Um, so… first story for Rugrats; please don't hate me if it sucks, I just wanted to play around with the chemistry between Tommy and Kimi.


"Hurry the hell up, Kimi! We'd like to start the movie before midnight this time!"

Kimi closed her eyes briefly in order to give herself a fighting chance at reigning in her considerable temper. "Well, EXCUSE me, chips do not put themselves in bowls!" she called back to the rest of the group, still sprawled out on the couches in the Pickles' living room.

Every Friday night, for even longer than she could remember, they would always put aside their own lives to spend a couple hours together, doing whatever struck their fancy that particular week. No one ever missed Friday night. Ever.

Except, fairly recently, Lil.

Distracted by her haunting thoughts, Kimi failed to notice Spike's water dish lying directly in her path and subsequently fell flat on her face. The large tin bowl that had been in her hands flew from her grasp and clattered to the floor, skittering until it made contact with the opposite wall.

Swearing rather creatively, Kimi staggered to her feet and glared vehemently at the offending dish.

"You have the most colorful vocabulary to ever strike fear into the hearts of suburban moms, Kimi," came a sardonic voice. She whirled around to see Tommy leaning casually against the door frame, laughter playing along the corners of his mouth. "But perhaps you need glasses there?"

"Fuck you," she grumbled as she began cleaning up the water spilt from the offending bowl.

"Don't have to ask me twice."

Kimi got to her feet, ignoring his suggestive comment entirely, save for an eye roll. Tommy pushed off from the wall and automatically began to help her gather snackage supplies on the waiting tray. With his assistance, nearly everything was assembled within minutes.

Except for the pretzels, which Kimi had intended to pour into the large tin bowl.

The large tin bowl that now had kitchen floor cooties.

Sighing in resignation, Kimi did an about-face to fetch a new, non-germified bit of dishware, only to falter upon a rather disheartening discovery- they were all too high for her to reach. Kimi stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at the felonious top shelf.

"What, so chips don't put themselves in bowls, but bowls will lift themselves off shelves?" Tommy teased lightly. The amusement danced plainly upon his face at her second eye roll of the night but he nevertheless stepped forward to provide assistance.

However he made the mistake of looking down, locking in on Kimi's gaze in the process. It was then that he realized the position they were now in- her back pressed up the counter and him standing almost between her legs. His left arm was half-attended and frozen in reach, partially blocking her in. Tommy felt his heart rate pick up she continued to look back him. Slowly and deliberately, he brought his other hand down to grip the counter top on her opposite side, entrapping her entirely. His fingers were now only a whisper away from her waist, itching to move just a little bit closer to the tantalizing heat of her body.

Her breath caught in her throat at their proximity and that was all it took for Tommy's already-dark eyes to get impossibly darker. He leaned forward in response until there was barely a discernable distance between their bodies, almost like there was a magnet drawing him in. Maybe it was the smell of shampoo lingering in her dark and silky hair, or the way her full lower lip was caught sexily between even, white teeth. Whatever it was, he was powerless to resist.

Kimi's back arched against the cool tile of the counter, automatically causing her hips to shift and gently brush against his left leg all too briefly. She heard his inhale sharply and fought hard to control her own breathing, which was quickly becoming erratic. The heat generated from his arms holding her in place on either side was getting to be too much and she was effectively losing the ability of coherent thought.

Suddenly, they both swallowed hard, and perfectly in sync, which seemed to break the trance the two were in. Kimi immediately dropped her gaze and Tommy pushed himself off from the counter in almost the same instance.

"I got the tray," he told her, his voice slightly lower and huskier than normal as a result of their encounter.

"I'll been in just a sec," Kimi replied, motioning to the bowl that was still on the floor. Her own voice also had a slight rasp to it, causing her to clear her throat several times before she even thought of joining the rest of the boys in the living room.

Kimi shook her head. The sexual tension had always been there between Tommy and her. In fact, more incidences than she could count (just like the one from only moments ago) had transpired since they began high school. Yet one of them would always seem to back off before anything could happen, trapping the two in a dizzying tango that Kimi wasn't at all sure she knew the steps to.


The second he rounded the corner, Tommy leaned heavily against the wall and raked his fingers through his dark hair in frustration. At six foot two, he had a considerable height advantage over slender and petite (though by no means lacking in curves) Kimi, which provided him with an inviting view down her white T-shirt's V neck.

And his hormones were reacting accordingly. Dammit.

Tommy paused for a couple more seconds before stalking into the living room and dumping the tray none too gently on the table next to the couch. He noticed Phil lying on his stomach, taking up the entirety of the couch. On impulse, he violently swung Phil's legs to the side, causing him to topple off the couch with a resounding thud.

"Whoa, T! If you really didn't want to watch a horror movie, you could've just said something!" came Dil's voice, albeit slightly distorted as he was currently seated upside down in the armchair. It would forever remain a mystery as to how his Sherpa hat managed to continually defy the laws of gravity.

"That's it, next week Tommy's picking, no questions asked." Phil's voice was slightly muffled, either by the carpet or the skewing of his lucky hat by the fall; Tommy couldn't be bothered to look down to find out. He did however see Phil escape to join Chuckie on the love seat opposite Dil's perch. "Well, this isn't gay at all."

Chuckie looked at him incredulously. "Just jokes, man. But you're still sharing," Phil clarified.

"Alright, all here that's gonna be here- let's hit play!" Kimi stopped short as she entered the room, her eyes darting from Dil in his solitary chair to Phil and her brother crammed into the love seat to Tommy sitting all by his lonesome on the fair-sized couch.

"Tommy was playing 'King of the Couch'," Chuckie explained, noticing Kimi's questioning look.

"Alright, alright- I give!" Kimi laughed, holding her hands up in mock surrender. "I can take the floor."

Tommy swore inwardly; he was looking forward to sharing the couch with Kimi and Kimi alone.

Then again, he thought, this isn't so bad…

Kimi had laid down perpendicular to the couch in order to face the television, giving him a prime view of her posterior as a result. Please God, Moses, or whoever- don't let the guys want to talk about the movie afterwards… 'cause I ain't watching a second of it.


Kimi stood tapping her foot, arms crossed as she stared at Chuckie and Phil's desperate and pleading expressions after the movie ended. She finally gave in with a sigh. "Fine, go ahead- I'll stay and help clean up.

The two were out the door in a blur of brilliant red hair and trailing plaid, with only a hurried and half-formed message of thanks shouted over their shoulders as an afterthought.

Kimi could only shake her head in bewilderment at their eagerness to sprint twenty blocks, only to stand in line for the next 18 or so hours. But- as they said- "it's not every day that a new video game that involves gambling and shooting people with high powered weaponry (in high def) comes out". Boys.

Obviously, the Y chromosome was not intended to be understood, just responsible for contributing half the genetic code.

"How is it that we got stuck both setting and cleaning up? Just us two?" she asked Tommy. Dil had already left for his laser tag tournament. Why the preliminaries were held at midnight was beyond her.

Tommy shrugged in response, already beginning to gather up the various glasses and plates that accumulated over the course of the evening. How the hell did five teenagers manage to make such sprawling mess in less than four hours?

Answer- 80% of them were boys.

Noticing Tommy had been AWOL for the past ten minutes, she wandered back into the living room to find none other than Thomas Pickles lying face-down on the couch, doing squat to help. Rolling her eyes, Kimi crept forward and gave him a good smack on the back of the head. "Come on stupid, I wanna get this done by an hour with at least some semblance of reasonability."

He immediately flipped over and caught her wrist before she could entirely retract it. "Come on live a little; leave for Dil to clean up in the morning. By the way, it's WAY too late to hear you talk in advanced vocabulary and Shakespearian sentence structure."

"Get real, Tommy. What would you parents say?" Kimi protested his suggestion passing off the responsibility to his little brother, her niggling conscience at work.

Tommy smiled slyly. "They're out of town for the next two weeks, as of this morning. Remember?"

"But still-"

Kimi's 'but' was never completely verbalized as Tommy yanked her arm, causing her to topple forward onto the couch with him. "Ohhhh- now you've done it, Pickles!"

Kimi used her position for leverage to gain dominance over the fight but Tommy, never being one to take things laying down (metaphorically speaking of course, but pun definitely intended), over-compensated as he fought back.

As a result, the pair tumbled off the side of the couch and unto the floor. After rolling over several times, Tommy's superior muscle mass allowed him to pin Kimi down entirely, holding her in place with his weight.

"Guess Chuckie was right- you are King of the Couch!" she said with a laugh. The rumbling created by said laughter sent a shock through Tommy's body as her breasts vibrated against his own chest, being that their torsos may as well have been plastered together.

Kimi noticed his eyes darken she felt his heart rate pick up. Her own pulse was racing at an equally high speed as she wet her suddenly-dry lips. She also observed how his eyes became fixated on her mouth at this movement- and stayed there for a beat. Her forearms were the only thing separating their bodies and she could feel the hardness of his chest beneath her fingertips. Sliding them slightly downward, she explored the sculpture in his abdomen.

Tommy's snapped shut and he groaned, willing his body to not respond as strongly to her touch has it wanted to. And, God did it want to- painfully. He swallowed hard and forced his eyes open, wanting to burn every image into his brain like a series of camera stills.

Kimi was thinking along similar lines- as much as they had teased each other over the past few years, she couldn't remember them ever getting quite this physical; mostly it was a yearning to touch while still maintaining a whisper of a distance between their bodies.

Now, there was scarcely a square inch of them not in contact.

The sound of a loud (and annoyingly interruptive cough) shattered their connection as they started apart.


I'm planning on centering this story around Tommy and Kimi's chemistry, as I said before. I'm by no means "rushing" their relationship, unless you count the physical aspect but realistically, that's how t would be in real life. I mean, they're teenagers for crying out loud, they have hormones and they are more than likely to be tempted to act on them before they begin discussion of their feelings. As such, their development will consist more of them coming to terms with their emotions, not their physical attraction. Don't worry though, other characters are going to be getting some action too. Ha ha.

Anyways, please review. I would really like to know what I need to improve so CONSTRUCTIVE criticism would be nice. I have chapter two already done, so if even one person asks me to post it, I will.