A/N: Now that I think on it not a lot of trainers have pokedexs so I'm justifying it with the Hokage's former title of "Professor", I'm also nixing the poketch since it takes a chunk out of Jubilife City encounters.

Disclaimer: I don't claim to own Pokemon or Naruto, but I do have legal copies of the games.

Pokemon: Fighting Dreamer

Chapter 2: Dreamers

"I'm sorry Naruto, I know that you passed but right now those were all the starter pokemon available. You'll have to come back later to receive your pokemon. Now for the rest of you, I want you to take the rest of today to get to know your pokemon and be back here tomorrow to get your new equipment as trainers. Namely your pokeballs and a pokedex, anything else is all up to you."


As the genin and their new pokemon started to leave, Naruto slumped in his seat feeling lower then a dunsparce belly. "What did Hokage-jiji mean there weren't anymore pokemon to choose from. How could the old man run out, didn't he know how many genin would be here today?"

Everyone but him was able to get a pokemon today, how long would he have to wait. A day, a week, maybe even a month; he didn't know. By that time, he would be miles behind everyone and would never catch up. Naruto felt a hand pat his shoulder and his sight followed it up to Shikamaru's face.

"Hey Naruto man that's a real drag, why don't you drop by later and you can get a look at Choji's munchlax and my new slowpoke."

"Yea Naruto, I can bring some snacks even."

Naruto knew they was trying to be nice by inviting him over. And he knew it wasn't their fault that he didn't get a pokemon, so he just gave them a wave and mentioned he might drop by. Once everybody had left it was just Naruto and Iruka in the classroom. Iruka couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy and knew just the pick-me-up that could always worked for Naruto.


"Yes Iruka-sensei?"

"How about you and me go get some Ichiraku ramen, my treat."

That did it, Naruto picked right up. Iruka could still see he was disappointed at being the only one to not get a pokemon. But the prospect of free ramen was too good an opportunity for a depressed Naruto to pass up.

"Come on Iruka-sensei lets go!"

"Haha slow down Naruto the ramen isn't going anywhere."


Outside the Hokage Tower the freshly minted genin with their new pokemon were trying to decide how to best get to know each other. Kiba, Hinata, and Shino had all decided to go home to their families to show off their partner pokemon. Shikamaru and Choji left to hang out together, and Sasuke went off to start his training. While nobody saw were Sai went it was easy to see exactly what Sakura and Ino were doing. They had immediately started fighting again to see who would get to go with Sasuke, or in their minds special alone time training.

"Ino your such a spoink, Ne Sasuke-kun would you like go back to the pokemon center with me. I can ask Kaa-san to do a check-up on your cyndaquil. And while you wait we can… hehehe." The pinkett formed a small blush at all the thoughts of playing "doctor".

Ino wasn't about to throw in the towel for her love. "Why would Sasuke-kun want to go with you to that stuffy center forehead-girl when he would much rather come to my family's sweet smelling flower shop. Right Sasuke-kuuun."


Sasuke just kept walking away ignoring their attempts at whooing him. He didn't need those too chatots screeching in both his ears all day while he trained. He was an avenger and every second that he wasted on frivolous things like friends or playing, that man was getting farther and farther away from him. If he was ever going to get his revenge then there was no time to waist now that he had a powerful pokemon.

"Oh look what you did Ino, your ugly made him run away. Now he can't go out with me."

"What I did, what YOU did."

"He girls I'll take you both out if that's all you want."



Poor Kiba, he never saw the double sucker punch coming.


A little while later at Konoha's pokemon center Sakura was greeted by the usual sight of her mother, Kane, working at the front desk checking the vitals of pokemon in their care.

"Welcome to the Konoha Pokemon Center I'll be with you in just a minute."

"It me Kaa-san."

Nurse Joy looked up to see her daughter Sakura Joy walk into the center caring a cute little happiny she assumed was her new pokemon.

"Oh is that the pokemon Sarutobi-san gave you. I thought you wanted a grass type?"

"Well yea, but she was just so cute and pink and I just love Pink-chan, and now I can be just like you Kaa-san when she evolves."

"Aha, mission 'start sakura on her way to nurses school' was a complete success.". Kane Joy had always worried that growing up in a ninja village would turn her daughter away from the family business of running pokemon centers, but it looks like she couldn't resist her bait. Giving her little kunoichi a kind smile Kane had a devious idea to subtlety improve Sakura's pokemon nurturing skills. Hey, you pick up a few things here and there when you live in a ninja village like Konoha.

"Oh, I know just the gift to give my little shinobi for passing her genin test, Blissey could you come here please and bring what you found behind the center this morning."

"What is it, new kunai, a secret scroll of techniques."

"Nope it's even better."

Blissey came from the back of the center, but something about her appearance was a little off. Was it the apron, no. Maybe her nurses cap, it was the same. Ah, Sakura finally noticed it, it was her egg. Blissey had a blue and black egg with a yellow star on top instead of her usual white one. Oh, it was a pokemon egg, was her mother going to give it to her. Blissey gave her Kaa-san the egg and Sakura was amazed to see another take it's place grow in an instant as Blissey went back to work.

"Thank you Blissey, Sakura-chan I was going to send this egg to a breeder to take care of but I want you to have it since I'm sure it will grow up really strong. Especially if you raise it."

Kane held out the egg for Sakura and watched as she showed the egg of to her little pokemon.

"Wow the first addition to my team, isn't this great Pink-chan."

"Happi pi pini!"

"Now that that's done I need your help with the poke-patients."

"But Kaa-san-"

"No buts I don't care if it is your first day as a trainer and a genin."

Sakura didn't feel like turning sheets or cleaning bed pans again, so she executed her secret OHKO technique that had 100% accuracy on her mother. The dreaded kitten look. Big watery eyes, and imaginary tail and ears, Sakura tilted her head and held out her hand like a paw.


Nurse Joy was shocked, no she couldn't look. Not when Sakura looked like a newborn glameow. It was to powerful, much to cute to look, and she gave in.

"Ok you can go."

Kane mourned her loss while Sakura held up the V for victory sign.

"Super effective hit-nya!"

"Fine go play while your mother cares for sick pokemon, all alone, in the dark. To be attacked by nuke-nin at any time."

"Ok Kaa-san, lets go find Sasuke-kun Pink-chan."


"…, "

Preview: Uchiha clan were once the best move tutors in the world, some were even able to completely analyze and memorize a technique in just a glance.