headed on her journey to a land that was once her home, and that would once again become her home, she found herself reminiscing about Whirlpool Village or Uzu no Kuni, Though it is no longer a village, it was still her only place to go along with Naruto. Just before she left the now demolished home, she had left a message to the one and only person she considered to be her mother, role model and friend...Tsunade.

As Kushina left the village behind along with everyone of the village she held dear, silent tears fell from her eyes. She moved with the speed of a experienced ANBU and stealth that would put the shadows to shame as she put as much distance between her and the village as she could, only making brief stops in order to to feed Naruto and gather her own energy.

After a long three weeks of constant moving she made it to the land she once called her home, a cluster of small islands scattered near the edge of the sea, each one baring a home to someone who lived in the small community. Kushina not wasting any time found an uninhabited island and began to build a home to live in what she hoped would be peace. While she made her home she was thankful that many people of the village offered to help her. One of them was a man by the name of Fenrir, the small village's leader. He had known Kushina from long ago when Whirlpool was still an heavily active village. Being a former jonin sensei of Whirlpool, he had actually worked with her on several occasions. His wife, Matsuki, had brought there daughter, Yumi, a raven haired girl with bright pink eyes... Her and Naruto would become fast friend, sharing there young child hood together.

* * *

Four long years had past since the day that made Kushina a normal person, the day that made Naruto special and the day that made Naruto and Kushina the only people of there broken family. Naruto had grown into a fine child, looking more and more like his father each day. Currently he was running around with Yumi and some of the other village children. Yumi and Naruto had bonded and formed an unbreakable attachment to each other over the four years. They ate together, spent the night at each others house and even trained together. Amazingly enough Yumi had nearly the same amount of stamina as Naruto. They where playing a special game of ninja, actually using chakra in a game of tag as they jumped from tree to tree and ran up and down trees and walls as several of the other kids from the small village did the same to make the game more interesting. The village had made sure they had a strong defense against bandits so even the children at a early age were trained in the way of the ninja in the village of whirlpool.

The village with its new life of children and people were becoming livelier, but it would be a while until they fully came back as a viable power. Even Fenrir had told Kushina that maybe in another thirty years the village might become what it used to be when Kushina was a child. Who know...with the children they were watching it may even be better then before.

Naruto at the age of four was already becoming an excellent ninja because of the tutelage of his mother. She had him train with physical exercises in the early morning, and during the evening she would teach him kenjutsu, genjutsu and ninjutsu. But during the day he played and spent most of his time with Yumi, his best friend. The training that Kushina put Naruto through even with his legendary stamina had him aching and near the point of exhaustion. Every night Naruto would wear chakra suppressors and switch to chakra weights during the day, never taking them off unless he showered. On Naruto's fifth birthday, he and Yumi both shared a birthday party since Yumi had the same birthday as Naruto. Soon Naruto and Yumi would become true whirlpool ninja and their bond would start to change forever...

See what happens next episode of my story soon next chapter: Red Chakra and a Friend in Danger