The following Monday both Ryo and Dee sat in the Ob/Gyn's office readying themselves for the amniocentesis. It was hard to tell who was more nervous. It didn't help that they had ended up being called to the scene of a murder. The shooting death of a twenty year old affirmed gang member. The killing was assumed to be a hit from rival gang over drugs and whose turf was whose. The never ending cycle of blood, dope, and crying mothers over their lost babies.
While the case did take precedence, the Chief and Rose made sure that Ryo and Dee went to their scheduled appointment. They knew the amnio would have Ryo laid up for a day or two, so Dee would come in later that day when Ryo was settled to work with them on the case. Ryo, if he was feeling up to it, would communicate with them via phone call. He would also use his home time to contact some possible witnesses, as well as keep tabs on the tip line to see who might know the shooter.
So there they sat, waiting anxiously to be called in. They were told it might be awhile because Dr. Gehring was upstairs with a patient who had a last minute emergency. Suddenly at reception Ryo caught two familiar faces. When they turned around the two beamed.
"Well if it isn't Mr. Randy Maclean-Laytner!" It was Joel Weinstein-Fitzgerald and his husband Kevin. In a baby carrier strapped to the large man's chest was their baby Isaiah.
Ryo smiled.
"I'm surprised you remember me." He said extending his hand.
"Honey, believe me we don't forget faces very fast." Joel said. "And look at you! All aglow with that cute little bump there!"
Joel reached out and rubbed it.
"Hey!" Dee said not liking someone was invading his husband's personal space.
"Oh and is this your husband!?" Joel said happily. "I was right wasn't I Kevin, absolutely handsome! They are going to have one gorgeous baby."
Kevin sighed and looked at Dee.
"Please excuse my husband Mr. Maclean-Laytner." He said. "Joel is a very exuberant man and he is always thrilled when there is a pregnancy be it ours or someone elses. But he means well. We met your husband a few months ago when we were at the park with our kids. He's a very good man."
Dee hmmphed but wrapped his arm around Ryo.
"He is." He said.
"Isaiah has gotten so big!" Ryo exclaimed.
Joel grinned.
"Just turned one last month." He said. "We are here for a quick check with Dr. Gehring while Tovah and Patrick are at Play Group. Then we are probably going to switch him over to Dr. Gehring's wife on the Pediatric Wing after this visit. Tova and Patrick love her!"
"Ryo?" Dee asked still a little confused.
"Oh jeez, yes I'm sorry Dee." He said. "This is Kevin and Joel Weinstein-Fitzgerald. Kevin and Joel, this is my husband Dee Maclean-Laytner. Dee, I met the Weinstein-Fitzgeralds just after I found out I was expecting."
"A pleasure to meet you!" Kevin said shaking Dee's hand.
"And you didn't take us up on our dinner invitation!" Joel said with a hmph.
Ryo blushed.
"I'm sorry, it's been a very busy time for Dee and I." He said as they sat down. Isaiah was put on the floor amusing himself with some toys with Joel by his side.
"Relax." Kevin said. "We understand."
"Dee, Kevin and Joel have two other children, fraternal twins along with Isaiah. Joel is also able to get pregnant." Ryo said to his husband happily
"No kidding!" He said. "Good for you man."
"So you're a cop too huh?" Kevin said. "Damn I miss those days."
Dee raised an eyebrow.
"You were one as well?"
"Army Police." Kevin said. "Honorably discharged after a ten year stint and a bullet to the arm in the Middle East. Took me forever to get it back to normal.
"That's when I met him." Joel said rubbing his husband's knee. "In physical therapy. I was there after having broken my leg after taking a tumble while jogging."
"Year later we marry." Kevin continued. "Year after that here comes Tova and Patrick. And, now we have Isaiah."
"So enough about us!" Joel said excitedly. "Tell us how you became the Maclean-Laytners."
Ryo and Dee rehashed their story about how they came to be. Joel was smiling.
"You two are so adorable together!" He said. "And with a son and a baby on the way. The picture perfect family!"
Dee laughed.
"If you met Bikky, you'd think twice about that!" Dee said. "He's a pai-"
"A handful!" Ryo corrected. "A typical teenager with a not so typical background. But he's our son and we love him just as much as this baby."
"Have you been doing well with your pregnancy so far?" Kevin asked.
Ryo nodded.
"I have days of headaches and not feeling so great."
"And big cravings!" Dee said with a laugh.
Ryo glared at him.
"But for the most part, I feel okay."
"Oh don't let him get to you about those cravings!" Joel said sitting on the couch and lifting Isaiah onto his lap. "You are eating for two and look amazing! I looked like a big ole blimp when I had the twins."
"You did not." Kevin said wrapping an arm around his husband. "You stayed in shape and ate well. You were housing two five pounders, again, not common for a man carrying twins, and you looked absolutely fine."
"I was still huge when I was carrying Isaiah!"
"Isaiah was near 9lbs." Kevin argued. "Apparently large babies run in our family. I was 10lbs when I was born. They just take after me when it comes to the weight genes."
"Great, they are all going to be looking like body builders before they all reach ten!" Joel said with a pout.
The group laughed and Ryo touched his belly feeling another flutter.
"Whew." He said with a breath. "I still can't seem to get used to those little kicks."
Joel smiled.
"Aren't they wonderful!" He said. "Though prepare yourself because once it gets bigger, no bodily organ is safe. I am almost certain Isaiah bruised a kidney."
"Are you having a boy or a girl?" Kevin asked.
"We decided to wait until the baby is born." Dee answered. "This whole thing has been such a surprise, we thought, why not continue?"
"Randy?" A nurse called out.
Dee and Ryo stood up.
"Well it's amnio time." Ryo said. "Did you ever have one Joel?"
Joel nodded.
"We thought it was best to test for everything under the sun." He said. "Don't worry, they do a great job in there! And I am sure your baby is going to be just fine!"
"It's his sixth sense ya know." Kevin said with a wink.
Ryo smiled.
"Yeah, I know."
A little while later Ryo laid on a cot with Dee holding his hand. Dr. Gehring walked in a little while later.
"Hello Ryo, Dee." He said. "I am so sorry if I kept you waiting for too long. A patient of mine had been experiencing premature labor and had been brought into the hospital. Thankfully we were able to stop it before any complications arose. She's now on bed rest and medication for the remainder of the pregnancy."
Ryo gulped.
"How does that happen?"
"There can be a number of reasons why." Dr. Gehring said as he prepped for the amnio. "Infections, structural issues with the uterus, very high stress levels. Don't worry Ryo, if you continue to progress as you are and we closely monitor you as we have then I don't anticipate you having any such complications. However, should you feel something is not right, then you call me or 911 immediately. Do not chance it."
"Just keep doing what you are doing." Dee said rubbing his husband's knuckles with his thumb.
"Alright, let's get this amnio underway." Matt said. "First we are going to do an ultrasound to see how baby is doing and measure it out. Then we will start with the procedure."
An ultrasound was brought in and Dr. Gehring rubbed the cool gel across Ryo's exposed belly then began moving the wand across his waist.
"And there you are." Matt said. "Take a look gentlemen."
"Oh my god." Dee said.
"My baby." Ryo whispered at the little blob on the screen. It was on its back. It's little spine showing and feet curled up. It's hands were up in the air.
"I think he or she might be sleeping." Matt said with a smile.
Ryo wiped his eyes.
"And there's the heart." Matt pointed out to the little jumping mass above the spine. "I like the way its moving."
Ryo stifled back a sob as Dee kissed his cheek,
"It's beautiful." Dee said. "It looks so strong."
"I'm sorry." Ryo said. "I just can't believe, that, we made, him or her and that's them on that screen and..inside of me."
Dee caressed Ryo's hair his own eyes shining with tears he was fighting not to shed.
"The baby looks great." Gehring said with a smile after a few minutes of hunting for the amniotic sac. "All measurements are in the normal range. Now its time we start the amnio."
Ryo nodded and took a breath.
"Okay." He whispered. He turned to his husband.
"You ready Dee?"
Dee nodded and held his hand tightly.
"Let's do it."
Dr. Gehring was gentle and methodical throughout the procedure. There was a little pain and Dee did his best to keep his husband calm as the needle went into his skin and into the womb where the needle gathered the the amniotic fluid needed for the test. They watched the whole procedure on the ultrasound monitor and when he was done, the baby's heart beat was tested to make sure there had been no complications.
"Okay, we are all done!" He said happily. "And there appears to be no problems whatsoever. The samples will be taken to the lab and you should find out in about a week, two tops whether there are any problems with baby. Now Ryo, I want you to go home and rest. You may experience a little pain or cramping, but that shouldn't last no more than a day or two. No heavy lifting or strenuous activity including sex for up to three days. If you find that the site is leaking, you are having any bleeding, or you are in a good amount of pain, get to the hospital."
"Yes Matt." Ryo said as Dee helped him to his feet.
"Good, I'll see you in a few weeks and before you go I will have a copy of the ultrasound pics prior to the amnio printed for you."
"Better make those doubles doc." Dee said with a laugh. "I'll show them at the station while I am on shift tonight!"
"You got it Dee." Dr. Gehring said and left Ryo to clean up a little.
"How you feeling?" Dee asked.
"Sore." Ryo said. "But not too bad."
"Let's get you home and your feet up." Dee said. "I'll make sure Bikky understands to keep it down at the apartment and let you relax."
Ryo nodded and headed to reception where the ultrasound pics were waiting.
"Oh the couple that was here before you!" The receptionist said. "They left you this note."
Dee took the note.
"Joel and Kevin said that when we are feeling up to it to please give them a call so we can set up a play date. Their phone number is on here and they said to feel free to bring Bikky."
Ryo chuckled.
"They are such nice people." Ryo said as they got on the elevator. "I really am glad to have met them. Once this and the case is dealt with, we'll take them up on that offer. I am sure they will bring their other two children. They are very sweet. It might help Bikky also get used to being around younger kids."
"Ooo." Dee said. "I like that idea. Hopefully he will meet his match with those two."
Ryo glared, but laughed anyway. Placing a hand on his belly his sighed.
"Well, let's hope everything turns out okay little one."
Information about amniocentesis found at: babycenterdotcom /0_amniocentesis_ ?page=1