Just a little cutesy one-shot I wanted to write about Max and the flock. Fang is OOC.
Disclaimer- Well, in all my other stories I'm not JP, so I don't see how I could be in this story.
I heard Gazzy call my name from outside. I raced to my window. (A/N: They're staying at Dr. Martinez's house.) "What Gazzy?" I asked.
He yelled back up, "I see some tracks in the garden, they look kind of eraser-y."
I rushed downstairs to look in the garden, that was weird, Gazzy was shirtless and in his bathing suit, I guess he was playing with the hose when he found the tracks.
"Where are they?" I asked, adrenaline pumping.
"Right there," he pointed to a spot behind some bushes. I bent over to look at it and was hit by something in the butt. Then I registered wetness. Was I bleeding?
I turned around to see Fang, halfway across the lawn, laughing his ass off. How un-fanglike.
Suddenly Iggy came out of the bushes and Gazzy pulled out a squirt gun. Shit.
They all started squirting me at the same time and I screamed, hoping someone would SAVE ME! I was still being soaked with water and had no-where to go, AND my shirt didn't have slits so I couldn't do a U&A.
I saw Nudge and Angel burst through the door (Ella was at a sleepover) and the squirting stopped for a second.
Iggy yelled, "PLAN B!" and Gazzy started squirting Angel, Iggy was shooting at Nudge, and Fang was still shooting water at me. I ran through the stream and tackled him. We were both wrestling for the gun and each got squirted enough to be soaked.
Iggy walked over and saw me straddling Fang. "Really guys? There are young children," he turned away and whispered, "teenage hormones, watcha gonna do?" (A/N: I know that's not proper grammar, but its just how I think Iggy talks, get over it.)
Enough time to take 3 showers later _
Angel came up with a brilliant plan for revenge. Except for the fact that we had to use moms cookies for it! (Cries)
We put jalapenos in the cookie batter, knowing they wouldn't notice and just scarf down the cookies. It's weird, the flock can eat sour anything, but I'm the only one with heat tolerance. Whatever.
When the cookies were done, I put some jalapeno juice on them for good measure, and Nudge, Angel, and I all got big glasses of water.
My mom called them down, she was in on our prank. Fang looked at me questioningly when he walked down and saw I wasn't eating any of the cookies.
I shrugged. "Mom already made a batch that I finished, I'm full." I rubbed my belly.
He turned and started shoving cookies in his mouth, along with Iggy and Gazzy. They all pulled away at the same time, looking frantic, their eyes watering.
Us girls all took big sips of our water at that, only to have our glasses ripped out of our hands by the boys. How selfish.
Burn mouths, burn, burn until there's nothing left. Wait! I changed my mind! Save Fang's mouth! Especially his lips! Noooo!
Those are some funny thoughts, Max, I heard Angel laughing in my mind.
And, wait for it, Fang just busted out laughing. He spit water all over Nudge! Grr. I bet Angel forwarded my thoughts to him.
After about 2 minutes of non-stop laughter, Fang walked over. "I love you too," he said in that sarcastic but not mean kind of mushy way.
He kissed me and I pulled away. "Ugh, jalapenos," I snorted.