This is the LAST chapter!
But, there's going to be a sequel!
Now, on with the LAST chapter!
'But what if he doesn't always have my back? What if he dies in a battle zone? What if he stops liking me?'
That thought scared me a little.
I lost control of my fire power; I screamed and completely covered myself with fire, then began to continuously throw fire balls at Spinner and Stanford.
"Kerstin! Stop!" Agura yelled at me, I began to stop, but, I lost control, and I couldn't stop.
I arched my back, my arms fell slightly, and my hands turned into claws. My body was so bright from the fire, all I could see was a bright light. The pain was terrible. Tears flowed down my cheeks.
I couldn't talk, every time I opened my mouth and tried to speak, it just came out as a ear shattering scream. I tried, again and again, until I finally got a word out. "…help…" And then suddenly, my power weakened, and I wasn't on fire anymore. I fell to my knees and placed my hands over my heart as everyone crowded around me.
I breathed slowly and carefully, "I'm good…I'm good." I then slowly and shakily got up, with the help of Tezz of course.
"Are you okay Kerstin?" Vert asked looking at my eyes. Probably to make sure I wasn't lying.
I nodded. "Yeah, all the pain's gone." I said as smiled and stopped shaking. "I'm going to be fine guys."
They just nodded and gave me worried smiles, just then, our wrist-coms went off.
"Storm shock guys!" Vert said, he looked at me again, "are you sure you're okay?" I nodded again, and gave him a reassuring smile. "Agura, Stanford, is it okay if you stay?" Agura nodded and Stanford huffed.
We jumped into our vehicles, waved at Agura and drove off into Salt Flats, where we came face-to-face with a blue electrical tornado. The wheels on my Gladiator turned from gray to red; I looked around to see everyone else's vehicles have done the same. We began to lift up into the air. 'Los geht's…'(here we go)
Normal POV
Vert changed the channel of his com-link in his Saber. He didn't want anyone to know what he was about to ask Sage.
Especially Kerstin.
"Hey Sage." Vert said, awaiting her response.
Sage's image appeared in front of him. "Yes Vert?"
"Uh, Kerstin kind of…blew up with her fire powers, and I wanted to know if there is anything wrong with her." He asked.
Back at the Hub, Sage pulled up a screen with an image of Kerstin on it. Sage scanned over the screen; she gasped, she had feared this might happen. "Vert, there is a problem."
Vert got worried at that, "what?" By now they had drove into the storm shock.
Sage took in a breath, "Kerstin has become a bomb." Vert's eyes widened. "When she lost control, she set off something in her body that was controlling her power."
Vert grew pale, "H-how much t-time does she have l-left?" He stuttered. He feared what she'd say next.
There was a long silence, "I do not know," Vert got nervous, if they didn't know, then they could be in the Hub, and she suddenly explode. "I am sorry to say this Vert but, she can not leave the battle zone you are going into."
"What? We can't do that to her Sage!" Vert exclaimed, he would never ever do that to a friend.
"Going through this storm shock lessens her time, if she goes back through the portal…she could explode and destroy everything in at least three states." Sage said solemnly. "You have to find a way to make her stay there."
Vert only nodded at Sage's image, then it disappeared just as they came out of the portal, it was humid and valley-like with a giant lake, it looked so peaceful…except for the dark sky, stormy clouds, and dead trees. "Okay guys, lets find the key before Krytus and his gang show up."
Spinner spoke up as everyone was going their separate ways. "Vert, you okay dude? You sounded a little sad."
Kerstin decided to speak then. "Yeah, are you feeling okay? Is there some wrong?" Vert smiled and shook his head.
She began to feel weird…but just shook it off, thinking it was just her nerves.
"I'm fine, just a little…tired." Then he smiled at her. "Don't worry…I'm not the one to be worried about…" He whispered that last bit to himself.
He didn't want her to hear…or anybody else that is…
Just then, the RS5 came up over the valley's edge. Krytus looked at his teammates. "Attack!" They all sped down the large hill towards the Battle Force 5.
"Everyone, scatter!" Vert commanded. All five vehicles moved away from each other, and began to attack counterparts: Vert vs. Krytus, Sherman and Spinner vs. Krylox, Zoom vs. Kytren, and Tezz vs. Kyrosys.
Kerstin looked around, "uh, who do I fight?"
"Me." Said a vicious voice, Kerstin turned her vehicle to see one almost like hers; the red sentient laughed. "I am Kyburi, your soon-to-be murderer." She laughed again, sending shivers down Kerstin's back.
"I highly doubt that." Kerstin said raising one front limb and smashing it into the Venikus' side. Kerstin smiled.
She felt weird again, but this time, it was different, more powerful and intense. She was so distracted by the odd feelings, she let her guard down, and Kyburi jumped on top of the Gladiator, "hey, get off Hot Head!" the Gladiator jumped upward and flipped, knocking the Venikus off her vehicle. Making the Venikus hit the ground roughly.
Kyburi growled and pulled her vehicle on all fours…or sixes. "You'll pay for that human!" Kerstin only laughed.
"You'll pay for that human!" She mimicked, making Kyburi swipe at her with the left limb of her vehicle. Kerstin stopped the impacted by blocking it with the left limb of the Gladiator. She laughed. "Take that Kyburi!"
The Venikus got up and Kyburi pulled up both of the front limbs on her vehicle and smashed them against the Gladiator. Kerstin pulled up both front limbs of her vehicle and done the same, both vehicles pushed against each other, Kerstin gritted her teeth and looked at the crimson eyes of Kyburi. With Kerstin's little training, Kyburi had the advantage and pushed harder against her opponents vehicle, sending it rolling away from her.
"That's it!" Kerstin yelled, she rolled her vehicle up on all sixes, she lowered the body of her vehicle and opened the windshield, and jumped out. "I'm gonna fight you, one-on-one." Kyburi only laughed her evil spine tingling laugh.
"This will be fun…killing you with my own bare hands!" She wickedly smile, forming out of her vehicle, and walking up to Kerstin with one hand on her hip. Once close she went into her fighting stance. "Come on Hot head." She said seeing how her opponent was steaming mad.
Kerstin growled, and her eyes turned to slits. That's when she charged at the female Red Sentient. Throwing punches everywhere. But Kyburi blocked everyone of 'em.
She stepped away wide eyes, "You're stronger than I thought." The red Sentient smiled.
"You should already know that from our last battle." Kyburi laughed, "you're so weak and pathetic."
Kyburi's last sentence brought back more terrifying memories. They just flooded into her mind. Kerstin shook her head repeatedly; she wasn't paying attention to her battle and got clawed across the cheek by Kyburi. She went out of her trance, and felt her cheek, she brought her hand up to her face and looked at her fingertips, they were covered in a crimson liquid. Kerstin growled. "Oh, du wirst es bekommen jetzt" (oh you're going to get it now) She tightly clenched her hands, forming fire around them.
Kyburi growled, knowing this was going to be a challenge.
Vert and the others had destroyed the their counterparts and were searching for the key. Tezz noticed that Kerstin wasn't with them. "Vert, where is Kerstin? She could still be fighting Kyburi!" Vert looked at him from the side.
"She is, I saw her, but she can handle her, she controls fire remember?" Tezz just nodded. Vert could see his worry, then he thought. 'Tezz loves Kerstin, what will happen to Tezz when we leave Kerstin here? He'll want to back for her, but we can't let him do that, she could explode and kill thousands of people.'
Vert let one lone tear fall down his cheek, but he wiped it away. He had to be strong, they only knew her for about a week, but it felt like forever. Maybe she could withstand the explosion and live…but Vert highly doubted that. Something was glowing on the edge of his field of vision: the battle key. "Guys, look, there's the battle key!"
Everyone cheered as Vert grabbed the key. Spinner smiled, "now all we have to do is get Kerstin and get the heck out of here!" Vert looked at him with saddened eyes. "What's wrong? Aren't you glad we go the key?" Vert nodded and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys before but…" Vert took another breath. "Kerstin can't come back to Earth with us." Everyone looked at him with a "WHAT?" expression. "When she went off before we came here, it set off the thing in her body that controls her fire power, and now she's a bomb, we can't let her go through the portal, if we do, she could explode and kill everything within three states."
Everyone got tears in there eyes, especially Tezz. "We could find a way to save her!" He said, trying to find some kind of hope in this.
Vert shook his head, "we can't, when we went into this battle zone, it accelerated her time, and if she goes back to Earth, it would lessen her time and she would possibly explode on Earth." Everyone looked down to their laps and just cried. "Come on guys, before she…destroys Kyburi." They drove into a clearing, and saw Kerstin on her knees, her hands propping her up and Kyburi's red energy flying away.
Kerstin looked up and was relieved to see her teammates. She felt so weak, but she also felt her power building up inside her. "Vert, Agura, Sherm, Spin, Zoom, Tezz…help me…" she said; she looked up again, but this time, she was shocked. Her "family" was going through the portal…
Without her…
Tears formed in her eyes. "No…they-no!" She cried, "They left me here!" Her body was shaking, but it wasn't from crying, it was from the energy inside her. It felt as if it was expanding. "Ugh, I feel like I'm going to explode…" She began to scream, close her eyes and curl up into a ball as red energy came from her surrounding her. It grew bigger…and bigger. Then everything seemed to come together. 'I'm going to explode.' She cried, she opened her eyes to see the Splitwire from a distance. Tezz drove through the portal, and it closed behind him. "Goodbye Tezz…" She closed her eyes for the last time and waited.
The energy got stronger and stronger…until…
Tezz landed on Earth and jumped out of his vehicle, and walked up to Vert, face red and streaked with tears. "I can't believe you…leaving one of your teammates…you're despicable!" He yelled at Vert. "And you made us go along with it…and now she died thinking we betrayed her."
Vert looked at him, grief and despair written all over his face. "We couldn't let thousands of people died Tezz! It was the only thing we could do! We loved her as much as you do Tezz!" Tezz looked around at his surroundings, everyone's face was red and streaked with never stopping tears…even Stanford.
Tezz just shook his head and let more tears flow. "Not as much as I did."
I'm sorry for making it so sad people! But, like I said, there will be a sequel!
It might be might be sad...
It'll probably be happy...cuz I like happy endings